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El Pirata

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Everything posted by El Pirata

  1. "Luis Obispo from Bakersfield!" I loved that movie, especially since I grew up in the San Luis Obispo area and had friends over in the valley (Bakersfield, Fresno). Bishop Luis from Bakersfield? Now that's not a name you would think was common.
  2. That's all I be needin' a cutlass for as well. Don't do much combat. Just need somethin' that's gonna look cool. Thanks for the info. Arrrrr! Broadside Then this one will do you well.
  3. The Fearless Vampire Killers reminded me of a movie, The Vampire Happening. Let me speare you this, late 60s, young girl, old plot, and no one you've ever heard of or ever will.
  4. While being totally crazy I am not one of the normal crazies that goes out and plays with swords. I will tell you what limited knowledge of this sword: Balance - extremely blade heavy. Steel - looks to be made of mild steel but had a burnished appearance. Absolute zero edge on the blade itself. Handle - cheaply made. Handle is held together by a single stud welded into the blade itself and is covered completely when the handle is installed. If you have big mook hands, like bigger than mine, you might have some trouble fitting your hand onto the handle. Overall it's great for my purposes I wanted it for, to walk around a bunch of pirate looking crazies. The tall ship on the handle is a pretty cool beans detail. For the price it more than suits my needs. Oh yeah, the black sheathed one has a jolly roger on it.
  5. Spaced Invaders was a great movie you "mellon head" (from the movie).
  6. How old is the movie? If it's new then I've probably been hiding under a rock again and that's why I have not heard of it.
  7. I think the hat I am waiting for finally arrived today but I got home late from work and will have to stop by the post office and pick it up tomorrow. I'll post pics as soon as I get a chance.
  8. Dude that rocks. I know just where you're talking about There's a DMV in the Lake Hills area, I think, or there was. Last trip back to Washington a few years ago the place was totally different than I remembered from growing up.
  9. Oh really, I went to Interlake HS, where did you go? I lived between Northrup Way and NE 24th St.
  10. What was that about heaving bosoms???
  11. Bothell, it looks so wierd spelling it now. I was born in Seattle, lived til 10 in Lynnwood and lived til 19 in Bellevue. I had a few friends that lived in Bothell. It's a small world.
  12. I honestly can remember raising Arizona.
  13. Are we there yet? Lotsa milage, and its hardly left the driveway.. No,maam, I thoroughly understand and comply. I'm simply pointing out your Golen Rule to another friend.I wasn't in 'that' loop you mentioned.. 'Tis dead and gone. Zero, zip, Nada.... I understand I am fully violating the mandated truce however someone needed to see their place, again...
  14. Previous post text has been removed in favor of humility.
  15. I love mine. Feel great though I must admit that I would be weary of wearin them in a warm climate as they are hot on the feet.
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