Captain Tito
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Aye Scones n rum YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! May I add some fine honey butter ta go one the scones!
Aye Mateys hope ye all had a fair weekend. We went sleddin in the park with the little urchins yesterday!! First time all season (an actual wintry weekend here for a change). They had a ball. Supposed ta be in the 40s and 50s by the end o'this week so it'll be sludge n' slime again!! LOL
*toasts Laura "rightbackatcha" * Aye I can't stand the winter rain stuff either. Icy roads are the pits!! Now that I got a little one on the bus every mornin we feel fer him and the drivers too (always did before we had a rider just the same. The only time I like rain in it all is the end of the winter when it REALLY is going to be spring and it helps wash off all the plowed snow piles etc... But NOOOOOO FREEZING RAIN even then please.
*tops off Laura's bottle and savors his own with her to help both forget the nasty weather goin on back home.* I like the straight snow stuff, (to an extent Merry I love snowshoeing ok????) but I can't stand the ice and sleet yutz.
Aye lass ye need no doubleons to hang out here. Just come to have fun!! :)
Aye Mateys I still stands firm on whats I said before :)
Glad ta see ya all back in one piece after all those explosions. Fireworks be an art unto itself. Hope ye all has a good year ahead.
Ok we'll see if we can dig up 500LBS!!! Aye don't be worryin Merry. We'll light em and run away in time!!
Gotta share mateys. I wents ta me local Chinese restaurant fer takeout last night (only one in town). Had ta wait 10 minutes for the order to be ready. I'm sitting in the waiting area next to the window and notice that by the door they had this stack of shelves with stuff on it marked $1.00 for everything. Most of the stuff was plastic kids toys, some shiney wrapping paper, some plasic flowers, and some Chinese decorated hanging gords. I was looking over the gords when I happened to dig up, right in the middle of the pile, a little hand made wooden Chinese pirate ship, in a clear plastic box. It had a different price on it. Since it WAS on the $1.00 shelf, I asked if it was actually a dollar (especially since it was MUCH nicer than all the other stuff on the shelves) and they said yes. So now the little plunder o'mine sits up right next to the ship I picked up at Bill Johnston's fest in Alex Bay last summer. Not bad for only a buck. The detail on it is excellent.
Aye mateys me has over 200 lbs of fireworks fer New Years to be set off over the lagoon. Anybody wanna help me start settin up?
Aye mateys I saw a Pirate episode o'the show when we were out at me mums back in Nov. It was on the CBS Saturday morning episodes. Very cute!!
Aye Christine it is a bit. I guess they wanted to make the cd a little longer I wish they'd a played the full-voiced version (the one ye hear when yer goin down the first waterfall after the bayou) a little longer. Aye it takes work, patience, and time ta find a good true mate. Aye lass, I hope all your finals FINALLY went well and that while bein home fer a month may not thrill ye, that ye has a great time none the less. Ye said ye were goin out to Minnesota fer part of it? Hope it be fun :)
Aye Morgan ye betcha it is!!! That cd is awesome!! Aye Mary perhaps ye will have more Luck O'The Irish findin a decent man over there. *gets Laura a refreshed bag of ice after her first one wears out* Aye lass hope yer leg gets better.
*helps Mary to a place to sit with the group* Aye Mary what be troublin ye now lass?
Aye mateys I do own such parchment and have it, as was said, hangin on me wall. I will say that the co who prints it, Historical Documents Co, DOES have a whole bunch of other parchments that ARE historically correct such as the series of Civil Wall recruitment posters, and even some from documents from the Revolutionary period. I got a bunch of them when I went to Gettysburg as a younger buck. I did just take a close gander at my "Creed" and it includes a little discussion in fine print at the bottem about how in 1640 many pirates formed such social contract. As for the rest, couldn't tell ya much more than that.
Aye Christine. Wendy be teachin me this year with all the craziness I told you about before at her job that ye gotta just look for a good moment and cherish it no matter how small, around all the big difficulties. Ye be a great worker for em I be sure. Hugs.
Aye Christine she be a phoney baloney. You be the real deal and we luv ya 'round here, Hugh parties or no Hugh parties :)
Yah Mary I know the feeling. I could never let gals know how I really felt. I sucked at communication. Ye sometimes just gotta take the bull by the horns and go for it.
Well Mary maybe it'll work out this time I think ye should go to one of Hugh's parties Christine!! Ye'd easily be DA BOMB of it all!! :)
Aye Christine, Laura and Diego yer wishes be very fine ones indeed. Christine I know what ye be goin through with holiday angst. Be our mums bring it about in our home. We had them both fer Tgiving (we hadn't a choice mind you) and it was like having 2 more kids along with the 3 we already had. Wendys mum is like a toddler and mine is like the 9 year old know it all. They start pushing for time even before fall gets goin. For Christmas we sat down while we had them both (during Tgiving) and spelled out what we would like as far as them coming out. First its going to be seperately and second its shorter visits. They think all our time is their time and it wreaks havoc cuz we wake up and discover we had NO time for ourselves. Laura I be sure you give plenty of love to yer mate. Do yer best to encourage her. Ask her to see if Target has scholarships. Some chains do for workers who are starting off in college. Diego I hope we can all share ourselves with others this holiday, even if it means some change in the Salvation Army pots. For ye all: Christine I wish happiness and to get to be WHERE you want and with who you want this holiday. Let S. California see that beauty of yours at one party, gathering, or another. Laura I wish success in all you have the rest of this semester and a nice time with you family on your trip. I wish for you lots of love and to have good family and friends around you. I wish a new man sometime soon who is ready to really have a relationship. Diego I wish a full year of love and happiness with those around you. Mary, welcome lass. I wish a year filled with more happiness than ye have been in lately.
Aye Mateys Barnes and Noble be sportin a new "Bookshelf Edition" if this har game. All the fun at less the cost. Comes in a nice "Historical Book stead of a big chest but thats still nice.
*joins Laura on the rock. Lays down and stares at the bright moon.* Aye mateys what be yer wish for this Holiday season?
Aye Siren m'lass come have some grub with us!!
Aye mateys we be havin plenty o'fare. Salmon steaks be a nice addition to the Crab boil, run cake and Coquito to washes it down.