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count de monet

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Everything posted by count de monet

  1. ok--- after i took the pic, i asked what they were doing.... the big guy with different socks kinda glare at me and said " if you knew what was best foryou, you'd just keep walking and shaddup!! " then he tried to take the camera away but i made a run for it.... how's that ???
  2. oh, cool.... i got it !! this is from the st. louis piratefest, 2007. just a pic i tried, no story behind it or anything...
  3. just ignore-----trying to figger out the pic thing----
  4. will need some too... mary diamond's old post has sparked some recent interest..
  5. i'd be interested also.... alot of kits--- alot of buttons.. don't have a count on them right now, but off the top of my head, around 200 mebbe.. another mass purchase ????
  6. as of right now, we are planning on borowing the inlaw's rv to travel to PiP... we know that the gas will cost us alot, but this is kinda a vacation, honeymoon, neat place to go, and piratefest all in one. if the gas prices sky rocket, then we will have to reconsider. but so far, the savings account fairy has been very good to us, and right now, it will just get better.. but.... all that can change there is the renfest and the piratefest in town ( st. louis ) so, if we have to forgo PiP, we will simply make it up in other ways...
  7. well, it's a good thing that i never claim to be smart !! found the scroll down boxes.... duh!! that expalins EVERYTHING... i even compiled a list of things to search for and have found quite a few already..... hence no more reposting..... NOBODY i repeat, NOBODY has been rude, impolite, impatient or anything of that sort. informative, yes, but not once did i feel slighted. hey, i work in construction.... you learn to get thick skin.. everyone here has been patient and helpful in steering the newbies in the right general direction... just takes me awhile to catch on :) and to morgan..... if our connection speed dips low, some things come back as "disabled" also... does sound like a connection speed quirk
  8. nobody has "acted up" towards a post of mine at all.... it just confused the heck outta me when i look for some particular info, finding none, post the question, only to find that it was already covered. sometimes i miss the post, but didn't realize that most older posts are archived in the search function.. after realizing that, i am now able to find a topic covering what i'm looking for... i guess that puts me as "lurker status "
  9. don't feel alone... i'm deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other
  10. glad you've seen the sarcastic humor..... but, dang... the very informative and quick response !!! you guys are great
  11. after posting a few questions and being pointed to previously posted info , i started to realize something. i would read beforehand to see if the topic was covered. finding none ( sometimes i miss one ) , i would post the question only to discover that it has been covered. but here is the grand revelation..... those posts do NOT show up on the board for some wierd reason, and are archived elsewhere. this is when the search function can be used. i have tried to find the threads that i am given links to, but they are not there. they only show up if i do a search. are they archived , and the board only shows the most recent posts ?? may sound dumb, but some answers would help a newcomer like us from reposting questions... tia
  12. slow down a little guys..... that was in response to my wife's quote
  13. with that being said...... can anyone reccomend a supplier of period glasses ???? strong prescription ones ???
  14. welcome !! jack will always have a place in my heart since he was the one who really got me going in the pirate realm. i like hollywood, but will also go period correct . this pub has been a great deal of help for my crew and i, and hope you will feel the same. BTW, make mine a rum punch
  15. my crew and i will be going...too much fun to miss. the website has not been updated for a while the dates you mentioned i think were the same as last years ???? guess ineed to look at a calendar...
  16. kinda stupid question here, but i can't readily find the answer here or anywhere else. is muslin ok to use for goap ??? wife and i kinda have a bet riding on this one..... i say go with linen, she says the muslin she picked up cheap will do.. tia
  17. been looking at the sailrite machines...i need to have another windfall of extra cash to justify the price though
  18. thanks for the input guys... i'll keep an eye out for one while my search continues...
  19. for smokeless powder ( i can take an educated guess that it's the same for black powder ) the original containers you bought it in is sufficient. they are designed so that in the event of it igniting, the powder will be able to burn off WITHOUT allowing the burned gasses to accumulate to a high level of pressure. the only reason powder fires a projectile is that the rapidly expanding gasses are contained until a desired amount of pressure is achieved and then the projectile is released from what ever constraints the factory or shooter has placed upon it. that is why my smokeless powder ( for a 44 mag ) is in a simple plastic container. the one i bought it in. the powder will melt the container before any hazardous pressure levels ( big boom ) can possibly be achieved. look at a fireracker--- minute amount of powder but the expanding gasses from ignition ( fuse ) is highly contained.. storage is simply a cool dry place away from any source of ignition. common sense really.. don't know much about shipping ( in your car to the desired locale ) othe than treat it with the same common sense. i do know that powder is considered a hazard shipping wise, maybe consult the local gun store or reloading store. i don't claim to know much about black powder, my experience is in reloading modern smokeless powder bullets. there may very well be properties of black powder that may even negate some of the things i am saying now... but this will help a little or a lot... someone with more black powder experience needs to chime in :)
  20. checked out singer's webpage.... they do not illustrate that one at all. is yours old enough to be discontinued ??? got a pic by chance ??? tia
  21. since i have other projects -- canvas projects for the camper, the saiboat, etc--- i need a heavy duty one. 9 layers of canvas in certain spots is not unusual for alot of items. depending on the chosen hem, reenforcing patches, and whether or not i am folding the side hem back over the first hem, there can easily be 9 layers !!! as you can guess, this is not for sewing breeches or shirts would rather rely on personal recommendations than salesman's hype :)
  22. planning on buying a heavy duty sewing machine that is capable of sewing about 10 layers of canvas, walking foot, straight and zigzag stitches minimum.... any personal recommendations ?? tia
  23. welcome !! first round on you, make mine a bloody mary, spicy
  24. very rainy, hence muddy.... 50's and 60's... dipped down to 40 this weekend, and today.... SNOW !! wanted to get a pic of the snow falling with the trees in full bloom but then it stopped tomorrow is supposed to be 65 or so rain has to stop.. ineed to pour concrete...
  25. sounds like a great idea.... just some particulars to be worked out...count me in as a volunteer to help out in any manner.. those wood swords for 13 to 15 $ , and mebbe a cocked hat for prizes if the cannon safety issue doesn't work out ??? dunno.. just thinking again..
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