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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. just posted this over in the pictures thread. how about a pub photo shoot at the festival. i think about a dozen and half will be there. saturday night between the dinner and fireworks or sunday morning.
  2. hey how bout a pub shoot at the blackbeard festival. by my count atleast a dozen and a half of us will be there. i think the best time would be between the dinner and fireworks on saturday. still a bit of light, but a decent flash would not hurt. if that does not work how bout sunday morning- although it might be a rough crowd.
  3. cookie, i'll be by the boat thursday morning. if you need copper for the barrel, yell and i'll pull it out of the pile. think i still have some rivets too.
  4. its amazing how many ships- right up to current deadrises on the chesapeake bay are built by eye. i've seen many a workboat where one side is just as fair as the other with no plans. of course i've seen just as many that were off as well. watching those old timers with an adze and broad axe is amazing. i can make them work- but its not pretty. those guys are true artists! ok for those who have seen the john adams flick- did the scene of sewing the dead sailors into the hammocks make it- same episode.If so, i'm second from the left. I died four times in that movie- it was great! to keep on track with missions works, other than mercury, has anyone ever seen a list of the contents of black beards charleston box? It was valued at 400 pounds i think.
  5. oh please sterling- if you shoot as well as you defend the crown and taxes . . . ..oh yeah and hunt pyrates this time of year. hey did that last bit of info i sent help at all?
  6. mission, any idea how much space were looking at by the description? i was fortunate enough to be an extra on the john adams set the day an on board surgery scene was done durring battle. the set was a storage container built on hydraulic lifts. the inside of the container was the ships hold- pretty neat actually, but anyhow- from our view on the monitors the three or four that were in there were on top of themselves to start, then the "ship" started rocking. then three of us came down the hatch to add to the mess. (i have not seen the series yet, but if that scene did not end up on the editors floor, i'm the one being dragged down backwards with the striped socks) whats interesting was watching the supposedly secured props become projectiles and the cast trying to get them back in place. just gives you an idea of the space constrains involved.
  7. silkie, thanks for fixing it. i'm clueless. well if folks want a bigger picture they will just have to come to hampton and take one- so there the better pictures are when i'm on one of the boats- otherwise i always have a stupid grin or i'm cought in the middle of blinking.
  8. dear god mission!!! i've been a street medic for 17 years and that made my knees buckle!! as captain jim pointed out, most people pass out from shock because of the injury and the pain associated with it. then there are those who are trained or conditioned to fight through it (such as S.F. folks) or so juiced on the adrenalin of the moment- they don't realize it. a comparison- i once picked up a middle aged male, grew up with lets say an easy life, who thought he was going to die from constipation. He percieved it as pain so therefor it was. now i was not him so i can't grade his pain, but it was real for him. then i had a young male with most of the back of his leg blown off by a shotgun at close range. (he had been shot twice already and done jail time- no idea where his family was) no tears, little blood, lots of missing meat. he refused to ride in the ambulance and his girlfriend drove him to the hospital because he did not want a bill. (yes we bandaged him on scene and did a lot of begging and pleading with him, but he wanted no part of us)
  9. oh tobacco, capn' we have some leaf coming but not sure how much. if it ends up not being much well get more later in the season and i'll run it up to you.
  10. http://lh6.ggpht.com/crewofblackbeard/R4O5...shoot%20007.jpg well there is the address. can someone much smarter than i post the pic?
  11. kevid duffus just released his new book. anyone have a chance to take a peek yet. i'll be reading it this weekend and can't wait to talk to him at the blackbeard festival. the highlights are ed baerd may have been a carolina native and explains this possiblility through land deeds and birth/death/marriage certificates. he also has a section on the women in his life. As with any historical work 200 years later, we all have to take it at face value. but it certainly does make you think a little differently.
  12. royaliste, glad to hear you're makin out ok down there with a bit of breeze. now if we could get it blowing north in time for ya. hey be easy on our crew we need 'em for the weekend. they are only on loan!!!!
  13. hey capt, can ya run a copy for me as well?
