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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. ok so i have hit a logistical snag. a four day field event without a shower seems a bit much to me. what can be done to accomplish this without a supporting infrastructure or is it best to tell attendees to grab a pot of hot water, a bucket and fend for themselves? any ideas???????????????
  2. i don't have the books in front of me, but i recall reading of an insance in the executive journals of virginia. as i recall, he was with a group who entered the bay and captured around keghoutan (now hampton). he was not tried as a pirate since he had no rights, but was hanged since he was a murderous savage. Almost every other entry durring the GAoP entails some sort of conflict with natives- not suprisingly, the complaint is about the colonist not honoring land patents and agreements. Anyhow, I do not think the pirates or this fellow were named in the journal- just pirates and indians- but i'll check next week when i have them in front of me.
  3. what??? the bloody ship has already sunk. now how can he hurt what is already destroyed?
  4. ahoy ransom, ummmmm no signs of my cards?????
  5. oh thighbighter you dont want to give them fresh biscuts. i have some left over from last year, might even have some two year olds mixed in as well. now whats the shipping on five pounds of rocks?
  6. ohhhh my. now that dutch has information sterling is nice. sorry i would share but there are soooo mannnnyyyy X's and O's that I could never figure out how to explain it....... much less take a picture
  7. well the little bugger got one good snort of water then had problems so i figured i'd best get him out before grace got ahold of me.
  8. well i just had a conversation with the guru of such period items and got some ideas for input,callibration and measurement devices and where to find modern renditions that are passable as period. Let the collecting begin.
  9. cascabel, thankyou for looking at this. the intent is to be able to have pub members be able to get ther hand on the event rules of the day for which ever event they are headed to which means we will all need to share ahead of time. now this is assuming that the event rules follow state and federal law. This will also make guidelines, rules, and practices available as a reference to others. It in no way should be used as a teaching tool or replace common sense. I think that us trying to post and decipher 51 sets of laws will end up defeating the purpose of the thread and might be better suited with a home of their own. an examle. Lets say you are coing to Hampton, you simply hit that sticky and you know what we are expecting from visiting shooters. In return, Harry posts for PIP so we know what to exect when we get there. Eventually, Hopefully.... "Hey Cascabel, Hawkys, Crudbeard, Maddogge, who ever- hey we are just starting up and interested in learning about black powder for an event. We want to medel them after whats on the pub, but we need hands on- can you come out and teach us?"
  10. after digging around i have come to the following conclusion and offer a beginning to a solution. If someone has something i've missed please throw it out there. There is no federal black powder small arms training that will cover all the states. DOI/NPS what ever you want to call it has a curriculum, but parts vary from area to area and only count on their property. Each state has its own set of twisted rules and regs to include transporting through the state to get to above said federal land. Did you know New York considers a light dragoon pistol a sawed off shotgun? one of our crew members recently took it upon himself to find out the hard way rather than call any one of four police officers in the crew who could have told him not to do it. Each group/ crew/ event has its own way of doing things. the only thing that we will be able to accomplish in the near future is to agree to disagree about who has the best rules or the most experience doing this. Lets begin a central database. Cascabel, can you start a sticky where we can warehouse this information? this will enable it to be available to incoming crews to review rather than just showing up on a doorstep not knowing the local expectations. Its not a fool proof plan, but its a start.
  11. yeah that trip was great. we went to bermuda- i had not been there for years. the first night there we rented a cab to take us to hamilton for dinner. the cabbie knew my grandparents from 20 years ago and drove us around their old stomin grounds. I was able to find their house across the harbor from hamilton. grace and her two friends that went with us were great to put up with me babbling for an hour. from there we hit a beach, the old navy yard, st georges, snuck in a wreck dive and ate LOTS! Poor grace the morning we arrived in bermuda I was up at five and on the foredeck looking for gibbs light- made her go with me.
  12. of sorts... hey honey grab your gear were off again.... is an interchangeable line. last year we took a cruise and the first day we looked at each other, had nothing to say for an hour and wondered what we were going to do without pirating for a whole week. so we did what any respectable pirates would do-- we went to the rum tasting and tasted every one. Thats alright though- we've met so many great folks along the way it doesn't matter.
  13. the intent is to get all my nav gear (after making three sets- i'm making this one for myself) into one box. of course this fits around the fire buckets (#2 is being made now), working on Luna, events, oh and show up at work now and then plus a social life with madam grace.
  14. i think yours is a bit bent anyhow- did edward know what he was doing with it?
  15. eh, i have my own backstaff. and i know how to use mine.
  16. not really sure if this is with the topic, but one of the most valuable things in my sewing box is a strong magnet to retrieve wayward needles. i found a ferriers magnet on a wrist band. they use it to hold nails- is a great addition.
  17. ahh flattery will get you nowhere. i've got it partially filled with writing tools and i found a gorgeous folding boxwood rule and another of ivory. they should be here shortly. i've got ideas for one or two other items. my GAOPGPS is almost complete. So i have this thought for a picture next year. On the way to PIP break out the backstaff at one of the rest areas. and littleneck- the first person who rammed the shallop into anything would have a bugger of a time staying out of arms reach. i've grown kind of attatched to her.
  18. ACK!!!! shhhhhh quiet will ye. the simpleton will hear ya!!!! I was merely pointing out that with my fine computer abilities- thats about as high speed as i believe i'll ever get.
  19. Sterling- does it not sit on top of your lap.
  20. i want a spot on your dance card. huzzah!
  21. well i finally did it. i got myself one of those new fangled laptops- admittedly not as nice as mr jeffersons, but will serve me well in holding the smaller navigation tools and bits.
  22. the rings slide to the bottom of the line and keep the appostles from slamming around(well reduce the slamming) and wandering as you move. I'm not sure about P.C. but they are darned sure practical.
  23. The local tandy leather shop is two miles away and the manager loves pirates. when ever she get a good piece in and knows i'm working on something she will often call and see if i'm interested. she also lets me rummage the piles of hides. I don't get a break on cost, but i do get first dibs. If anyone is ever headed this way or knows where i'll be- provided you pay- i'll rummage for you and drag it along.
  24. ahoy graydog, will be many familiar faces. be sure to stop by the camp and say to me n' gracie
  25. mailed!!! two days early
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