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Everything posted by endkaos

  1. Well me ladies...since you be asking. I don't have a pic...yet. I think I will sneak out tommorrow and see if I can plunder me one. I would have liked to plunder said pyrate, if only in my dreams. To explain what I mean...I will describe this dashing specimen. He wore a long red leather frock coat with silver buckles. His large tricorn hat was black with a gray block trim. His hair was as dark as night and fell past his shoulders. His eyes were also dark but a spark of merriment lite them up. His smile was quirked to one side under a well trimmed mustache with a medium length goatee underneath. He had on a natural colored calf skin vest and was well equipped with arms. His pants were dark brown and tucked into mottled brown bucket boots. He moved with grace and speed as he ducked in about the merchants. The other women around me ohhhed and awwwed, even the ones prone to their own gender. I suspect he was able to plunder many a item from the merchants as I found myself watching this pyrate's body movements and not his hands. He is the pyrate of fantasies. Lean and lilth, swift and dashing, persistent and elegant. You can imagine him making love as he walked...with grace and determination. And this after only seeing him for a few minutes on merchant row.
  2. I just heard this one from a Baird at the Estrella War. Loved it...have been searching the internet for it...haven't found it. Any pyriates out there know where it can be found as you have already been there? It went something like this. A good man is hard to find. A hard man is good to find. You can kiss me if you are so inclined, but I'm sailing away in the morning.
  3. Now that one be in my price range....but alas I cannot afford to pay a crew. I know, me boys will be strapping men in 5 years...I will trade me house for the boat and me boys can be my crew. I've got 5 years to talk me mate into it.
  4. Ahoy Royaliste, So when ye gonna post the pic? You will never believe what I got in the mail yesterday? A "Goodbye Michael...SaveDisney.com" BUMPER STICKER! Now...where to put it?
  5. Ahoy Mateys, I would just like to say that I plundered a pair of maiden boots from SCAboots and they be comfortable ....HOWEVER me hands turn black every time I touch them. Now this does make me look more piratey, but I don't want to eat with black hands and there not be much water at these events. Has anyone else experienced this with other boots?
  6. I thank you kindly, Lady Barbosa. That be good info, but alas I don't sew yet. At least, not well enough to attempt corsets and bodices (I sew a little lopsided.) I have purchased another yesterday at the Estrella War. This one has metal stays so it definitely fit much better. Having worn this one, I must say that metal be better than plastic for me as I have a big difference between me bust line and me waist and thinks plastic would not handle the difference as well. I found the place by looking at their workers. One lass had a figure similar to me own so I sailed straight for her and said "I'm looking to plunder me a new outfit." She did an excellent job of fitting me. I had me picture taken with it by a professional at the War. I should have it in about 3 weeks. The info on the book be the greatest treasure. As most folk at the War were dressed later than the golden age. There were a few lovely frock coats but most were wearing rapier coats. There was a danshing pirate in a red leather frock coat, but that be another post. Lady Elaina - ye suggestion of using two seperate ties be great. As Me Boys (as I have begun to call them since that's what they attract) were quite comfortable, and me waist was uncomfortable but only when I was sitting. So to be able to loosen just the waist when required to sit would be perfect. (Everybody kept asking me to sit and didn't believe me when I said, "Thank you, but I'm fine standing). I have four weeks to the next event (AZ Ren-Faire Pirate Invasion) to work on accessories. So be looking for more questions. :)
  7. Aye, I too just received me boots from SCAboots. I be on the petite side just under 5'3" and these boots cover me entire legs. Had to fold all the way down and also scrunch to get them to me knees. Otherwise, they be folded over thigh highs. Not real comfortable for walkin. I was hopin to wear them under me skirt in the "real world" but I don't think it will work.They be warm with the foam and leather. Good for winter here in Arizona...but me period style sandles be great too (if yer not a captain or a captain in disguise.) period style sandels
  8. Arrrgh! Helleva...just lookin to ease the lead competition..that's all luv. I be meanin no harm to ya. --------------------------------------------------------- Who says poligomy is just for Colorado City, AZ
  9. Oh..how brash you be. No, I didn't miss the point. I was helping you to redirect it. It be in my nature to want to make love, not war. I care not if a Tall Ship be "commercial" or "private". I only care that it be "non-profit" (as if there is such a thing.) But then again, I guess I don't really care about that either. Bring me that horizon, one way or another. But WE DIGRESS. (endkaos thinks Captain Gary is considering puttting a pic of her in the cannon.) How's about adding a pic of Comcast's President?
