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Everything posted by endkaos

  1. Me homeport be Scottsdale, ARIZONA, but me in-laws be livin in Anaheim. I wanted to make the battlesail in Long Beach, we being members of the Aquarium of Pacific and all, but the timing wasn't workin for Grandma and Christmas. Old bitty had to spoil me fun. I was even plannin on tryin to make it back for the January 3 battlesail, but alas, all were sick me house (cept me ) so I was tissue patrol instead. times 3! It was cold. I figured know one would even see me costume under all the stuff, but we all had on our POTC T-shirts (I was wearing 2 of mine). Even brought one for most favored nephew. We stood out in the crowd. Will post pic as soon as I can get it to load. The HC should have been faster than the Lady with her two diesel engines. The wind was blowin to hard on our sail for the Lady to raise any sheets. The HC was doing circles around us with her engines. We just waited until she completed her turn and Boom.....one more shot off!
  2. Well, I guess that's me gets for not pickin a more lady like nick.
  3. Alas me mates, if you want to sail the Lady, you needin to be makin reservations by calling 1-800-200-5239. Bobbie being takin the reservations. If she not be available, Stan can takem. Tell em Victoria sent ya. They know me quite well. I had the pleasure of sailing on the Lady on December 26. It was a small battle out of Marina Del Rey. WONDERFUL. As the harbour patrol woud not allow the cannons to be fired in the bay. Lady and Hawaiian Cheiftian were forced into the open ocean to battle. The swells were between 6 to 10 feet. The waves were crashing over her bow and the Lady pursued the HC. We managed about 10 cannon fires before the Captain was forced to return to port. Many passengers had not prepared properly (I.E. seasickness prevention) and a few tossed their lunch at the Captain's feet in the rudder line. Alas, all the mini pirates with me had prepared and we whooped it up and helped clean up. Me mate said "This is going to be a great memory" and then another passenger let loose and me mate followed with "I can't wait until it's a memory."
  4. I've seen it twice so far. Once with all the kiddies and once with me mini pirate who fell asleep that night saying "I do believe in fairies, I do I do". Too cute for words. Jeremy Sumptner (Peter Pan) did an excellent job. He will be one to watch if he stays in the biz. And Wendy's fascination with Hook, right on for me. Long curly black hair with piercing eyes, tall boots while brandishing a sword....~swooooon~
  5. With one of our crew being in Pasadena for his alma mater's show at the Rose, we wenches be home throwing a "New York kinda of New Year Eve's" for the little pirates. We be having a bonfire, if mother nature being nice, and flying the Jolly Roger just to scare the neighbors. Ahoy, Happy New Year!
  6. There are two kinds of pirates at sea, Those who have been seasick and those who will be. Huzzah!, you just joined the former. P.S. Bonine works much better and doesn't cause drowsiness. :)
  7. Bootstrap, being a pirate and all, most likely escaped from Davy Jones' Locker. Afterall, he needn't hold his breath while the curse be in place for the 8 years. He be hiding out to avoid being found, thus adding another obstacle to lifting the curse. He be livin on an island with a native tribe.
  8. From the trailers I've seen (playing on Nick channel), Wendy (like all women) is entranced by the Pirate Captain. Peter will have to prove he his a man to win Wendy back. Poor Peter Pan. Mind you, this is only after watching a 60 second trailer, so ye be taking this fer what it's worth. :angry:
  9. I thought the brown wig to white wig was an attempt to show aging on the parts of Norrington and Governor Swan (who's wig color also changed). Just my two dubloons worth.
  10. Okay...downloaded the file....Now how do you get it to work.
  11. Oh...you are so lucky. If you get a chance, could you post a pic of it? Thanks so much.
  12. Thanks so much Scupper. You are always a source for inspiration.
  13. Too bad you can't get a copy of that DJ's broadcast to add to yer treasure.
  14. Tis delightful to see. By chance, who be the lovely swashbuckling blonde with ye group? I be askin about the MALE blonde pirate. He be mighty fine lookin.
  15. That sounds like a lovely idea...where might one plunder such a treasure?
  16. Arrrrgh! You be standin to close which I'm sure the Mrses appreciates in some ways. I be sharin that dark colored ones can cause a young lad to mistake it for being open, especially if he be peeing in the dark. I learned my lesson and toss the whole set out.
  17. ah...okay ~?~ Didn't quite understand it all, but I got my webpage working so they are posted there too. Thanks for all your assistance. The pics come out bigger on your links.
  18. Thank you! I finally figured out how to create a webpage too.
  19. "We have 4 ships confirmed and more on standby." Regards Lynn McFarlane Manager Ahoy Mateys, I just received the above message from the Manager for the Lady Washington. I be wondering who all plan on attending the Long Beach Sea Festival. I'm hopin to make this one.
  20. Arrrrgh! I think I have chartered me course correctly this time. http://www.geocities.com/endkaos/index.htm...l?1070334444875
  21. Let's see if El Pirata's links are working. http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/Panama2Hot/Pi...2-01-03_002.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/Panama2Hot/Pi...2-01-03_001.jpg Nope, they still won't work. Scupper, I went to home page and grabbed your email address. I sent you the pics via this address. Hope it works.
  22. El Pirata said he would help me post pic. Never thought I would say this "All salute El Pirata!"
  23. Yahoo says to post this link for viewing. http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/endkaos
  24. Trying to post a pic of a pirate glass I made as a trial for Scupper and crew. Hope this works. http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/2a28d956/bc...cQGry_AlJWLrIgY
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