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john smith was deltavilles first unhappy tourist as he tangled with a stingray in 1607. seems the shallope ran aground and they decided to spear dinner with their rapiers. ray slid down the blade and got him in the arm.
ok well now that i'm down to just three big events left for the year....... i can be nosy and pay atention to what everyone else is doing. SO- how are the living history projects going????? -man I wish i could come and play!!!
I'm stuck at work. out of boredom I call the folks and Jack Tarrr answers. after looking at the phone to make sure I dialed the right number, it seems the crew decided to bag a boat work day and go play. they ended up at the folks swimming, sailing, kayaking, and EATING MY CRABCAKES!!!!!!!!! for dinner. buggers.
i got to partake of mr bagleys stock at Beaufort. I wish I could remember the berry but it was delightful.
thats just wrong!!!! ..............we sent flowers and a hook.
pern is working on luna today. let me guess, did it involve floggings, hangings, and such......
oh come on madl. use your imagination. carpenter bees. how ya think they kept it floating?
tis a beauty for sure. just arrived today. great job!!!
well i have not actually seen it myself, but thats why i have agents.................. seems the work computer has a filter, can't get into the bloody youtube site. i'll have to wait till tonight after work
ahem-- a moment please. I have just been informed by my casting agent, namely Willoughby Caught, that of all her youtube beaufort videos the one starring yours truly and callenish featuring the reenactment of the reenacted flogging is the most popular and is already a five star feature.........................I'll be in my trailer signing autographs later I only wish someone had been able to get the actual flogging. the sound of the crowd taking a collective gasp was awesome!
well isn't that cool. did you notice how its hanging? banner style as opposed to flag.
but did you return the favor and paint his?
boucaner, can ya pint the doubles out to me. i'm not seeing it.
if i were #'s 8 and 12 from the right i'd be a might irritable at the fellow pointing a gun at me head.
thanks sterling, had not run across foxs flag work yet. so there ya have it. a bit of both with some out of context.
This excludes national flags used as a ruse. i'm up in the air on flags. Lets look at it this way. If you hold a bunch of naval rank flags up next to each other and stand back say 200 yards can you tell what is on it? So if a ship is closing in on me and flying some snot rag from the rigging am i really going to pay close enough attention to it to see what it is or am i going to be more concerned about the big pieces of belching iron looking at me? so how can all of the flags with scull and crossbones be identified? I don't think very likely- not IMPOSSIBLE- just unlikely. I'm not going to care if it has a spear or a fishing rod on it- i'm getting out of its way! I have seen pictures of two asian examples and i believe there is one in the museum in fla. The two asian ones are beautiful (search for the barbossa flag thread i started a while back) the one in fla is black with a scull i believe. Someone help me out here. I believe there are two wood carvings or drawings of blackbeard with ships in the background- both have the st georges flags. one is a single, the other is three above each other. However as i recall, those were done post blackbeard/GAOP. so no valid credit there either.
The Beards seem to have been ousted from Scotland and Ireland by King George I which explains damnation to the king and "deth to Spotswood!" James (dad) ended up in Charleston and Bath. Possible brother of James, William, ended up in Barbados with apparently a few other oustees that will become figures in Edwards life later. Edward and Susannah Beards mother is unknown, but is safe to say she died before James, her husband, before 1711. there were no other known siblings. Susannah and her husband Martin inherited the 600 acres that we visited.
hey hey hey now family venue. don't scare the kiddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sand does not belong in places like that! oh my gosh, i have to migrate between crews!!!
Carolina buccaneer, Kevin has deliberately not added any pictures of the site itself. I'm not sure about additional siblings. There only seems to be two of them and ol' Ed had no KNOWN direct descendants so the blood line goes through susannah. Of course if you follow the traditional Johnson myths- there would be no children- he killed all his wives early in the relationships. It is entirely possible to find former shipmates. another rumor debunked is that all the crew were hanged in Williamsburg. Only four were proven hanged and atleast six others show up further down the road in probate and deeds records in virginia and north carolina. I have even seen a VERY LOOSE reference to Isreal Hands being on board and dying on another pirate vessel a couple of years after the blackbeard incident. I cannot verify the source, but it is possible- not bad for a guy shot in the knee- maybe another myth down? I found a royal governors journal entry from march of 1719 that stated five were not hung until council could meet due to the weather. since the crew was supposedly hung before then that blows that version all to pieces. i'll find the exact quote and source tomorrow and post it for you. I'll also see what i can't find on mother Beard. that might shed some light on the sibling issue.
sikie- not sure. this was a revival of a past event. they need to recover from the first i believe. ummm---was it that obvious that i was enjoying the heck out of meself. sorry- i'll try to control my enthusiasm next time. although i do have to say that more than one crew member came running over to check on me after it was over only to be mad because gunner and i were doubled over laughing at ourselves.
over all still a grand time. every one did well and a respectable performance was laid out only to be topped next year. Ya know if we all keep working together this well and often- someday we might get good at this. ohhh scarry thought i think a lot of us made either the paper or video streams. willoughby has posted a lot of battle footage on youtube so check that out as well. on the plus side, the saucey wench banners found a new home and will fly proudly over the tent. a flogging team was created with many horrors of the crowd. ants can be a nutritious source of food. we all had fun!
since there seems to be a bit of interest, and more than one or two have had a chance to read the book now- BUMP! Carolina buccaneer and casketchris, there is a lot of amazing research that kevin dug into to find his information. Is it a sure thing? maybe not in some cases, but the way he presents it sure fills in a lot of gaps and ads an actual timeline to work from. On page 226, a Beard Family connection is laid out and makes the connections with Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet, John Quelsh, William Howard and the crew from ocracoke. Now that must have been one heck of a web to untangle! It starts in Barbados works to Col. Daniel, Quelch family, Bonnet family, Beard family and then breaks down to the offspring and associates. There are documented branches and suspected connections- so is it absolute? No, but its a good start.
well yeah!!! Kevin is onto a whole lot o something!!!!!!!!
notes on battle from the safety officers perspective shovels and frying pans are considered weapons therefore must be green tagged before use in the field of battle. shoes are considered concealed weapons- by the way nice head shot grace. wenches do not appreciate being carried away. cheeky wields a hefty spoon. captured pyrates try to escape at all costs. one unnamed person has an ability to make a weapon- any weapon they touch go "pfffft" instead of bang.
out of respect for the location. not a snowballs chance- sorry