  10. Arrrrgh, but ye have cruel tongue. I hope ye uses it for other things than whipping wenches with your words. Tis true, I be comin to call after being set on course by POTC. But POTC can only stimulate a need that was already there. Ye can understand *the need to be pirate*, now can't ye? We all can't own a pirate ship, but we can assist one in *need*.
  11. Beware Imadrunkenpirate, I thinks El Pirata has motives to the bargain than simply trading plunder for money. Oh...did I say that?
  12. We should have a photo album of our pirates in their best pirate garb. (I think Quill has a head start on that.) Part of my difficulties is that I have only (can't type...wake up*slap*) medival ren-faires & wars to currently compare garb with and shop from.
  13. Lass, They be cute, but me boys would feel the need to break them. Little pirates...run around like little drunken...well...pirates!
  14. Oh, it be true. I be one of the original members of POTCinteractive. Sadly, I cannot afford to make the trip to Tampa. Here be there website info. POTC interactive and while's I at it.....I take aim at El Pirata as I know he gotta say something about it. Postscript... This month's No Quarter Given had a note about POTCinteractive as well. Huzzah!
  15. I'd have expect to hear more rumors about the script before rumors about casting would hit. It couldn't even be possible for the second film to be casting yet. The first one just finished on June 27, 2003...just six months ago. There's a thought...Only 6 months from the 1st premiere and still all this buzz.
  16. Well me pirate friends, I just got back from me local thrift store and I scored. Not only did I find several pirate worthy shirts, I also plundered a pair of piratey boots Let's see if this picture comes out? Nope ...visit the website. My Webpage
  17. Aye Aye Captain. Ye need to have post a pin diagram for the Royaliste. Then those who can pass the pin test, can sails with ya.
  18. RhumbaRue, I emailed ye. Would love to try and hook up. What pirate wouldn't want to party? Hope ye haven't left yet.
  19. All this advice is great...keep it coming. Another question. This corset came with string to tie it up. Me sister suggested that maybe I should switch out the string for leather. Do ye think this is a good idea?
  20. Thank you ladies for all your help. I was thinking I was needin a modern day lift (so to speak). And to you gents, thanks for all the lookseas. Nice to know us ladies in corsets are appreciated.
  21. I just went and looked at a pair of period knickers (mens, but I be a lady). Decided they were WAY to baggy for me (I don't want to look like I have a fat butt) so I decided to purchase ladies period under garment knickers. I'm going to wear them like men's knickers and be dammed if I get arrested by the sheriff for indecent exposure. Know that doesn't help much, but said it anyways.
  22. I bought me first "authentic" style corset from Boss Wench at Ren-Faire, but me ta tas so big, they keep sliding down into the corset. What am I doing wrong? I look at pictures of me pyracy pub friends (Quill, Lady Elaine) and they look beautiful in their corsets. I want to be beautiful too in my corset. What is the secret ?
  23. Arrrrrrrrgh! That be the one. Thank you kindly darkthing.
  24. Does anyone remember the name of the female dressed as a male Naval Officier in a Monty Python movie? Thanks for your help
  25. Some updated information from their website. PIRATES! March 20 - It's a Pirate Invasion! Join us for High Sea Faire'n Adventure! Tribune Best Pirate Presence Contest - Not only do you need to have the look, but you need to walk the walk. Judging categories to include: costume, ARRrrrrghin, personality and swagger. Contest begins at 2pm at the Teatro de la Rosa stage! KNIX on site from 10am until Noon. March 21 - It's a Pirate Invasion! Join us for High Sea Faire'n Adventure! Tribune "Solve the Treasure Map" contest.
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