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count de monet

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Everything posted by count de monet

  1. well... i wear a skull and crossbones earring, and do-rag under my hard hat. yeah i know--- not much, but something :)
  2. yeah, i found boyd's campground on stock island. everything i read about state park where the fest is, says no camping facilities. maybe something changed and the web site hasn't been updated. thanks for the input :)
  3. checked out the PiP website and didn't see anything about a campground.... maybe not listed.. happen to know the name or a link to that particular one ???
  4. wife and i are toying with the idea of attending PiP. since we will be bringing all the kids, we would probably take the inlaw's RV. some questions are; is there a campground nearby? how close is the PiP festival and the fort ??? are they 2 separate locations, near eachother, or what ??? if we go, we would want things to keep the children entertained, as well as ourselves. the fort would be ideal for the kids, as well as all the attractions, the beach, etc. any simple comments from those who kinda know their way around ??? tia
  5. welcome aboard i'm a newbie also... hollywood or historic ?? there are both here. from what i have seen, the reenactors here are passionate about their preferences, but would rather teach the rest instead of being jerks about it. a great group of people!! many have great informative web sites, helpful posts ( for us newbies ) and are more than willing to share their learned knowledge and skills. for example; i am going to try my hand at making a few tricorns with info from a few threads. they make it look easy.. right now, i am leaning towards hollywood, but the historic group has me thinking........... it's all for fun, so have fun here make mine a bud light.. btw... in my profile, there is a pic of our 5 y.o. wearing my hat and my bucket boots. just so you know what they look like..
  6. click on the link to view our pets :) bandit was a black lab that recently died only 1 1/2 y.o. phoebe is our new dog. 4 y.o., black lab, border collie mix. shadow was our 12 y.o. 's ferret, which phoebe promptly killed the first nite we got her !! a strange comedy of errors coco is our 14 y.o. daughter's cat. http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb261/ysail1/pets/ hope the link works !!
  7. i have always been a closet pirate. when POTC came out, and i stumbled across the st. louis pirate festival, i was hooked. the whole family enjoys going to the pirate fest, i get to play dress up, the kids have fun, and enjoy the shows. this year, i am buying season tickets, so we can go to the ren faire, and the pirate fest more than once. there seems to be alot that i miss trying to keep a watchful eye on the kids. so i'll goevery weekend hopefully. ok----that's how i've been outed :)
  8. beautiful weekend in st. louis... outside both days !! then..... the crap hit hard. mon. nite started raining, then sleet. on tues., the job i'm on shutdown at noon... took me 2 1/2 hours to go 38 miles... everyone stuck on the hills.. by the end of work on wed., it's all melting !! welcome to missouri !!
  9. if i had a scanner, i'd show what i came up with..... maybe take a pic of it and then download wife said , the bigger, the neater, the better. so i went with that. i plan to make it look just like a boat. poop deck, deck, planking, mast, etc. i have the the basic design, i just have to work out some of the construction details. worked in will be a sand box, slide, ships wheel, gun ports, anchor, fo'csle, curved bow, lots of carpentry, and a bit of ship building also.the hard part is making it simple to construct, but i think that i am close. also plan on having the gun deck below !! overall, 22 feet long, 8 feet at it's widest, about 7 feet tall to the railing around the poop deck. we have a 3 and 5 y.o., ( the youngest two of 9 ) so they will use it for years to come.. just waiting for the nice weather to come along :)
  10. bob.... parents gave that one to me in case i spelled it backwards, i would still get it right :) not sure what "robert" means, and quite frankly,don't care... i heard it means forgetful, but i don't remember :)
  11. about to watch " blackbeard" ( rented it tonite ) can't force myself to rent the one with a few babes as pirates... can't remember the title it really looks too hokey for me.. and while i'm doing that, i'll be laying out the grommet spacing on my wife's freshly done corset !!! kinduv a good night, huh ???
  12. hi. my name is count de monet... " HI, COUNT DE MONET !! " and i am a java junkie.
  13. nice looking dog.... we just got a dog from the humane society about to be put to sleep.... 4 y.o. black lab, border collie mix named...... phoebe.. so far, she has been great..everyone here is very happy with her,and she seems to be settling in just fine.... i'm guessing that the dog in the pic is yours ???
  14. hey thanks perkeo... saved one of those... looks like i had the same thing in mind :)
  15. wow !! those certainly are neat.... how about one in my budget ??? those must cost a fortune. hoping for more ideas to what i'm already thinking.. afterall, a pat on the back when i'm done, is always nice. even so , the kids will love it
  16. any body ever build a kids pirate clubhouse ??? i need ideas. the kids want a pirate play house kinda thing. right now i'm toying with a few ideas, but would like to see others. anybody got any ??? tia
  17. looks pretty cool.. get a second hand dry suit if you're worried about getting wet and cold. getting wet sometimes is a given with a cartopper.. i've had cartoppers for years. 3.1$ new ???? a bit pricey for me. but that's me. west marine has a "fatty knees" type dinghy with an optional sail kit if you want more room for about the same price.. but then again, the hobie looks like a more spirited ride :) that's my two pence worth...
  18. bienvenue, mon ami .... a glass of champagne, s'il vous plait :)
  19. i think i got this "quote " thing right..
  20. here's a link to the st. louis piratefest 2007. didn't take near as many pics as i wanted, but here they are... i airbrushed the kids shirts the night before.... i thought they turned out pretty good. http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb261/y...atefest%202007/ hope it works for you
  21. http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb261/y...atefest%202007/ here's a link to the pics i took at the st. louis pirate fest 2007. hope the link works !! the kids are my crew. i airbrushed the shirts the night before :) didn't get to take as many pics as i hoped. next year, i plan on maxxing out my camera card !!
  22. merci a mes amis. hope to get a few pics up soon.
  23. mon dieu !! it seems that i have forgotten my manners. a round of drinks for all my friends .. yes, a count i am. driven from my own country by the revolting peasants. either flee or face the guillotine. c'est une plaisire, mes amis ( bowing gallantly---- i am a count and a gentleman after all )
  24. ahoy mates... permission to come aboard... been a closet pirate for years until i chanced upon the st. louis pirate festival... it was there that i realized that "we are not alone " since then, i have acquired most of the tools o'the trade. our kids really enjoy the festivals and my wife is slowly getting into things. there are no recent pics of me for my avatar, but there is a pic of one of my crew sporting my hat and boots in my bio. hoping to make a few more friends, get advice and have a good time here.. when i figger it out, i'll post post a link to my pics of us at the pirate festivals... thanks again count de monet
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