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Mick MacAnselan

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Everything posted by Mick MacAnselan

  1. Well I finally got around to sewing up my sash (red silk), all except one end. It suddenly occured to me that I don't know how much length I want hanging down from the 'knot', and that I'd better figure that out before I finish it. Any suggestions? Is knee length about right? Shorter? Longer? With PA Faire season starting in 9 days, this of course has become a question of epic proportions. TIA.
  2. I'm pretty sure I'll be coming down to MD for Saturday of Pirate Weekend (September 24th). I'll watch this space for meetup details.
  3. Are any of the MD folks (Crimson, Blender, et al) still planning on camping near PARF on the night of the 20th/21st? If so, let me know your plans. I'd like to at least visit the encampment, maybe even reserve a spot myself.
  4. I should add that the fairgrounds are in Manheim, as are a couple of the campgrounds listed. (Yeah, I know PARF claims to be located in 'Mt. Hope', but it's actually Manheim.)
  5. Crimson, Here's a link to a list of campgrounds that are supposed to be close to PARF. I have never been to any of them, so I can't really say... http://www.parenfaire.com/groups/innkeeper...campgrounds.htm Don't know whether I'd camp or not, since I'm about a half hour drive away.
  6. Blender, I hope you can make it. I'll have a cold one waitin' for ya.
  7. Gent, I'm thinking of buying that shirt pattern you recommended from Kanniks Korner. Question... how difficult is the pattern? Or put another way... how good are the instructions? TIA!
  8. No problem. No offense taken. I have been a 'stitch counter' in some other types of costuming I've done, but the pirate thing is all about having fun for me. Not too concerned about 100% accuracy. I do however have a lot of respect for those who do strive for it. It's unbleached cotton. Has a sort of a linen look to it, but I'm 99% sure it's cotton.
  9. Thanks Gent, I probably should have asked the question a little better. I wan't looking for a strictly period shirt, though I do appreciate the link, and your site is great! The reason I asked was that I got this shirt with this *really* big collar... it looks even bigger in person than in the picture, and I was just wondering why they would have designed it that way (i.e. was there some period look they were trying to duplicate?). In any event, I'm probably going to alter it, which is par for the course for every ren or pirate shirt I have ever bought. And just so nobody gets the wrong idea, the workmanship on this Carlisles shirt is the best I have ever seen. Definitely in the 'clothing' vice 'costume' category. I just don't personally like the collar size. Thanks again!
  10. I just got me a 'Calico Jack' shirt from Carlisles. Beautiful piece of work, but one thing seems a little odd. The collar is about 5" wide unfolded. Seems a bit too big to me. I wonder if that's 'period' or what?
  11. Phil, I have bought a vest and a couple of custom made belts from Jekyl. His workmanship is excellent. Absolutely no complaints here. And he ships very quickly, even on the custom stuff.
  12. Crimson, I'm not sure about libations at Endless Mountains. I bet Phil knows. Phil?
  13. Crimson, So you're thinking about coming up to Endless Mountains? That would be cool. I'm probably going, and was planning to do Medieval garb, but if there's gonna be a bunch of Pirates I may rethink that.
  14. What type of hem/stitch did you use to make the 'long sides' look nice? TIA!
  15. Never been t' NYRF, though it be on me wish list. I did hang out with CAPT MacStubbing and several others one time at PARF, back in 2002 maybe. Don't know if I've seen any of them since then. Oddly enough, though PARF is my home faire, I think I know more Pirate types from MDRF than PARF. There's just so dang many of 'em. As for NYRF folk, other than the crew from the Pilgrim, I know I've met some others (non-Pyratical) at PARF... I'm sure I could pick 'em out of a lineup, but wouldn't remember names unless reminded. Though I'm pretty sure that one was a wench named Theresa who was partial to men in kilts...I'm sure THAT narrows it down! :)
  16. Pilgrims... now that sounds familiar. Would that be CAPT Stubing and that lot? Dangerous crew, that! And a whole bunch of fun.
  17. Many thanks fer th' link! I got me on the waitin' list, though I reckon it's probably pretty long.
  18. Nuts? Now, that's a different fund-raiser altogether.
  19. Aye, Mechanicsburg. Only about a 30 minute drive. Or more like 20 minutes to faire and 40 minutes goin' home. :)
  20. Anyone know if there's a Save the Boobies bash this year? If so, is there a web site or something? TIA.
  21. Hey Duncan, isn't Pennsic like 9 days long or somethin'? After 7 days, seems like ye might need the relative relaxation of PARF... As fer yer crew I have no doubt some of 'em will be there. I think about half of 'em were there last year, or per'aps it were a quarter of 'em I were seein' double.
  22. MercenaryWench, you a PARF local? Don't believe I've 'ad the pleasure. Not too many of us Preemptive Salvage Engineers at PARF, so mebbe I'd know ye if'n I saw ye.
  23. Don't think anyone mentioned this yet... PARF's 2005 schedule is up and August 20-21 is Pirate Weekend. I had a blast with both the locals and out of town crew last year. Hope to again!
  24. One thing that worked well when I needed to grime-up some medieval garb... Rough-up Elbows, Knees, Butt, and anything else that would naturally wear first with some sandpaper. Then add some "dirt/grass" stains using those "pastel sticks" they sell at art stores. Available in several earth tones.
  25. I have a black leather baldric that I really like, but it's way too clean/new. I'm looking for ideas on how to distress/age this sucker to make it look old and beat up. Anyone have a good method? TIA.
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