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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. I be chewin a little of that dirt too. This they be lettin the younger kids go instead of me.
  2. The fact yer like 1000 miles was not one of the factors?
  3. How'd we get on the subject of Anne Rice? She's one of my favorite writers...
  4. Lessons learned in life are directly proportionate to how much money lost. Bottom line: if you really want it now then you have to be willing to pay the price.
  5. They not be cheap lass, they be givin 'em away...
  6. Zoolander - I watched this one while sailing from Norfolk to Seattle. I almost threw the person who picked it out overboard. Remember the Titans - Same trip. Great movie the forst 2 or 3 times. By the end of the first week and about 30 - 40 views of that movie and the great feeling I had watching it was gone replaced with a hatred I have never known before.
  7. Check these. I just got a set and they are really comfortable. I'll let you know about the durability after I wear them for halloween and check their durability in the days after. I at least need to save them for this year's halloween because I am not having another frozen feet halloween.
  8. That be the sand box I were referin to. When were yees thar?
  9. Yeah, say that in day 7 of a Samoan tribal tattoo.
  10. I guess I'll just keep my one lobe pierced and maybe get the other one done but no more.
  11. Lass, I've got no ideas for patterns but I have suggestion for a judge of the fitting... :)
  12. All big birds that sit on shoulders, especially ones that talk, are considered parrots in my book. Anything more than that is just a technical name. Except for crows, which apparently are closely related to the parrot and share the higher bird-brained intelect. I heard of a pet crow once who learned to bark like its owners dog in order to get doggie treats. Coastie Interesting concept. I'll have to send that to Hoyles Official Pirate Guide and have them add that one.
  13. Hmmm, acrylic hoops, anyone know where I can find em' ne'er tried 'em.
  14. POTC, least til I be wearin out the downloaded copy I have and play multiple times a day.
  15. I doubt ev'ry store'd run low on copies. And release dates? Pah! This is why it be good to have your neighbor own a DVD store, 'n then ye can jus' plunder his stock when the DVDs come in, which is a few weeks in advance. Captain Wolfy Wench I be hatin to start a fight with yees fine pyrates but, I not be knowin what kinda day I be havin December the 2nd. Last time a movie be comin out when I be wantin a copy I worked all day and all through the night not letting me buy me copy. The next day at the first chance I checked and all sold out they were. Buying a copy before they come out assures me to have one when they do that'll be delivered directly to me humble abode.
  16. How did I not find this thread. I'm like so there.
  17. I stand corrected, you have not gone anywhere so what's the deal?
  18. Nope, but I be checkin Kaaza later...
  19. Know I not, any jewelers, least not the ones who make. I be knowin' plenty of jewelers who be buyin and sellin jewels.
  20. Part of me family lives in those thar parts. I be e-mail'n 'em to tell 'em to be there or I be gettin a rope...
  21. Remind me to give that song a listen one of these days.
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