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Mick MacAnselan

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Everything posted by Mick MacAnselan

  1. I be lookin' fer a certain shirt of a pyratical bent. Red/Wine/Burgundy, anythin' roughly blood-like. 100% Cotton or other natural fabric. Tied or Buttoned cuffs (no elastic). Loose'n Billowy's good, but no sissy frills. Anyone know where t' find such a garment? (I bought one from chivalry sports (their "Lord's Shirt"), but it turned out to be a polyester blend... they had just changed the specs, but not the web site. Arrrrrrr.... very nice people though, full refund, shipping, etc.) Thankee. ---Mick MacAnselan
  2. Capt. William, Might ye have a link t' th' knife ye mentioned? ---Mick MacAnselan
  3. Errr, you be kiddin', right? If not, I'd love t' see a pic of th' result! ---Mick MacAnselan
  4. Rosalinda, If it be all leather, and you be havin' one, can you tell us about th' grayish bit? How did they manage to make th' two sides o' th' leather differ'nt colors, and why I wonder? Is it a natural gray leather dyed brown just on one side? ---Mick MacAnselan
  5. I got me an email from Excalibur Leather, and here be what it said... "The hat is entirely leather. The gray is the underside of the leather. Since that photo was taken, we have begun darkening the entire hat including the underside. The underside does remain somewhat lighter than the rest of the hat." Hmmmmm. ---Mick MacAnselan
  6. I be lookin' at the 'Jack Sparrow' Tricorn at Excalibur Leather. It looks right purty, but anyone know what the grayish lookin' material in the middle of the fold be? Looks like some kind of foam or such. ---Mick MacAnselan Link: http://www.excaliburleather.com/catalog/im...es/Tricorn1.jpg
  7. I be tryin' to decide a'tween a Cavalier Hat (y'know the kind havin' one turned up side) and a Tricorn. Lookin' for the earliest period look... so which o' those woulda been first? Thankee! ---Mick MacAnselan
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