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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. what did i do now??????????????????
  2. ahhh good catch sterling. i forgot about your experience. we found out the hard way the barrel and lock must be entirely blued to run through the washer. so to be safe just don't do it. a couple of HOT soapy baths and drying cycles will work as well.
  3. hold fast before you put anything on it. its going to weep to some degree. what does not weep may be heat and sweat from you causing the weapon to leech. first of all whats causing it to weep? is it the stock or the barrel? what sort of finish is the stock? if its au natural it may just weep from the woods natural oil. don't bake it as it may crack but warm it up and bring the oil to the surface then wipe it down with acetone. continue as needed- remember acetone is flamable so slowly warm it on something like a heating pad or with a hair dryer. if its the barrel remove the barrel and lock plate and give them a spin in the dish washer by themselves or put them in a pot of boiling water for a while. the idea is to separate the oil from the metal let it dry and do it again if needed. expect it to rust. give it a good scrubbing with a baking soda paste and let it set for a day then wash it off and see how it does. if no weeping then lightly oil and put er back together.
  4. abandoning him on my door step DOES NOT MAKE ME HIS BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!
  5. oh don't peg me with this one. he's your window licking cousin. uh uh no way!!!!
  6. my family has an original reel to reel of steamboat willie (not much left of it im afraid- we found it going through old boxes, been preserved since then) and two signed lithographs of captain hook and pan. seems gramp sold ol walt a car back in the day.... how many points ya think.
  7. in. one to go
  8. a thought about the cemeteries. you seem to have early organized cemteries in your part of the world, but think outside the box. look for old family plots- they should be marked on USGS maps but will have little to no information readily available. While head markers were used, as you noted they are probably long since rotted. look for balast stones instead. these will be good indicators of the earlier identifiable plots. from there head to the north carolina records and start digging for family property deeds.
  9. oy cheeky, don't forget spare batteries for the spare batteries and maybe even a spare camera. i'd hate to see you put them in wrong again.......
  10. tis a good product. you can see mine over in the navigation tools thread.
  11. nope, sorry animal- listening is not allowed next year! audience participation will be required!!! :) Heck- the more the merrier. ya know, its funny- i've run across many reenactors/ living historians/ what evers who hold information near and dear and look at you with two heads if you ask them questions about their gear and how to use it. It's no bloody secret!!!!!! just new or not clear to some folks. I enjoy sharing lots of ideas and different thoughts with everyone here, heck- most of my stuff, i stole from someone else (figuratively, not litterally- like stynky) It always cracks me up when i'm out with the Explorer. Lots of folks ohhh and ahhh, when I offer an invitation to board I get a lot of "i can do that?" Hell, if you have a strong back and can swim- you can row!!! I don't care. I have a rare opportunity to offer hands on to folks who are interested, but normally don't get to do such things- why not share? maybe next year we could talk the wolf into taking a few of us out and actually use the gear as it should be used!
  12. Dad is trully an amazing man!!! i'd have curled up and felt sorry for myself! anyhow, I'm working on a navigation curriculum (sp?) its a long way from finished, but i'll share when its done.
  13. a little shameless promotion of ours, not just mine. http://www.colonialseaport.org/ Dad is back on the job, last week we finished placing a few more of the new after frames and most of the transom frame is in. this will allow the building of the raised doghouse that identifies her as a Bermuda sloop. A suitable gaff has been found, now we just need to let her dry. Next weekend will bring more frames and the placement of the cut outs for the aft bulkhead. I'm being moved inside to work on the jollyboat- hope to have her floating in time for Blackbeard. and a bit of time is going to be devoted to a personal pyrating project that will eventually be added to the website as well. now back to the topic. sterling is most correct. ships lines are a working plan of a ship. what a grand prize they would be for a pirate to get ahold of.
  14. yes to all of the additions to the list. the sundial is actually a sundial and compass- neat little device i found. the ring that mission mentions, but is around my neck is called a shepherds/sailors dial/ring. There are two cylendars about 1.5 inches within each other. the inner ring slided around the outer. the inner ring has a pin hole. the outside of the outer ring is marked in months, the inner hsa time. hold up to the sun and the sun dot lands on the time............... in theory. there is also a chalk board and chart of the chesapeake bay not shown in the photo.
  15. certainly 1&6) sand glass'. the small is a 28 sec and the large is a hour glass. 2) traverse board 3) navigators log book 4) davis backstaff 5) chip log- the 5 is sitting on the chip, also known as a fish. 7) ships lines, in particular- Luna. 8) cross staff- predecessor of the backstaff the "grapefruit" is acually my highly detailed model of the earth. its used to help explain declination. there are three additional pieces of equipment laying on the table that are not identified. anyone care to try to find them?
  16. woohoo. marscon 2009 (williamsburg va) is goin steampunk this weekend- of course that means they have no need for 18th century pirates- but i'm going anyhow!!!!!!!!!! I'll send pictures
  17. pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffff, fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, fffffffffff, fffffff,ffffffffft_ i fart in your gereral direction. *dutch runs back to his room and slams the door*
  18. well patrick, since i'm the first to reply, i nominate you as chairman of the board of the He -man woman haters club! all in favor? AYE. its unanimus. the next order of business is to.... hmmm well dag i'm not sure. lets seek council from our elders and think about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thCL5ieePuY ok-- here it is. the first order of business is that we agree to not talk to any girly-girl man haters club members in this room.
  19. i dunno jim, the wee one might give stynky a run for his money. look at that evil grin. oy, skinner! you're just a bit away from us- come visit sometime.
  20. well said... again patrick. there is plenty of room for all of us to do our own thing. i just wish people would appreciate established crews for what they are and not join, then complain because it is not what they expected......... hey, welcome to "crew X" there are plenty of different ways to do it, but this is what we focus on. are you sure this is what you are interested in? if not maybe these folks at crew "Y" can help you out... oh no, this is great. i would love to join "crew X" this is what i want to do. six months later..... ohhhh i don't like this, why cant i (fill in the blank) like crew "Y".... uhhh, because thats not our focus!
  21. *sigh* why can't we all just get along......
  22. oh i could go so many ways with this one........... its a kids show, its a kids show, its a kids show..... i'm going to just let this one slide...
  23. he'd cry.
  24. Dutchman


    riggers knife.
  25. for further insight into mindsets, look into these folks www.killology.com col. danny mcknight dick marcinko (before swollen head and prison) carlos hathcock
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