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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Welcome back Studley. Glad ter hears yer on de mend. Aye ye might want ter spice yer injuery iffin yer tripped over dem cannon balls stacked dere. Makes fer a more iterestin tale me tinks. Animal
  2. I heard from Capt'n Hurricane this morning. He and Diosa were in the eye of Jeanne as Diosa was reporting for the radio station she works for. They are ok but the hurricane hadn't come near Portlando yet. I haven't heard anything from them since then but I figure that the power is out in the area. Break out dey rum , dey cat's are away and the mice will play...until we get caught again. Animal
  3. **comes up from the bilge, hands blackened by tar and smelling of bilge** Aye Capt'n, dey caulking be finished an iffen dis ship sinks, me will eat dey crows nest fer a yar. Me tinks me needs a proper bath ter get dis smell offin me.** jumps over the side into the water and begins scrubbing his tangles hair upon resurfacing** Animal :angry:
  4. Aye, a proper uniform fer ye Shelia Now get ter cleanin. Me ha a mean tirst on from all dey caulkin I be doin. Merry, me dear, did you get the email I sent yer about the airfare? Animal
  5. Wot dey Goddess said. Dey state need dey tourists, especially Key West. Dey have been evacuated once and put on notice twice. Me tinks dey are looking forward to dey festivals ter hopefully catch up with de lost coin. Animal
  6. Me ana dey Doc will have fer save our coin and order after PIP. **gets another pot and ladle from the galley** Now wot yer be sayin', MerryD??? Dere be more where dis come from. Me ha bin ter dey copper smith ana has more on order. Nice ringin one dem is. Animal
  7. **stands over Shelia with his pot and ladle** BANG BANG BANG Nun more tyme fer yer , up an movin. We gots decks ter keep clean and cannons ter clean again. Me has been down in dey bilge fer twe day patchin dey hull sos de Blackheart don sink whilst aal o yas been playin topside. Get ter it. Animal
  8. I think that with the los of revenues in the Keys that any and all events are a go. We are comitted no mater what. The businesses and the state need the fund, so why not go and help everyone out and have fun to boot. I echo what KW said. Animal
  9. **coming up from the bilge, noticing the crewe dozing off the rations ordered by the Capt'n, he gets a big pan and spoon grom the galley** BANG BANG BANG Wake up yer besotten lot. Dere be work ter do ana yer can have no time fer sleeping off self induced headhurts. Where be the Doc wit dey mineral sprits fer dis bunch. Dey says dat a spoon full of meediceene be taken cure o dey headhurts. BANG BANG BANG Upa na movin me says. Animal
  10. Me prayers be wit de Misses family, Broadside. Dis Ivan be a nasty sort me tinks. It sounds like me friends be ok dere. Only one me hasn't heard of but me tinks she be off island. Animal
  11. Ye better be, deawdly. Me owes yer a big kiss and a hug fer alls yer help. Animal
  12. Me tinks dat ye should be in charge o keepin MerryD in line ( if that's possible ). Dey Capt'n will assign ye yer duties but me tinks dat it be a start fer yers. Animal
  13. **eyes almost falling out of his head** uhhh nice uuhhh scrubbing, Shelia, yea dats what me means. Welcome aboard Scupper me lad. Great ter be 'avin yer aboard. Hopefully ye can keep dat whip of MerryD's offen me back, altho it don't hurts as much as it used ter. Animal
  14. Merrydeath puts her best chapstick in her pouch, and prepares for some puckering.. WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!! Animal
  15. That not be a fake. It be the real deal. Communication is still hit or miss on the island. Cayman Brac and Little Cayman came out better tha tGrand Cayman. I heard from a friend that alot of my friends on Grand Cayman are ok. I really miss the island after spending several years there. I hope that all the relief hael gets through. The biggest problem will be with the flooding, the island is flat. The turtle farm there was under reconstruction about a year ago and I'm sure that based on the devistation I saw in pictures, the turtle farm is gone. Here is a link with good info: www.caymannetnews.com It has the most reliable info there is. Animal
  16. Scupper, it would be me pleasure and hornor ter be yer second best man. Dey only ting is me gets first dibs on kissing de betroghed after ye get done. Dere will be a 30 min time limit on ye fer dey first kiss. After everyone else gets a turn, dere be no time limit on. Let it be so, let it be said. Animal
  17. Aye, dat yer be wit a strw coat. Knowing how fun loving pyrates be, ye may end up as a human torch Me tinks dat ye been either tooo much rum or some bad rum, mebe bot. Animal
  18. Wit PIP coming up in a couple o months, me tought dat it be interestin' ter see who be comin down fer de Festival. Me mate. deDoc and I will be down dey afternoon of dey 27th and stayin around until dey tro me out on dey 6th o December. Who knows, we may just stay fer ever. Ya never knows!!! Animal
  19. Aye, Olaf!!! Me agrees wit ya dat dey crewe out dere in Portlando be having more dan dere share o fun. As fer meself, Capt'n. Dey bilge be cleaned out and dey weak spots inna dey hull below dey waterlind be calked an tared. Me has chased out dey bile rats but me must say dat dey dinna give up wit out a fight. Me hada take to one with me beat up cutlass and de damned ting almost got it away wit it. Me was lucky me had me axe wit me andey rat be dead altho me had ter recaulk and tar dey hull a bit 'cause o chasing after dey beast wot was tryin ter make away wit me cutlass. Me tinks dat dey crewe be needin dey rum broken out again. De Blackheart be in de best shape dat it ha bin in fer awhile. Even dey cannon and deck be shinin from all o dey work od der lasses. **winks at Shelia and MerryD** Dey ben puttin dere best endster work hard fer ye. What say ye, Capt'n Hurricane? Animal
  20. Me tinks dat Ivan be o Russian decent. Dat name brings strong image inna me wee brain o ice, snow and oder chilling toughts. Animal
  21. Aye Capt'n, me ha been tinkin about EJ and dey rest. Me hopes dat dey were able ter leave before Ivan showed yp. Me touts be wit dem and to dey folks o dey fair Jamica. It gots hit bad me hears. Animal
  22. Me ana dey Doc will be dere iffen me has ter steal a boat ter gets dere. Me has been plannin dis fer a year ana no big blow named Ivan be gona stos us fer comin'. Animal
  23. Aye, Capt'n a nd dey crewe in Portlando. ye takes cares o yerselves and me hopes and parayes are dat me future home still be in one piece whens we get dere. Gives DeadlyAim a hug and kiss fer me and tells her dat she be gittin dey real ting in November. We be watchin dey skys and dis new tinng called a "radar" on a regular basis. Me knows not hoe dis ting works but it has me attention. Animal
  24. Aye crimsoncrow, Jamican rum be dey only rum dat be wort drinkin. Dere be plenaty on dey Blackheart, iffen we gets dey ship back in shape after all dem parting dat be goin on when dey Capt'n and Diaosa goes ashore. He be a 'ard one sometime but he rewards his crewe well wit rum. Animal
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