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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. poor robbie- an he isn't even here to defend himself. poor bugger- like he could anyhow. did anyone get his cannon dodging stunt on video? nell, well come up with something for you. don't worry, ill save you.
  2. indeed she does!!! why folks should have seen the three of us the first day. all nervous and giddy like school girls waiting for a date to the maypole dance. we shot the noon sighting, did the math, ran the declination came up with a magic number and edward scampered off to his land yacht to confirm on the GPS. By golly, to the degree the results were. darned fine work!!!!
  3. why cheekys would be too easy. lets see full of fluff, flits around in a breeze, not much to it. lets see.... cottonballs. a perfect persona!!!
  4. oh oh oh Harry!!! can we decorate one of the palm trees next year for PIPmas? would not want to dammage one of your beloved tagged cedars.
  5. hey now, how did i get wrapped up in this one!!!!!
  6. ah the porto-johns!!! now it all makes sense!!! robbie came back from taking a bath proud as a peacock saying he found a private bath house. course that was the first day and he did not take a bath again........
  7. please pardon mad dogge. its his first day with his new face and he's learning to talk all over again. for those who lost the translation- i'll check with the sourisssesssess and see if it is theirs.
  8. and graces only reply........ "here kitty kitty"
  9. recovered from sterling. one wooden lantern with a broken reflector and nice brass hardware. I recall seeing it in the archangel camp all week. it did not survive the transit well unfortunately as the door swung out and broke one of the hinges. I'll repair both and send it on its merry way if someone claims it.
  10. *snort* based on that fine photo... i have to appologize for what i did to your piss pot helmet. not really--- thats funny no matter who ye are.
  11. i usually slip my first night back on the road. the serge usually puts me in plain clothes the first couple of nights back, "for my own good". The indash camera got a good one of me last year after blackbeard. I pulled a DUI and referred to him as " a bloody hell, sot locked varment" cheesy english accent included. needless to say that tape was not used as states evidence.
  12. my special moment... the entire bloody week with great people who appreciate piracy in what ever form they wish and the mutual respect shown to each other in the field. why cant all events and crews be like this?
  13. and my personall favorite... really, it happened again last night... "hold fast, mate! the reason why i pulled you over is....."
  14. stopped by tandy yesterday and the ladies have a pattern, but now i need the form to fit it to. off to the workshop.
  15. well, for what its worth. i have three tin pisspots and a couple of dented up car hoods in my shed that belong to a certain mad dog. I'm taking bids....... by the way, the large ladle is with graces frying pan from hell. not sure how that one happened either.
  16. i think it was six screaming wenches
  17. well this is an easy fix.... on the first day of PIP my true love gave to me..... now how did that song go in the tavern?
  18. the shirt will do, but you can find a better example for the short coat. the problem with townsend is like expecting a three piece suit from megamart to be custom tailored- not going to happen and you end up looking generic which is fine for military, but defeats pirates creativity.
  19. ummmm i hate to split hairs on this one, but since young MR. Merryweather was the powder monkey does this not void the claim to fame? poor kid, what an identity crisis portraying a female powder monkey.
  20. no worries diosa... i'll sweep you off your feet...... again. by the way, i have the most amazing bruise shaped like a hand on my shoulder... i'll wager its yours.
  21. now that many are recovering or have recovered from PIP, its time to start thinking of new projects. lets see, top o' the list...... for some odd reason fire suppression comes to mind. so i have leather fire buckets dated to the 1650's by the dutch in new york. has anyone ever made a leather fire bucket and would there be any interest if i can make them cheap enough? I'm not saying museum reproduction quality, but practical and better than a tin can.
  22. well the guy who i bought my latest pedersolli queen anne kit from seems to have shorted me the screws and bolts. aside from going directly to italy for the parts does anyone know of a stateside kit or know the specific pieces i can go in search of. BTW dixie gunworks does not sell replacement parts. thanks ahead of time
  23. beloved grace and i are in
  24. gracie and i are home. sterling and his snotties (whom were dubiously named on the way home phlem and lugie) and silkie are headed to c'ville for the night. off to bed more later
  25. ok, for those of us stuck manning the fires at home...........updates please
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