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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. If you guys ever do a buccaneer gathering in Novia Scotia, count me IN! That would be blast. Could add good Atlantic fishing to the mix, some clams....oh yeah!
  2. Yeah I made my slops from that Kannik's Korner pattern...eh, it was ok. Not great. I used a basic bleached, rather heavy linen, all handstitched, even made my own wooden buttons. Problem was that even following the pattern exactly they still ended up way too big even for slops in the waist...so be warned, if you use this pattern, go a size or two smaller than you think you should. But I would recommened waiting for the almighty Kass's set! :)
  3. She is stellar, really nice work!
  4. I am so psyched for this one. So psyched. I may have to mark the occasion with a bottle of 10 Cane.
  5. My lord there's a lot of Jack Sparrows out there! It's like when Homer cloned himself! :angry:
  6. Yeah, Hogarth has plenty of jackbooted dudes in his work, but they have little to nothing to do with the sea. Hitman my friend, if you wanna wear boots, wear 'em! At the end of the day, that's all the justification you need if you just can't make shoes work for ya. We can't prove they were at all common for sailors, but they did exist during the GAOP. So if you were depicting a "fighting man" who had signed articles on a pirate, purely as muscle, and aren't portraying an ABS, then you might have a workable concept. However, it should be noted that post-buccaneer era pirates were a remarkably tight clique who prided themselves on their seamanship, and were loathe to let any landsmen at all in their mix. So it might be a more feasible persona for the late buccaneer era.
  7. Yes! I'm probably gonna be living back in Maine when this opens up, so I'll defintely be taking some trips up there --- sounds like a blast!
  8. Yeah if C&D has jacked their rates like that, I'd go with somewhere else.
  9. Was "Egg Flip" just what it sounds like? With raw eggs? Or is it like egg-drop soup, where the egg cooks in a hot mixture?
  10. Yes, I did choose the Tunnel Stitch option as well, came out very nice. The shoes took about 2+ months to receive...just due to their backlog of jobs. Mine came to $139 (I think...just from memory, don't quote me on that) for the rough out, tunnel stitch, armor heel, early 18th customization. I am perfectly happy with them, but I REALLY like the very squared toe on the Whydah shoes...but I have more important things to worry about, like procuring a good period knife and Queen Anne pistol.
  11. Yeah. I don't really drink anymore, but back in college...I remember the occasional weekend where a standard bottle of rum didn't make it from Friday evening til Monday morning...
  12. Yep, blackjack! #21 they are. I opted for the white bronze finish, it's less shiny and more worn looking. The full outer width of the buckle at it's widest is just over an inch, about 1 1/8", with the inner opening being oh, I'd say 6/8". This is about half the size of later 18th Century buckles. I chose the rough out finish for the same reasons listed above. But as far as I know, either way is appropriate, it's just personal preference.
  13. Liquor will keep a looooong time....at least compared to beer. Bottoms up!
  14. In our world, that's alot, but they drank ALOT then...I think a 30 gallon barrel of rum shared amongst of group of thirsty capn' friends/hi-profile passengers, guests, etc... could dwindle to nothing over the course of a trip from England to say Barbados and back to England.
  15. I thought that captains were known to keep a good stock of rum, or brandy, etc. on hand for entertaining?
  16. LOL I have a printed/bound copy of this pdf...it's one of the BEST sources I've ever seen, I can't believe there isn't an edition in print.
  17. Hi Mick - You'll definitely want smaller buckles for GAOP era. 1" or less...I think mine arrrrr about 5/8" or so., maybe a wee bit bigger. You can see mine on Greg's site, since you're familar with it already. On the Slops page, down towards the bottom with the shoes, Mine are the C&D Jarnigan pair. I'm very happy with them. They do a "custom" early 18th century shoe that is a slightly modified version of their mid-18th Century shoe, with a thinner latch to fit smaller buckles. Even still, once I got the shoes the latches were a tiny bit too wide so I trimmed them down carefully with a sharp box cutter, and re-blacked the exposed edge...worked like a charm. Btw, I ordered my buckles from G. Godwinin Valley Forge...he has a wide variety of smaller buckles appropriate for us. If you're investing in period shoes, just make sure they are true straight lasted, vegetable tanned leather. You might also ask them to "armor" the sole, which involves them putting a cluster of nails into the heel to help prevent wear. While I'm happy with mine, I think if I did it over again I would go with Kevin Garlick, I like the slightly higher heels in his. (I know that sounds SOOO wrong coming from a dude, but it just looks more period)
  18. There should be a topical creme for that....
  19. Barrel of rum? Empty bottles? Tap that sucker!!! Betcha that's what they were for.
  20. That's why the hunters in the South American tribes carried those tiny little "toy" bows for shootin' monkeys. :)
  21. This pretty well sums up what's wrong with our wacky country...big fat giant SUVs...iiiiitty bitty "pocket bikes". And Frat Boys that flaunt both.
  22. 'twasn't the monmouth K, it was that damned Thrum!! Hot and itchy thing to wear all day in the office in this Florida heat! Shoulda seen the looks I got from Sales and HR! I'm thinkin' tomorrow I'll wear my goatskin Robinson Crusoe suit complete with parasol.....
  23. See that's what happens when I try to forum-surf through a splittin headache...I miss the humor! 'pologies Pat.
  24. What about the Loyalists?
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