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Everything posted by Dutchman
appologies for jumping a thread , fl. mermaid. did grace and i meet you at pyratecon???? cant be too many combinations like that. -dutch
i like capt jims idea about saving the treasure chest- how about treasured chest though. maybe the chests can be locked with a chain somehow.
ah, i just went through a casting issue with our crew coins. i gave up and took it to a machinist friend who cut a plug and i went after it with a dremmel. Its ok, but a repro would have been better. sculpy does not work for detail and will only get one or two pieces before the mold wears out. latex molds were a fiasco. anyone have any ideas. Incidently, a pound of pewter will get you 19 pieces of eight with a bit left in the bottom of the pot.
i've committed a sin. i'm in a hurry to finish off a weskit so i . . . . i used stitch witch on a couple of seams, well just the back sides of the arm pits and the back bottom edge . . .but just to hold the fabric in place while i stitched it..... really....... please forgive me.
please be gentile with our crew and make sure they take a bath.
mr. bagley, i was not aware you were headed to our waters. please be so kind as to call upon me when you arrive. especially if you have that box with you- i'm definitely interested. i believe i'll be sleeping on the long boat dock or maybe in one anchored out by this point. -dutch
well, as i have no money to offer anyone at this point and still hypothetical... what would be a draw for a lecturer to volunteer time for a project like this. and as a vendor would a free space in excange for reduced prices to participants be an approach? as i stated before, i don't plan on making a dime. i'm only interested in sharing an opportunity with other like minded folks- as long as this can pay for itself, i'm happy. as far as the village goes. the only permanent thing anyone there seems to want is a forge- i have no idea how to even begin this one. the other buildings so far are a harbormaster/pilot, chandler, tavern, work shop, and residence.- just thoughts so far, but six is the magic limit.
i think thats it, but i thought there were some older coins. regardless, nice work mr bagley.
scratching me head and wondering what i'm going to do now???? lands being thinned out for us. i prevented a slash and burn, want some shade ya know. hurricane, you still willing to share some knowledge on port royal. that may be one of our more researched and modeled towns to start with. what did it start out as and what was thre first?? those who will be at blackbeard, come track me down if you're interested in helping out. all are still welcome to input ideas.
matt, the original offer still stands if it works for you. catch up with me at the festival.
looks like it would work. i ran an extra piece of fabric doubled over the top to hold my edges together and add a bit more beef for wear and tear.
actually... i think anything pre period will work as long as its silver or gold since that was the base trade in weight. a gold coin melted down still weighs the same as a gold coin with a face and a prudent banker or merchant is going to weigh it. i recall a wild west (ok wrong era, but the description will make sense in a second) trick where bankers would place a sheet of paper on the floor under the scales. when they weighed the dust, inevitably a bit would "spill" to be collected later. maybe Kass can clarify this next one. seems there was a fellow found burried in a moor somewhere that had greek or roman gold coins mixed in with his current coins. that was a national geo article a few years ago, but they made a big deal about his clothing.
first- go find Kass' articles on stitching at reconstructing history. you will end the stitch by doubling it back on itself. i was not a believer and of the "it must be tied off else it wont hold" cult myself till i tried it. it works just fine. second- make the bag inside out (so all the stitching is outside) and flip it right side out after- you can probably avoid the rolled edge that way.
and various bits from tobacco coast (thanks sterling) the crew of india king, while waiting for favorable wind off the virginia capes fished with a large hook baited with four pounds of meat, eventually catching a 100 pound fish "which caused great joy and rejoysing" another one... the ship's company amused themselves by fishing for the many dolphins that played about the vessel. some fished with baited hooks: others used seven-foot harpoons with five hook-like points...... mrs. browne told of cooking a twenty inch flying fish caught at sea.....
slops over drawers in the warmer climates.
indeed it is.
cheeky, diregard- got it. we'll work with sterling and make it happen.
cheeky, i did not receive your info. please pm it to me. and on the party front. we have a few ball tickets available. now normally we don't get involved in the sales. but one of our crew members took a challenge and if'n he can sell fifty tickets.. well, it will be worth the price of admission. so contact me if you are interested.
blackfox, thats good news for ya for sure. how does this effect the current subscription that i just renewed? also- if you can, keep either july 12 or oct 9 open for me. i'll explain at the bbf.
royaliste, hope the winds blowing in a fair direction for ya- you could make record time if it weren't for the bridges and lock. i think we have a spot for the land yacht, i'll know for sure in a day and pass it along asap.
thanks mission. a new title for me. off to the library i go. heaven help me if i ever get a real job and don't have extra time. living history is proving to be interesting. as it is a hobby for most of us we can only relate what we read or first hand experience while we are doing. i'm reading, then trying to do so as to better present it. this food issue is quite a challenge. i broke down and ordered chinese the other night- enough was enough- but it did have beef and pease- er um peas. as far as fishing gear- i have an appointment with a textile shop in yorktown after the festival and she is going to learn me how to weave a net out of hemp- but she says i need to make myself a pair of socks first as a beginners project. oh well.
thanks to all who helped find links to the last question. now on to the next food related item. how to prepare it. i've been diddling around with different ways. based on the lists compiled it takes lots of water to rehydrate this stuff. even longer if there is no heat- as in the ships a rockin and fire is not safe=cold victuals for jack tar. on the other hand this could be used to prepare a meal as well. lets say set the next meal aside to soak while your eating the current one. this will allow a smaller and shorter fire time if you want it heated or to just finish hydrating it. so my thought for a SINGLE person, not a crew, would be to use something like a poridger (sp?) and a copper kettle? maybe some of our buckskinners can help out here. by the way, softening time for 6 month old hard tack is around twenty minutes in cold water and i suggest you let it soften ALL THE WAY. if anyone else would like to try this experiment allow plenty of time for your body to adjust to the new diet and be ready for some uncomfortable positions on the bathroom floor waiting for things to *ahem* sort themselves out.
ok, for what its worth since he did not send documentation with it. haul on the bowline is early 18th c. and lowland seas is Drake period. sorry not more specific, but thats from a jamestown curator - admittedly without documentation - and would be more credible than most. he's going to go digging and see if he can find some more next week.
ive got an e mail out to one of our jamestowne folks who is one of the musicians out there. he should be able to provide a few titles. don't expect to hear from him till monday or so though.
we use chanties while woring on the boats and keeping time at the oars. somewhere there is a video of us onboard the nykel holy stoning to haul away joe. silkie, it was at harborfest last year. maybe you can unearth it. of course there is a time for everything. unfortunately hefting a dead two ton engine into the back of a truck is not the time for an unnamed certain crew member to insist on "ok folks- do it correctly. its layhold- heave" could have throttled him. mostly we do it for show though.