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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. buggars sterling!!!!! now i'll have to do some searching through that site. taking a good look at that tent picture- little is actually campaign furniture. the crates and tables are nice, but the rest would be a bear- plus its a sales booth-not a camping set up. price tags i'm afraid. but it is still mighty fine furnishings to drool over.
  2. the airmatress is nothing!! im tellin ya. im not kidding when i tell the story about the air conditioner in the tent. my better half enjoys her comfort!!! it amazed the buggers out of me. the worst part was it took me a few minutes to find the bloody thing- she had it well hidden. unfortunately, in four to six weeks i'll be relegated to sleeping on the floor as she will have found something new to cuddle up to.
  3. poor fabio... er um barnaby was cut or bruised twice last year with a few. but it sure was fun.
  4. ah good point Bo. definitely something to look into.
  5. cripes a mighty. when hounddogge and robbie got to spittin all over each other i could not understand a word, but we all got a shower as they were yakin away.
  6. Unfortunately, if you take out a religious based terrorist in the act you make him a martyr and validate his efforts to others in the group and as capt jim points out- creates more. if you leave him/ her to do their will they will kill more than themselves. a nasty double edged sword i'm afraid. the simple truth is that terrorism as it is known today has been festering for thousands of years and signing a paper with leaders and saying ok play nicely now isn't going to work for radicals and extremists. unfortunately, there is little that will stop it in our lifetime and there is no easy answer to it.
  7. eh the mattress is not that impressive. can't compare to the tempurpedic 9000 with memory foam option and folding legs capabilities.
  8. so how bout this for the ornaments. a chinese ornament exchange. we swap em out, take em home to decorate our trees to remind us of the extended family and return them the following year for another one with new memories to add to the pile.
  9. "but i do have the gold medal....i have yet to take it off....!?!?!" rolleyes.gif robbie got a blue ribbon, but didn't find it till the next morning. wonder what tent he ended up in?
  10. dorian, can you fire me the details? I don't have the book and wont be able to get to the library till next week. talking slightly post GAOP, the common merchantmens shipboard furniture was knocked in or very basic and screwed to bulkheads. the larger warships had amazing furniture in the wards and higher ranking officers quarters. a lot of this was foldable and stowed against the bulkheads or hull in bad weather or battle. As far as the picture- dont anyone EVER EVER EVER show that to my much better half!!!!! I'll never finish unpacking!!!! sterling- where those come from???
  11. in an odd twist- at beaufort people actually were more repulsed by the flogging- you could have heard a pin drop out of a crowd about 300 strong- than the hanging. the flogging was used as a distractor for setting up the hanging and got more of a shock factor. it took the crowd a second to adjust from the flogging to the hanging, but then cheered the hanging on.
  12. patrick, I've put the word out to some of the coworkers. hope to have deer and if hunts go well turkey, duck, or goose for the camp. remind me to hit them up closer to the date. they say that the fowl can be field cleaned and frozen with the feathers on. If you are interested I can get them to florida for the boucaneers to clean but they would need to be cooked the first night probably so that may be part of one of the camps dinners. as far as living history, i'll be happy to work up any sort of a project you might have in mind. BTW- was there enough interest in the navigation to have it return next year??
  13. willie wobble got me started on this project and shared his information. sterling was too busy avoiding cousin robbie to be of any use, actually i think it was a cunning ploy to avoid saying i dunno. so here we are.
  14. well an after hours phone call put me in touch with the quartermasters museum at fort lee. about 30 minutes south of me. i'm hoping to hear back from the archives officer tomorrow and see if they may be of any help. if i can arrange a visit is anyone close by and interested?
  15. 160,000 tax free for one year from blackwater eight months ago. edit** that was an offer- not an end pay. needless to say i am still stateside so i obviously did not accept.
  16. no worries nell. just remember our fond time laying about at the fort.
  17. grace would not let me- maybe next year.
  18. not going to auction me off... well thats good. of course i could probably fetch a fair shilling or two wearing my skull and cross bone diamond studded thong. was really thinking of entering the hot a$$ pirate contest wearing it.
  19. no hijacking seen mate. good ideas are all ok. i've got scads of shipboard furniture designs and knocked in accomodations of the period. Over the years I've collected some nice furniture out of boats going to the eternal burn pile or being restored, heck I even have the guts of Manitau (one of JFK's last sailboats) in dads barn--don't ask. I'll have to bring my captains writing box down next year for show and tell. I've always had problems with kitchen storage in the field though and would love to make a period military piece... if we can find one. As far as a stove....our crew has gone around on that one and come up with a documented solution. I'll send you a picture--- aw heck, no i'm not. come to the blackbeard festival and i'll show you in person I can't recall running into Mr. Brand. if you could point him in my direction I'd be grateful.
  20. from what i've been able to piece together so far... campaign furniture did not come into vogue as we see it untill the very tail end of GAOP, beginning of F&I. Now there was camp furniture, but apparently not as elaborate, detailed, or as common as the examples in the above links. So my rationale is this. the stuff existed, but its just a matter of finding an example. The techniques and practicality would be similar to the later versions. although not PC there is a need in the camp for such things and there very well could have been an earlier version of campaign furniture present onboard a captured ship. I'm not much on flashy bobbles, but a solid working piece of furniture to use as a galley box is my end goal. I would just like something to get ideas from. Come to think of it "a solid working piece of furniture"... hmmm Amish, quaker, or menonite maybe- can't get much more practical or utilitarian than that. maybe i should broaden my search.
  21. nah, he's playing with his bones...... what else is he supposed to do........
  22. yeah, i've been drooling over that site for a while now and keep hoping that a galley piece of some sort will show. no luck yet. I had not found the authors notes yet. thanks for finding it. i'll peruse it tonight and maybe can find a lead burried in there somewhere.
  23. diosa, i think grace got a couple. i'll check
  24. and from the voice of the poor fellow who has been the distractor while things are being set.... unfortunately we cannot have the hanging performed in Hampton since the festival site is right across the river from where abraham lincoln read the imancipation proclimation. but the first time i saw a video of the archangels hanging, I knew this was an amazing piece of work and have now been a participant in this event twice. This is more than a simple hanging. The safety planning and double checking of equipment that MadDogge and Sterling go through is a feat unto itself and to be able to repulsively draw a crowd is a spectacle in its own right. Its is indeed a well belayed reenactment.
  25. so looking around, it seems that a nice galley chest would be nice. mr wobble had a nice practical one compliments of the boyscouts engineering program, which he graciously shared it source. I was wondering if anyone had an example of a campaign furniture one. I have seen a copy of the british campaign furniture book and it is a bit out of my price range at $260. does anyone have any pictures or repros or drawings or written descriptions of such a creature?
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