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Mick MacAnselan

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Everything posted by Mick MacAnselan

  1. So who from the Pub is going to the Privateer Feast next weekend?
  2. Well, I don't know what Kass thinks, but the final decision was to put a reinforcing strip inside (as opposed to outside). It will be fairly unnoticeable and the seams should last a lot longer. And I suppose I could remove it if I have remorse over the decision later!
  3. GoF and Joshua, Thanks! Kass (if you see this), or others who might know... Do you know if shoulder yokes were known in GAoP? I've gotten mixed signals on this. TIA!
  4. I'm having a shirt custom made, and we're getting down to the wire...the shirt is half done and an event for wearing the shirt rapidly approaches. I thought we had the particulars worked out, but now I find I'm getting confused... For GAoP, what would be the most correct collar and cuff sizes? Also, should the collar be a stand-up, non-folding type, or should it fold down in half? (And does the recommended size mean folded size or unfolded size...I need to carefully understand.) TIA!
  5. Foxe / Mr. Hand, Thanks for the tips. I did some searching, but the links I found on Blanket Stitch and Buttonhole Stitch seem to be contradictory. Would the stitch you're talking about be one of the stitches on either of these two pages? Blanket Stitch - Sew News Magazine Stitches - Buttonhole-Blanket Stitch - Heritage Shoppe - Oconto, WI Thanks!
  6. I'm working on some breeches, and I'm mostly machine sewing, mainly because I don't have the hand sewing skills yet. Luckily most of the stitches will be invisible anyway. But it occurs to me that sewing machine button holes will really stand out. Anyone know the correct period (GAoP) method of sewing button holes? TIA!
  7. I have herad many times, in these forums and elsewhere, that GAoP pirates would have generally dressed just like any sailor of the time. While I have had no reason to doubt it, I did come across this passage from Johnson's "A General History..." in the Captain Davis chapter... "Having come within sight of the place, he ordered all his men under deck, except as many as were absolutely necessary for working the ship, that those from the fort seeing a ship with so few hands, might have no suspicion of her being any other than a trading vessel; then he ran close under the fort, and there cast anchor; and having ordered out the boat, he commanded six men in her, in ordinary jackets, while he himself, with the master and doctor, dressed themselves like gentlemen; his design being, that the men should look like common sailors, and they like merchants..." (Italics mine.) So what do we suppose Johnson and his men wore, that they had to change in order to pass as common sailors and (presumably maritime) merchants?
  8. GoF, Awesome information. Thanks!
  9. Thanks GoF, Do you know where 50/3 or 80/3 (both of which I have on hand) fall in comparison to the */2 sizes you mentioned? I remember there's something tricky about comparing /2 to /3, but I can't remember what. TIA!
  10. Anyone know what styles of buttons would be GAoP period? By style, I mean the kind with two or more holes in the face, or the kind with a 'post hole' in the back? Materials are easy enough from the admiralty contracts, but I don't recall reading anything about styles. TIA.
  11. Does Calico Jack have a web site? I searched but came up empty. TIA.
  12. Okay, I'm sort of bumping Bonnie's questions to the top. I have the same questions myself. I know Kass isn't around right now, but does anyone know the answers? Anyone? GoF?
  13. Red House by Jimi. Trying to learn it on my Les Paul. Perhaps I should consider getting a Strat.
  14. Kaizoku, Where, if I may ask, did you get that map? I want it for my desktop. TIA.
  15. Kaizoku, Mission accomplished. You can see the hat on an actual normal sized head in my profile pic.
  16. Well, lots of classic rock stuff, and I love blues jams, but truth be told, I keep finding myself drawn back to 70's/80's metal (Priest, Zep, AC/DC, Nugent, Sabbath, etc). I used to play in garage bands in the early 80's (had a screaming SG back then, played through a fender bassman which went to 11), but real life interfered. Just picked up the LP about 6 months ago, after about 20+ years of not playing. Having a blast so far, jamming with a couple other guys and a drum machine. So far we can play a mean Living After Midnight!
  17. Apparently sold out in less than 5 hours it seems . Wow.
  18. Les Paul Studio, Vox Valvetronix AD120VTX. But I really want an old Marshall rig. And to stay on topic, no, I don't think I've ever played a sea shanty accompaniment on this guitar.
  19. I have not gone before. Tickets were sold out before I knew about it last year.
  20. Passing this along... I'm in no way connected to this event, other than that I'll be there... Edit: Should mention that this is in College Park, MD ------------------------------------------- Tickets for this year's Privateer Feast, on Feb 25th, are now on sale. The web address is www.privateerfeast.com. Please feel free to forward this message anywhere it is appropriate. Rivka Gates Captain, PF '06 ----------------------------------------------
  21. Kaizoku: I'll try to get a head-shot in the next couple of days. There was nobody else around when I took the pics. CAPT Badger and GoF: Thanks for the compliments. And I believe a "Happy Birthday" is in order for GoF. Next round is on me! Durty Mick, I've now made a few felt hats and am finally starting to get the hang of it. At least, I like this one enough that I probably wont wear the older ones any more. Feel free to give me a yell if you get stuck on anything, or want more than the reader's digest version I posted.
  22. Well, I wanted a really big tricorn, so I bought one of the JAS-Townsend fur felt blanks with extra large brims and had at it. Here's how I went about it... 1) Cut the 'scalloped' edges off of the brim 2) Steamed the brim so I could bend it just enough to tack it in place with thread without creasing the brim. This is some heavy duty felt. 3) Steamed some more to get the basic shape I wanted. 4) Waterproofed each side (letting dry in between) with thinned shellac. This results in all kinds of neat wavy compound curves when the shellac cures. 5) Steamed and shaped again to get rid of some of the curing curves I didn't want and to accentuate some that I did. 6) Hand stiched wool tape to finish the brim. 7) Removed the tacking stiches. (No longer necessary - this brim ain't going nowhere.) 8) To fit to my head, steamed the inside (of the hat, not my head) and wore around the house. Here are a few pics assuming I can get the links right...
  23. I'd probably be up for this.
  24. I have one of those whistling kettles. Get it boiling and then turn down the heat (gas flame in my case) until the whistling stops, but steam is still coming out.
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