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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. matusalem posted some pics of a teak hatch he was making (a beauty too i might add). Me being the gearhead I am was looking at the tools and the workshop. Ok lets post em. Pictures or a description of of your sweatshops and what you use to make your pyracy fettish happen. Tools, sewing machines, forges, what have you. I guess I'll have to overcome my figure out how to post a pic fear this weekend.
  2. nicely done. hmmm another thread it think.
  3. ok ok i walked into that one. what are the advantages or is it purely a style thing.
  4. dear me. i feel that our french privateer would certainly drown with all that on. to the vertical pockets. i have not seen them before. can someone explain how they work and not spill the contents?
  5. to heck with the sash. look closely at the feet- RED HEELS!!!!! must have just come from court. looking at him- its hard to tell with his hand over the knot whats going on. but the positioning is a good indicator. his right arm is almost straight compared to the left. held similarly, this places my right hand even with the ball of my femur and my left on my pelvic bone. if i am wearing one, by the end of the day- this is about where my sash ends up. of the four gents he is the only one not carrying a sword- i wonder whats going on? the gent on the far left with his back to us. what is up with the sash over the shoulder? on both, the sash is not a streaming pennant flapping in the breeze but tucked in and the ends are short- rather practical that way Lady B- i have not run across this plate yet. where did you find it and thankyou for sharing.
  6. pictures or a link!!!! I'm not following what you are describing
  7. callenish, thank you for clarifying the inking point. your version is abundantly clear in operation. how does the first one (from the kit) hold its proper distance without the use of a set? and the big question- since after your clarification of my description of the beforementioned picture, what in the world was the second item i tried to describe that we now have no picture of?
  8. the two unmarked pieces are extra fittings that go in the large set of dividers. the extra pieces fit in where the wingnut is. the brass tube is indeed an early mechanical pencil. the second is a shorter leg for the divider. if you look carefully that fitting is a divider in itself. this makes a parralel arc -or- if you go all the way around, a circle within a circle. i have seen other period kits with extra legs that bend 90 degrees down (i'm not sure what purpose it serves though), a small wheel mounted on the end for measuring, and a blade for cutting circles.
  9. ah i believe we had proof that the fine folks from bone island procure a nice stash.
  10. so tell us cascabel, what did you do with the cat hide???? ok i have a ray skin in the works. i'm going to collect me instruments and design the box before cutting into it though. avoid the cart before the horse syndrome.
  11. callinesh i'm in search of a small swan shot pouch that would fit inside. any leads? check your pm as well.
  12. callinesh, i had one hand delivered at BBF. if he continues as he made mine, you will be receiving fine wares.
  13. drat, how did this one sneak by me? congrats to you both!!! HUZZAHHHH
  14. congrats to two wonderful folks.
  15. so anyone ever use one? the same guy that had the nav set on ebay also had a rush lantern- on a stiiiiiick- ( jeff dunham humor- sorry) anyhow. it was apparently used to light street lanterns or any thing high in the air. so has anyone used a rush candle or lantern. Looking at the few pictures i could find on line, they are an exposed flame. while i'm not wild about it exposed in a tent, has anyone ever put one in a lantern to see how it would do?
  16. ahoy cascabel, was a pleasure meeting you at pyratecon. i still need to get those police training pictures to you sometime. OK cascabel, i'll one up ya on the ups. come for a visit and i'll take you out fishing so you can catch your own. seriously though, how do you go about drying it? mission- i have a machinist friend who likes to tinker. he has made some pieces for me and charges less based on the challenge it seems. can you get me sizes of the saw and i'll see what he thinks.
  17. unfortunately, there is little detail of the guts of the container itself. i wonder.... to the drawing board i go. i wonder if there is a breakdown of one of these showing the parts. my question is the shark skin. is there a modern equivalent? mission, in your wanderings, keep your eyes open for the instruments- they should be pretty easy to find in reproduction. i'll start looking tonight after work. darned day shift nuts everything up.
  18. anybody got a grand i can borrow? http://cgi.ebay.com/AN-18TH-CENTURY-KIT-OF...1QQcmdZViewItem again, i'll appeal to anyone who can post a picture of this one. sick computers and inept operators are a bad mix, sorry.
  19. i don't like people yelling at me and say its music. place that review in what ever group you like. we tried a rowing chantey one day and it was an amazing discovery. we had to slow the song down so slow it had no discernable beat or rythm- quite unpallatable as willoughby called it. if we had gone any faster our oarsmen would have been dead in ten minutes trying to keep up.
  20. saw them at pyratecon. giving them the benefit of the doubt, i found them on youtube. much better than their pyratecon performance but still the same three songs. sorry, i can only @^$# the queen so many times. nice if its a free venue, but will save my money and get another brigands C.D. i know they were popular at pyratecon so let the daggers fly now.
  21. well, we can't do much individually against corperate monsters, but collectively......every little bit helps. in the mean time, buy it cheap and stack it deep. i know i can feed my powder hungry friends and have spare parts for a while. now i'll take my parinoia, put on my aluminum foil hat and sit on the roof for a while.
  22. what happens at blackbeard stays at blackbeard. so i guess well just have to wait till next year to settle the discussion.
  23. well i'm glad to see you back regardless... i've reevaluated the situation and i'm still not sure how it happend.
  24. fox, no worries-i believe some of your staff will be there anyhow.
  25. huh interesting. Read Hern's fine print. warranty is for decoration only. no boom. "Hern Iron Works makes no Warrantee whatsoever concerning its cannons. They are sold for decorative purposes only and we do not imply that they are good for anything else. Buyer accepts all responsibility for all use or misuse of the cannon. However, if at any time you are unhappy with a Hern cannon, you may return it, postpaid, to the foundry for replacement or refund."
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