Captain Tito
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Everything posted by Captain Tito
Aye thank ye m'lass!! Ok, we got Crab boil, Salmagundi, rum cake, and of course RUMMMM to washes it all down If'n anybody wants, I can take yer rum and make it into Coquito to help make the season festive. :)
Ye be from Toronto? WAY TO GO ARGOS!!!!
Aye matey, Timmy Hortons and Canada's Wonderland ROCK!! But ye gotta get a tart WITH CHOCOLATE!!
Aye Morgan thanks fer bringin more to the spread! COME AND GET IT MATEYS!!
*goes back to the fire, gets out a big pot, a box of Old Bay, and gets the water goin.* Here Laura ye may help me get em cleaned and ready.
Aye ladies and gents any o'ye like crab? Me caught some in me nets I earlier did set. I could fixem up good on the barby!!
*takes a sip o' his own flask and gives Laura a sympathetic pat on the back* Aye lass I can fully relate to all that. We has the moms over for Tgiving itself, then we has to hightail it on Saturday to m'lady's da and step family for their annual Christmas hoo-hah and overpriced gift exchange(since her dad and step mom leave the following week for Florida till spring). I do hope ye and yer lad get ta spend at least a bit o' time together.
*pulls Laura up and offers her a flask o' rum and a sand dollar hemp necklace he found earlier. Picks out 2 more flasks and tosses em down to Christine for she and Morgan. Has a seat with Laura lookin out at the horizon and splicin the mainbrace with their rum.* Aye lass what ye doin for the upcomin holiday?
*Dips into the pack he has around his left shoulder, pulls out a scaling hook with rope, gets a good throw so as not to hit Christine at the top, secures it, then suddenly picks up speed, and gives Laura a pat on the head as he races by, resulting in his reaching the top next. :) * *Looks down at Laura* Would be so nice if ye could join us!
*Looks back in the race and sees Morgan* Hey there Matey great to see ye among us!!! Hope all is goin well!! *Looks toward Christine* Ok lass are ye challengin us? Ye start right there and try to beat us!! BETCHA CAN'T!!
Captain Sponge Bob and his crew beat out The Rugrats any day!! Sponge Bob is kewl!! Rugrats NOT!!!
Aye lass I'll race ye to the rocks!! On yer mark, get set, GO!!
That looks totally kewl. I wonder how it fares compared to that Pirate Dinner thing in Orlando (and soon CA)?
Anybody wanna go scale those rocks over by the shore? We could get a great view of the coast from there.
Aye lass, you'll find the right one.
Aye mateys ye wisheth to know the hottest part of a woman? No, not what ye think. It be her neck and shoulders. Look at so many photos, advertisements, cd covers, posters etc.. of female models, singing artists, etc.. When they use a facial profile shot, notice what gorgeous detail they put to the neck and/or shoulders. The producers and photographers know that they are a gorgeous part of the woman, so they make the shot accentuate those places. They are beautiful on all types of skin, shade, and color. On fair skinned blondes and brunettes (like m'lady) they are so milky sweet. On darker skinned ladies they are like smooth cocoa butter. On beautiful redheads, many shoulders and necks are covered with those gorgeous freckles that many redhead gals have. Every kind of gal has a different look but their beauty has those 2 gorgeous parts in common.
dealing with the pain is hard. We be here for ye Mary. Time is about the only thing, sometimes, that can ease it.
*Gives Laura a big hug* Aye yes they be awesome!! May I get ye all more liquid to washes them down?? Aye Mary while it may hurt a bit now in the longrun it probably be a good choice, if he's not into ye. Ye will find one who is, do not worry. :)
Signals be tough to read Mary. I found out all ye can do is try yer best. Eventually ye have to say something to the one ye have in sight just to find out whats really going on, kinda like Laura said, ye must be honest and go with whatever the result is. If its not a good result, then chances are ye wouldn't have wanted to be with that person in the first place.
This Captain finds it quite humorous that it be mostly lasses that have given feedback here stead o'lads!!
*approaches the Lagoon in a small row boat so as not to chop the waters.* Aye mateys good to be back among ye. *Swims to Laura, gives a hug, swims to the shore and gives Mary, Siren, Christine, and Merry hugs and a high 5 to Diego (and any other guys around)* Twas a nice weekend out at me mum's. Gotta chance ta chill for a change. Now we be "chillin" back home here as it SNOWED fer the 1st time this year, today! Ye are right ladies!! Men have to have guts, self discipline, and a sense of worth and identity that isn't to be yanked around by others. We men need to be comfortable with who we are not inhibited to act as ourselves. :)
*a bottle washes up on shore with a postcard from Captain Tito inside.* Dear Lovlies and Lads, Havin a good time. Got a chance to run around me old hometown a bit. Bought some stuff they don't sell up me way, although I will say me little town does better sellin stuff like Grape Grog and Pirate Booty than this bigger area. Hope ye are enjoyin the fine libations and succulent morsels I whipped up for ye before I set off. Mary ye was sad when I left. I want ye to know that ye will find a guy who does care. I went through (with gals) some of what ye are goin through now, and it does hurt. But it does get better and ye can recover, and meet a lad who loves ye fer you and fer who you are. It will come to pass cuz you are such a great gal. Hugs to all (just high 5s to all the guys ) and see you soon!!
Aye did he write? Did historians ever turn up any letters actually written by him with his name signed? I know that something like that may have been hard to recover.
Wayyyyyyyy Cuuuuute!! :) Glad to see Pirates so popular.
Aye, eat up me hearties yo ho. Ooops its time fer me ta go. Oh yeah on me way out, let me tell ya, I un-buried the last of the hidden Parrot Bay (from inside the tub), so party on mateys!!