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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. We'd love to share our acccumulated knowledge stemming from decades of study...for free copies of the game and a permanent letter of marque on the monthly fee....
  2. Straw, you are spot on. Sea Hawk is the better flick, but both are keepers. Flora Robson is just soooooooo good as Queen Elizabeth...she steals the show. I can't wait till my 4 year old is big enough to enjoy them. He already digs Jack Sparrow bigtime, so easing him into Peter Blood shouldn't be too hard.
  3. LOL what concerns me more than the dirtiness of her teeth is the glaring pearly brightness of Elizabeth's teeth! It's actually distracting.
  4. Interesting take on Jack & Beckett being brothers! Since DMC so closely mirrored Empire Strikes Back, it would make sense to have the 3rd movie focus on a surprise sibling relationship aka Luke & Leia. Especially since we know that KR will be showing up as Jack's dad, which lends credence to the idea of the final movie being about the family. I have a pet theory on the trilogy's ending, where Elizabeth turns out to be the most piratey-pirate of 'em all, and was just playing the men all along. She takes the Pearl and sails off leaving the dumbfounded men marooned. But it's just an off-the-cuff guess that probably isn't very feasible. Though it does explain her darker turn.
  5. That's funny! On this week's episode of Entourage, the guys hit up an adult store and there is a poster for this movie on the wall when they walk in.
  6. Cool. Funny thing is that on THIS board, I bet 99% of us would rather take the cruise on the Dutchman, not the floating mall behind it. :) (Although I did love the cruises I've been on..I'm not complaining)
  7. Cool! Guess we better start searching Flickr for strangers' vacay photos!
  8. Over at the Megabloks POTC site they have a freakin' hilarious little short film made with the POTC Megabloks figures. Anyone who's watched the original "Pyrates" short film on their site for their original line of figures knows that they do a heckuva good job using the figures and sets for stop-motion shooting, combined with some decent cgi stuff. Just click on "Toy Animation" on the index page, HERE. Fwiw, we got the Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones sets for my son in Publix of all places! We entered the "goody" codes but they didn't seem to do anything. Anyone else having problems with 'em?
  9. Thankee Beachem! Looks cool!
  10. Cool mate, thanks for the heads up!
  11. Interesting, thanks Bo!
  12. MAUREEN does the commentary? Oh now I DEFINITELY have to get it. I didn't know that. Thanks!
  13. Yeah - just like the DMC Coloring & Activity books.
  14. Yeah this one was a waste of 10 minutes waiting for the credits to end.
  15. The way I see it, once the movies are all done and over, and we grown ups have had our fun with 'em, why not see what kinda cartoon they come up with?
  16. Yeah and a rather good cartoon. Jetix (Disney's "cool/anime/hip" lineup) is sorta bringing on a nice lil' cartoon renaissance of snazzy, funny, smart stuff that kids and parents can dig. Here's the S.R.M.T.H.G. site: Go! I could see a super-stylized POTC cartoon being a fun & fresh take. Course we can kiss any real scoundrelness, rum, villiany, debauchery & wenches goodbye...
  17. Don't forget the toenail! A very stylized fast-paced POTC cartoon would be cool if it was part of Disney's Jetix lineup...there is some REALLY good stuff on there like Oban: Star Racers, Super-Robot-Monkey-Team-Hyper-Force-Go!, etc...
  18. Highly possible. But I think we'll see him use that in Part 3 to bargain with DJ.
  19. I hear ya John. I have a whole folder of Canaletto pix saved on my HD. GREAT stuff.
  20. Ahhhh yes I've seen this before. I love it! Thanks for popping it up here Greg. Something I've always wondered about in all these period pics are those nondescript bundles (lower left region) tied up in what looks like canvas and rope. What trade items were typically packaged for travel this way? Clothing? General goods? Foodstuffs? Seems like it would be a fairly simple prop to make for an encampment....
  21. Huzzah! The Black Swan is finally on DVD! (unless it has been for some time and I'm the loser who just found out) Anyway, you can order it or read more HERE.
  22. Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking. That maybe Jack knew his options were becoming severely limited, and mostly led toward him being unable to weasel out of his debt. And perhaps he saw something on Tia's table that he knew to have some powers, be they life-preserving for him, or repellent to the Kraken....or, more likely something that Davy Jones will instantly recognize as Tia's when Jack finally gets spat out of the Kraken onto the Dutchman. It's probably just something he can use to buy himself some time.
  23. Exactly. One example I always like to give of a movie successfully having a character inhabit "his" world is The French Connection. The city is just alive. It's as important a character as Doyle. He doesn't just dance around it like a setpiece, he lives IN it, he's part of it. He interacts with it. You really feel like you're right there on the streets during the movie. Tortuga kinda does it in POTC 1 & 2...but unfortunately it never slows down quite enough to let us enjoy "being" in the setting.
  24. I also liked that...and even more so the extended scenes of Port Royal. One thing that never sat well with me in the first film was that for a bustling port town, POTC's Port Royal seemed desolate and sparsely populated. They didn't give enough establishing shots of local color and setting to flesh out that PR was a lively and thriving town. But there are deleted scenes that do just that, when the "cursed wind" blows thru town after Elizabeth falls in the ocean. They really help "populate" the town...know what I mean?
  25. Deleting scenes is the hardest job for any filmmaker I'd imagine. Watching the first movie on the dvd with the deleted scenes makes for a MUCH better film. It's so sad when you see some of the great stuff that gets cut. The frustrating thing I guess about the lost Keep scenes from DMC is that we never get to learn just WHERE that place is, WHO runs it, WHO The prisoners are, WHY Jack knew he could find that key sketch there, etc. I suppose it could an private "Guantanamo" for the EIC. Why use coffins when tossing the dead into the briny deep? Maybe it somehow blocks their bodies from being claimed by any number of nautical curses/supernatural circumstances that would allow the dead to arise? Or maybe it was solely for the visual coolness of it to give Jack a grand entrance.
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