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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Nawwww they love you and yer food. Watch yer step though, they are a hungry bunch there. You might be on THEIR menu Animal
  2. The ladies ( ) over in the Men Haters Club are talking about you, William. Wotch yer step over there, they are sharp tounged beauties. Animal
  3. HUNG ...... you figure it out Animal
  4. I tried to go to the application website and the thing timed out. I looks like everyone and their brother is applying and overloading the server. Animal
  5. Wellneither are you or Callenish, sooooo..... I beleive it is a refuge fer men Animal
  6. Greeting Gent's!!!! **Animal packs his jaw with a wad o Redman** mfghmnpf spitoone? Can't wait til Diosa sees this thread. She can fling it like a man Callendish, by all means bring the lad. He has to learn the ways of men somehow Wot better role modles than us? Animal
  7. yeah and you would know, wouldn't you Crispy I think all of us have to have wives with weird sense of humors to put up with us Animal PS: besides, I always seem to step right in front of the bullet, just ask Diosa
  8. Yer right Jim Oh well, I'make it one year, maybe. Animal
  9. Hear!! Hear!! I volunteer to assist Master 'Dogge with his duties of watching "The Rat" in order he completes his duties properly. We can further torture him by consuming mead in his presence with him getting nary a drop. Great job, Mission. Thanks to Hurricane for getting the script to you!!! Animal
  10. Taking a break from piratical reading right now (besides I've read everything I currently have) and am re-reading "Across The Wide Missouri" by Bernard DeVoto. It covers the history of the fur trade in America. Alot about the early pioneers and mountain men, heavy emphasis on the mountain men. I love early history. Next aquisition will be Little's book on buccaneers. Animal
  11. Not even the snotties?! Who do you think was placing the water out of Williams reach in 2008? Gotta love them then Animal
  12. Ok then maybe the buxom wenches Mad Woman Cheryl mentioned....... Animal
  13. Nice stuff!!! I wonder what the conversion of American dollar to British pound or Euro is? Animal
  14. I don't know if I could pull off anything resembling that - distressed or not. Capt'n keeps reminding me that me and hats don't work well together. Kinda like putting an elevator in a port o jon, not really functional and it just doesn't fit. I'm just a working stiff. Leave the foo-foo stuff to those who can make it work. Animal PS: Wife says "Elevator in a port o jon, hmmm... that could work" She's funny like that, weird sense of humor
  15. If I can make it down, I won't be down until Sunday. Have to work Saturday. Animal
  16. After the buccaneer camps gets in full swing..........everyone might want to be downwind ohhh wait I'm in the buccaneer camp Animal
  17. Sterling, to add more torture to them both, place a bottle of mead just out of their reach. Don't forget feet as well as hands. And make sure they don't have anything on them they can bribe anyone with, not even the snotties. Animal
  18. Did you write those Nell? I'm relearning the mandolin and will give those a try. Thank you Animal
  19. ***Animal stumbles in and takes a bow almost falling ass over tea kettle*** yer welcum, Stynky Aminal
  20. I come up with a good idea everyone in blue moon **looks outside, drat, can't see it ** Animal
  21. Capt'n, did you by chance point him towards the Pub? I would be curious to hear his thoughts on our discussion in The Buccaneer Project. Animal
  22. Orlando, FL Home of a BIG Mouse and a Killer Whale in a tub. MMMMMMMMM Tasty Animal
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