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Mick MacAnselan

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Everything posted by Mick MacAnselan

  1. I thinking of adding a sash to my basic getup, but am not sure how to incorporate it. Usually I wear a leather jerkin over my (untucked) shirt, with a belt and baldric both over top of the jerkin. For those who wear a sash, jerkin, and belt all together, what goes over what? (I can't really live without the belt... too many necessities hang from it.) TIA!
  2. Scotchguard, eh? I may give that a try. Thanks!
  3. All, Thanks for all the advice. In the end, I wound up using Tack 2000 Spray Adhesive. Then I touched up a couple of loose spots with the gel type of super glue. Here's a pic of the result. Tricorn with Braid Yes, I am a Wussy for not sewing, but this braid is so 'rope-like' rather than 'ribbon-like' that I didn't have much confidence in my chances. Now... I'm thinking of waterproofing the felt. Any ideas? Thanks Again!
  4. Hey I can't see the pics. Just defaults to the main gallery page. The pic numbers must have changed. Bummer!
  5. Well I got me a felt hat blank and steamed me up a fair tricorn if I do say so. Also got some 'gold' (well, gold colored metallic anyway) braid, and I'm wonderin' what'd be th' best adhesive t' affix it with. Somethin' fairly invisible like. Any ideas? TIA!
  6. Firethorn, it looks good! which hat blank did you buy, or is there only one? TIA
  7. Today I bought a felt hat blank. Thought I'd make it into a tricorn. Now I realize I don't know how. I've heard of 'steaming' and 'ironing' but I'm not sure how that applies to forming the brim into a tricorn shape. Can anyone tell me the basic process? TIA!
  8. Saturday was awesome. My first time at MDRF and well worth the trip. May have to trade my PARF pass for MDRF next year. That drive home is a killer though. Definitely have to camp next year. It was great seeing everyone who had come up to PA earlier, plus lots of new mates. So how was Wolgemut...did they play at the encampment?
  9. Thankee Capt! Most helpful.
  10. Aye. I'll be there!
  11. Question for anyone who has sewn this pattern (Coat and or Pants)... I'm a size 'tweener' for both the chest and hip measurements. Can't decide between Medium and Large, and I have to choose before buying the pattern, because that (M/L) is the dividing line between pattern sets. Anyone know if this pattern tends to run 'smaller' or 'larger' than stated? Also, why does life have to be so damned complicated?
  12. Ahhh. That sounds like fun, but I think I'm just going to have to drive down Saturday morning and back home at the end of the day. Dang.
  13. I'm countin'on it, Lass! :) Encampment? I musta missed somethin'. What's the encampment?
  14. Ya think so? Whoo Hoo! I'll have to see if I can scare up some lime green fabric. Nice color, lime green. Hope it won't get confused with all that lime green the serious period reanactors'll be wearin'.
  15. Hawkyns, Thanks again! I'm much better prepared to start looking now!
  16. Hawkyns, Thank You. That's very interesting. A couple follow-on questions if I may... Is there anything in particular to look for in a cutlass to make sure it's period for late 1500's... or put another way, are there features of some cutlasses that wouldn't fit? Also, were cutlasses in use *in England* at that time? TIA!
  17. Looks like I Will be able to make it down there on the 25th. Now, I don't know where the white hart tavern is, but I reckon I'll find it. If all else fails, I'll follow the trail of lipstick festooned rogues (and other things).
  18. My garb treads a fine line between Elizabethan Rogue and early Pyrate, since my home fair is Elizabethan. Basically I just change from flat cap to cavalier hat to change the look. I'd like to add a sword... one that could fit the late 16th century as well as through the 17th. Were swept hilt rapiers around in Elizabethan times, and would a self-respecting pirate be seen carrying one? Or any other suggestions? TIA.
  19. Just to prove that I DO actually post occasionally... I had a great time at the meet up on Sunday. By the end of the day, I felt like I really had some new mates (which is good, 'cause the old ones kept running away). So who has all those pictures? I'm not quite sure I can swing it yet, but I'm working on making it down to MDRF for the Invasion on Sept 25th. Anyone know where I can get a PP?
  20. Anyone know if there's such a thing as a map showing the (then known) world from the 'golden age', marked with ports/routes of the most well known pirates/privateers? TIA.
  21. Thankee for all th' advice. RIT dye it be. It seems I have a choice of 'natural' or white cotton to start with. Which one would be better t' dye a nice crimson color?
  22. It were linked from a Ren Faire site. Don't know whose site it actually be.
  23. Thought I posted this before, but can't find it, so here goes... http://www.arrrrrr.com/
  24. I be wantin' t' make a 100% cotton shirt a nice crimson color. What would be th' best/easiest dye t' use? Thankee. ---Mick MacAnselan
  25. Thanks t' everyone fer the advice. The Faire Play "Highlander" shirt looks most like what I be lookin' fer. So I inquired about how t' order and hope t' find out soon. Moresca's Yoke shirt looks mighty temptin' too, but th' site be set up like a video game, an' there don't seem t' be a way t' stop th' scrollin' shirts on that one. (Ye can stop the other shirts, but not th' Yoke fer some reason. Ah well... it were fun tryin'.) An' Redd Oktober... what did ye mean by "Not implyin' anythin'"? There be somethin' I should know about International Male? I'll admit th' models on th' site look a wee bit left footed... ---Mick MacAnselan
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