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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Aye Cap'n Goldie a toast to ye fer the finest berfday ya ever had!!
  2. Aye The Pirate Movie was certainly quite comical. I liked the part where McNicole picks up the sword and says "OLE!" I remember also on the old HBO, on at about the same time, a version of Pirates of Penzance with Linda Ronstadt and Rex Smith. Anyone ever catch that one? :)
  3. Congrats Nigel!! Drink up me hearty YOHO
  4. Congrats Skot n yer wife on yer plunders of victorious treasure!!
  5. Aye Kat (when ye return from Detroit) which faire in NY have ye been ta? One in the NYC area, or the one in Sterling? If ya haven't been to the one in Sterling its worth a lookie one year. Let me knows if ye be interested and I'll give ye more info.
  6. Aye, but I agree with all of ye. I used to be in a couple other forums and they were all fronts fer pickup joints. If ye weren't tryin to act "easy" and be picked up fer a date, they didn't hardly post with ye. PIRACY.COM RULES!!
  7. Lookin good! :)
  8. A fine birfday to ye Jewels!!
  9. Aye and I'm sure it'll be nominated fer an Emmy and any Cable Broacast awards!! Cheers Scupper!!
  10. Great work Katie and Katarina both!!
  11. *AND his piratical ways
  12. Wow did anybody catch that article about Ben Franklin hand his "piratical ways" in the latest NQG? Certainly not something they taught us about in school social studies, but obviously it was a necessary way of dealin with the war. Anybody know of any other heralded figure in American History that practiced any similar dealings??
  13. Now tharrrrrr be a game mateys!!!
  14. yah it really is when ya reads it :)
  15. Huzzzahhh me game came in the snail today!!! It is cool!!! Now it really doesn't say how many doubloons to start each player with and how many is good to anti into the pot. Anyone got good advice there?
  16. Arrrrrrrr matey some Kaopectate'll help ye!!
  17. cool!!
  18. Aye Sir John ye be right with the description. It also sayeth that the 16 page booklet in the sack has Pirate lore in it that goes along with the game. If ye type in Morgan's Revenge in yer general search, ye shall find toy stores n hobby stores that sell it. It be around 9-10 samolians plus haulin charges. Fer Pirates online I know teachshole.com has it to.
  19. Aye mateys, to some of ye it probably be not much of a game, but I ordered me own Morgan's Revenge the other day fer a little fun. Tis it a fun game??? (Sounds like one)
  20. Aye mateys all of em be good!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
  21. Anybody catch the new Dora's Pirate Adventure? Looks cute for the little urchins.
  22. Aye mateys. Me cruised through me nearest TRus today and it was shocking to notice just how bad Disney missed the mark with POTC when you see all the other toys, games etc.... from every movie possible. Lets hope they make up for it this fall!! :)
  23. O come on Hawk. Ye gots ta share with us!!
  24. A toast to ye M'lady!! Happy Birthday with a year full o' fair sailin for ye.
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