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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. Signed articles here in 2003. That's like...100 Internet years. Do any of my old shipmates haunt these waters still?
  2. This was a terrible book, big disappointment. Forget the fact that it's a raw manuscript...the story elements are trite. Everything in here you've seen in old pirate movies or already read in original period texts of Esquemeling, Dampier, etc. Characters, events, all pulled right from existing sources. This is one lazy ass book. Don't bother with it. I only bothered to finish it to see how bad the ending was.
  3. I'd SO be into this if it wasn't for the $15 monthly charge. (Bit steep IMO).
  4. It's more like dudes who knock over convenience stores at 3am, rob ATM machines, or hijack truckloads of cigarettes.
  5. That show is BRILLIANT.
  6. Ain't that the truth!!! One of the big gripes I read on the various fan boy forums was that they might be ditching the rapier in exchange for some big clunky hanger or something....probably because it looks better on screen. Sort of the weapon equivalent of bucket boots. Which I noticed they've already given him as well....
  7. I'm with you 100% John. GREAT stories. Bran Mak Morn is great too. But Kane is definitely my fave.
  8. I am a huge Kane fan, and at first I was really jazzed up for this movie. Both for the subject and being a fan of Purefoy. Then I started reading some rather scary press about the story being pretty much butchered to the point that it resembles Solomon Kane in name only. But let's hope for the best! Here's another poster that shows they at least got the pistol and hat correct...
  9. Just saw my first Flogging Molly show here in Portland about a month ago...it was KILLER. Wicked, wicked good. Only bummer was they didn't play Queen Anne's Revenge. Highly recommend catching them live if you can.
  10. Good lord AGAIN with the friggin' bucket boots.....WHEN will they learn? I tried to get past the boots, honest I did...but I just. can't. do it.
  11. Here we go...PERFECT cast...you ready??? Peter Blood - Guy Pearce OR Christian Bale Arabella (Governor's Daughter/Niece/whatev) - Scarlett Johannsen Col. Bishop (the villian) - Tim Roth Or Russell Crowe
  12. Someone send Croce a copy of The Libertine quick! THAT is how a Blackbeard movie should feel. Dark, gritty, seedy, and earthy.
  13. Looks like a Disney-fied version complete with the Swiss Family Robinson tree house. I'll definitely watch it, because how many primetime shows set in the early 18th Century do we get in the states? Have to laugh at the show description though, how they tout their "remaining faithful" to Defoe's work, yet they also tout "reinventing" Crusoe with a 21st century mindset. Whaaaatevs.
  14. Hey thanks for posting! I used to go there often but lost the link when I had to reinstall windows some time back. It's a GREAT site!
  15. Agreed 100%! Just wish it was on DVD!
  16. Dunno. Painting appears to be late 19th or early 20th century....so I guess it depends on the painter's knowledge of Hudson Valley history!
  17. Ding Ding! We have a winner! DDL is PERFECT.
  18. Colin Ferrell would be great...anyone see In Bruges? Fantastic.
  19. I remain hopeful for Christian Bale.
  20. I always wanted Christian Bale to play Bellamy...and both are/were Welsh, correct? Matter of fact...I think Bale could possibly do the best pirate role ever. Sort of mashup his roles in American Psycho, 3:10 to Yuma, Harsh Times, and even young Jim Hawkins in the TNT Treasure Island...and presto! Perfect pirate.
  21. Talk about coincidence! I JUST picked up a bottle of the Sticky Rum flavor at the grocery store a couple days ago! And it's GOOOOD.....
  22. Someone who would be OUTSTANDING in ANY pirate movie -- Ray Winstone.
  23. Out here in Portland we have Awful Annie's...Bull Feeney's...The Porthole...Right Proper Charlie's...nothing terribly exciting but they are real.
  24. Daniel Day Lewis would be terrific. So would Clive Owen. Ian McShane would make a STELLAR older Teach. Course he's pretty short. I always thought Robert Carlyle would make a PERFECT Israel Hands.
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