  14. woo hoo, almost done with all the planning. for those in camp on thursday night.. there will be something going on :) and for the rest of the weekend-cookie and the rest of the galley crew are plotting and concocting. as an added bonus- kevin duffus, author of The Last Days of Black Beard, is rteported to be stopping by for a visit. everyone doing ok on the planning?
  15. glad to hear all are getting ready. we were out at an event all day breaking new gear. and even snuck a sail in. woo hoo!!!!!!! i believe cookie will be offline the rest of the weekend. i'll call him tomorrow and have him check in.
  16. graydog, i believe we had coffee one morning together in the hotel restaurant discussing period clothing and events. i have a couple of photos, when i can get my disk back i'll forward them. hopefully these are the only tales of woes other than some delayed luggage. aye the fine lady was decent enough to step on him as he lay sprawled in the gutter to cover the puddle that lay beneath him. who says chivalry is dead? the only thing i can think of that happened to the poor wretch was that he lost his rum as he happened down the stairs. obviously impaired and off ballance by the cranial pressure from the vomiting he fell down the stairs. poor soul- did i mention, i think he fell down the stairs. i did not see it myself, but i think thats what happened.
  17. (A ditty bag is what was used to carry all of your ropework and sewing stuff. So technacly, unless you were working on something, why would you be carrying it?) Patrick Hand- I politely challenge part of this. I have seen a list of personal effects of my great however many grandfather anthony collmer from the ship Mayfower (not the pilgrim one) out of Mass from 1684. Working supplies and personal were all found grouped in sacks in an orderly set when an inventory was done upon his death aboard another ship. apparently he owned a few. I will good sir heartily agree, these items were in storage at the time (as he was not aboard) and not carrying them on him. Based on this I would be reluctant to say that a ditty bag ONLY carried rope and sewing tools, but this does show that goods were stored in sacks of some sort.
  18. merrydeath, no alcohol(she was not drinkin) he tried to blow it in her face from behind her. and yes, not a smart move when others are close by with long pointy pieces of steel. last seen, (it was the big guy showing off his tattoos) he was shirtless in a gutter, a bit bruised and puke all over him. terrible ac-ci-dent, i'm sure.
  19. graydog, sorry to hear about that. hoepfully no credit dammage will be done and it was caught quick enough. along those lines- another problem encounter occured when a slime bag tried to slip some drugs to a crew member at the bar. (the one where we did the wench auction and pyrate of the year) it occured pretty early so not alot of pyrates were there, but steeet justice prevailed. Fortunately she realized what was happening and was not injured. above said slimebag was not a pyrate and the bar staff responded beautifully as well as the hand full of pyrates who were there.
  20. http://www.colonialfiberarts.com/ found this store while perusing a venue site. as i don't do any of the skills, its not very appealing to me but someone may find it usefull. i'll be in the store this weekend and report back what i find. if anyone is looking for something in particular, let me know and i'll check it out- although i won't know what i'll be looking at.
  21. noted capn' no worries. we all enjoy differnt aspects of history. lets just tackle on historical quirk at a time. hows the planning going for archangel folks? the other crews are gearing up as well. from what i understand there are some new things coming from marketfair.
  22. nice looking gear bo. how does the load feel while your carrying it? any idea about how much weight you can load before it gets uncomfortable on the shoulders.
  23. not sure capn' revenge. if someone can make a periodly correct connection we'll look into it. in the mean time- 30 DAYS BEFORE WE START SETTING UP!!!!! Reading Royalistes post, she's looking beautiful and ready to strut her stuff. I brought back one of the small boat contracts yesterday and crews are spiffying up their toys and gear. Heck, even we are mending some old canvas and will hopefully have the new old girl up. Its shaping up to be a great year.
  24. capn' its a fascinating history. i can't wait to see your research at the festival. the outline we have going should work out pretty well. hey- can you pm a headcount to me and how many militia will be en-tow from your group.
  25. uh cheeky- did abigail have a sister? back to the festival though...... tis indeed going to be a good one this year. cap'n please don't drop too much we do want some suprises.
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