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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. in serious topics I post as me...RL...version When it comes to the fun posts... Well tat be 'nther side meself...tis true. Tain't it now. OK...ahem...you can always tell when I be me, and when I be fun'n.
  2. right now very tired...have had horrendous last few days...on the go no stop...now am winding down and there is warm blanket and soft pillow calling my name...so I will bid you all a good night. G-d bless...
  3. now if'n yer lad be just a bit younger I would have suggested tak'n ta theme out in yer back... such as a tetter totter in the shape of a anchor...a merry-go-round in the shape of a capstan, a tree house in the shape of mast and crow's nest...etc.
  4. VERY tired...exhausted. It was a heck of a day... But, now the moon is shin'n very bright...the skies are clearing. So, as soon as I get m'second wind. Things twill be bright.
  5. Ahoy, mayhap ther be an 'vent later in ta year? Can't go to ta one in April, but twould be most interested in one later on. Keep me informed of any other gather'n ye might be hav'n. Thank ya
  6. Dancing in circles...WOOHOO I see BLUE SKY... clouds yes...BUT THERE IS BLUE SKY out ther.... No rain at the moment...got to go...time for RL to be calling.
  7. if someone wants to participate as a vendor...who and what is the contact numbers. thanks.
  8. comtemplative. Been working on my postings for Pan Erotica site...along with working out a storyline with one of my co-writers on Pan Historia. Doing research for my characters... and overall novels and their storylines. A bit mellow - now that I have been to leave my apt. although my neighbor has been using Chems to refinish some furniture. ugh! the smell of it all...ugh! But, it is her living...so being understanding...hopefully it will air out quick enough. Pouty - since my gent hasn't been in contact with me today... but ...getting ready to plop in some tunes to exercise to, so over all pretty good
  9. WOOHOO!!!! :angry: :angry: tis a reprieve. OK, so it is still sprinkl'n but, tain't pour'n...so am gett'n while the gett'n tis good...and am out of here..befer ta next drow'n begin. later...
  10. BORED 'n frustrated....from all this snicker'n picker'n pucker'n polly wack'n RAIN....$%@$%@^^%^%...that's how I be feel'n this morn'n... :angry: I had dreams of go'n to a beach on me extra day off, but dang it I do believe tat there beach tis com'n to me. :angry: ok, where's ta grog...sigh.... :)
  11. feel? ok RL now. hell why not. ...ok...here we go.... a little sad...alone. been raining all day, actually for the last several days. Although lost my father the end of last year...every so often think of him. questions that were never asked never answered. Hoping that the pain in my throat isn't something more...since they swore they got all the cancer in the second operation last Oct. Wondering if I will ever be able to speak normally again...use to be able to sing...really sing. Sang solo, duet, trio...not now. my voice since the operation gives out. After three major operations in the last two years am praying that there will be no more. so sometimes a little scared. But, I know what ever comes I will be able to handle it. I always do. Every operation I have had I have gone through it alone....so it would be no different. I take care of myself...I don't expect anything...so am never disappointed. I think that covers it for now.
  12. medium and pointed...ewww. bad fer m'feet...will pass
  13. ok, 7 1/2 but are they wide or medium. and what is the make of the toe...square, round or pointed.
  14. well even though Jack was English...he was a pirate so, he would have access and be more likely to wear forbidden material .. sacking a ship that would have been carrying the forbidden stuff to another port. For if nothing else but, to say nanner nanner... :-P to the authorities. ya know.
  15. You might be interested in these... A History of Pirates - Blood and Thunder on the High Seas by Nigel Cawthorne Pirates and The Lost Templar Fleet - The Secret Naval War Between the Knights Templar and The Vatican by David Hatcher Childress Secret Societies of America's Elite - From the Knights Templar to Skull and Bones by Steven Sora (the last one may not sound like it but has some great information on those that profited from piracy) All of them are very interesting.
  16. Calico Jack From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jack Rackham, commonly known as Calico Jack, was a pirate captain during the 18th century. He earned his name from the colourful Calico clothes he wore, ther ya be...
  17. actually, not in the sense he was talking about. From my reading he got the name Calico because of the duds he wore. They were mulit colored. When I can find it again I'll post the source of it.
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