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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. I'm just guessing based on accounts I've read of other rivers/canals from the sail era....that there was a thriving industry of small boats and/or oxen teams on the banks that pulled ships upriver? Barring that there was always using the anchor to slowly work your way upstream. Just have a longboat row the anchor way out ahead of the ship, drop it, pull up to to it and repeat. Again, just guessing. Sure I'll get b*tch slapped for it by someone how knows far more than I....
  2. Now THAT is a thinly veiled attempt to cash in on the POTC craze by revamping the dvd jacket to resemble the POTC films' packaging.
  3. Gawd I just wish David Milch would take on pirates with all the bravado AND accuracy of Deadwood. Show the other suckers how it should be done!
  4. Patrick that stuff is REALLY good! Very impressed. Love the clean sepia line work, the whimsical look...really first rate, man. Did you do the lettering by hand as well?
  5. Keep in mind it was made for tv, by USA network, not known for big budgets or especially good films. In fact are they even still around any more? At least I seem to recall it was USA...
  6. Saw it in the theater when it first came out. I remember loving it. The sketches of the beast that were presented to the king in the movie were awesome, even though they were done in a modern comic style, not at all the drawing style of the 18th century. Nice kinda spaghetti-western feel to the movie too. Now I have to rent it again!
  7. or Nightmare on Elm Street!
  8. Dark in content or literally dark? Much of the movie was shot in period-correct candle light giving the film a wonderfully grainy, gritty feel. Takes a few minutes to get used to, after our decades of Hollywood-style glamour lighting. This one is amazingly realistic feeling. Definitely give it another go!
  9. The Libertine is FANTASTIC. As is all of his work, but that one stands out.
  10. I'm pretty sure I've got a period account somewhere of a passenger on a ship from Boston to England, and he mentions chicken coops or pens. If I can ever find it I'll post it.
  11. HAHAHA good point about the Santa "Clause"! Also glad I wasn't the only one who found this whole aspect of the movie really confusing. If the ocean needs someone to ferry souls who die at sea to the afterlife, who did it before Davy, and on what type of ship? Does it go all the way back to the first seagoers of early civilizations? And since Davy was neglecting his duty, did the souls pile up, leaving Will with a proverbial giant load of paperwork on his desk when he took over?
  12. I noticed in one of the aerial shots when they are sailing through the arctic region, behind some mountains there is a split second where you see a powerboat zoom behind the mountains leaving a large wake. Usually I never notice these kind of things but I was blown away by the beauty of the scenery and happened to be looking at the upper portion of the screen and the horizon, not the pirate ship in the center of the screen.
  13. The show has been entirely scripted out in advance...of course the producers are telling Joe what to do with every move...they know that a "mutiny" will be the big money-shot of the season, so they can't have that happen too soon...need to let the faux-frustration with Joe boil over in the coming weeks. As a buddy put it the other day....it's first class "irritainment"! You know it's bad, you hate yourself for watching...yet you can't look away. Irritainment. Brilliant!
  14. Yeah I mean it's not like Davy Jones KNEW that there was some unwritten rule that he was supposed to cut his heart out when he did it....he just did it out of spontaneous despair and passion. "Waahhh...I'm so upset....Calypso stood me up...wahhh...I'm gonna go cut my heart out". That's what he did.
  15. **Redundant at this point, but Spoilers below ** Saw it last night. Really cool overall...although it was getting a bit bloated. What I did love is that for a mainstream blockbuster it took a lot of artistic chances with those long surreal scenes involving Sparrow being in his own head. There was more than one occasion where I thought to myself that if someone just strolled into the theater half an hour in, they'd question just what the hell movie they walked into. I love the clean full circle ending with Jack alone in an open boat. That was perfect. I love that Jack and Hector are still alive and kicking. I love that Will and Elizabeth are gone, done, wrapped up. Beckett seemed a wasted villian to me. DMC built him up to be a real menace, but he just fizzled in AWE. He never delivered a sense of danger and fear. Perhaps this is some of the stuff that Bess mentioned was cut at the last minute? He really didn't have much screen time. The other pirate lords including Teague were terrific. I'll refrain from hacking away at the tons and tons of plausibility errors, because accuracy and feasibility aren't the point in the POTC world. The only thing I can't let go of is...if it's cold enough to snap your frozen toe off...how come Will was apparently comfy enough in his halfway unbuttoned shirt to stroll around the deck without so much as a shiver? Anway, good time, really enjoyable overall. And only Hollywood could build 9 hours of screen time around pirates who...DON'T.ACTUALLY.PIRATE.
  16. Forget rowing, they couldn't even paddle!
  17. The show is abyssmally awful. Brand new reality show and they couldn't even shoot it in HD! Shows how much confidence they have in it. This one will be over in less than 2 months for sure. Parts of it are fun, but it smacks of "what can we do with this reject list from Survivor and Big Brother?"
  18. C'mon...Why would I post something without reading it? It's only RUMOURED to be off Spain. I just thought it was a fun little twist in this developing saga...
  19. Too funny -- even hundreds of years after the GAOP, Spain still can't stand to see anyone else with their gold! Apparently everyone got the "Finders Keepers" memo except them.... BBC News -- Spain To Sue Over Treasure Find
  20. Yup, that's why I love living in New England! Those are GREAT pics, thanks for sharing them! Here in Portland/Southern Maine there are some equally choice GAOP era houses. Now that it's nice out and everything's in bloom, I'll go around and get some pics to add here. This area has been settled since circa 1625-30, so there's plenty of piratical history and lore.
  21. That is some TOP quality caricature art right there! Really well done.
  22. Hmmm imagine Pitt playing Lafitte. 'Nuff said.
  23. I haven't read Villians of All Nations, because to me it appeared to re-cover much of what he already covered in Between The Devil & Deep Blue Sea. But I am a fan of his theories and viewpoints, if for no other reason than it helps me to justify my insane fascination with common thugs and criminals of the sea.
  24. Yeah! At least Grindhouse has an intermission...(but don't leave to hit the head during the trailers, they rock -- go just after the trailers during the Death Proof opening credits).... they should insert a random clip in the middle of POTC3....something like a nonstop 5 minute shot of Pintel careening the foul bottom of the Pearl. A cue for all us pirates to know it's safe to dash out without missin' anything!
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