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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. Ye hit that un on the head. Ye be ready to graduate now...
  2. Guess that be all the more reason I needs to be there...
  3. Kazza or Kazza light. It's loaded with a ton of spyware so I'd recommend the lite version. Check http://www.download.com for the latest version. It's free software so don't let any site convince you that you need to buy it from them so that you can download the software. Once you do get the software and install it you can run a search for POTC. If you have any problems let me know. I also do have a copy saved on my hard drive but it's too big to burn onto CD and it'd take a might bit long to transfer to someone else' computer.
  4. I agree whole heartedly that E-Bay is the best place to buy stuff. They may not have the most user friendly search engine on their site but you can find anything if you have the desire to find it.
  5. I'd be willing but unfortunately my sails lie 3000 miles from yer area.
  6. Real pirates care now what color their deck be nor how many times they stub their toes.
  7. Ye mean ye has a life that does not include pirate garb? Ay carumba!!!
  8. The best way, live outside or don't be keepin one. Far to messy for anyone to have.
  9. I think he be owning ye... Lo siento mucho.
  10. Since it now be available for downloading I think more pirates are wanting pirate versions than paid copies. I be having a pirate copy right now and I still will be buyin a legit version of the DVD on opening day.
  11. I be afraid to ask what ye means....
  12. Thanks everyone. I spent most of the day at the hospital (too long of a story to tell at this time) but now I have a few meds to hopefully make me feel a little better.
  13. You could name her Vana Pira.
  14. Please tell me that not be yer real name.... Ya got me last shilling but it's fer a good cause.
  15. While not being a Jolly Roger Barbie, I thought about painting the Barbie Van into the Mystery Machine.
  16. What like Cat in a Hat, better yet, Green Eggs and Ham?
  17. Pirate Barbi and GI Joe. I always thought the Ken type dolls seemed like they lacked a little so I always get GI Joes for her instead of Ken.
  18. Ye got the lad picked out or yer just ready fer any lad.
  19. Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me... Let me guess, you were looking for a little more than that.
  20. While old glory is inspiring the topless mermaid would inspire me a little more...
  21. I hope she does grow out of the Barbi phase soon....
  22. I agree he's long overdue and played the part of Jack Sparrow rather well.
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