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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. help me figure out how to vote and i'll make it go away.
  2. well don't just sit there and laugh Mr. High and Mighty, help me figure out how to vote! by the way, i've seen your proof shot *snicker* i should sell it off to the highest bidder.
  3. hey black fox, i received my latest copy but darned if i can figure out where to vote on the pirate of the quarter since i have a vested interest in it!
  4. iron bound- wrapped in iron strapping and corner angles. this is done to support potentially weak joints on boxes know to be carrying heavy loads and is also used as security for valuables- such as medicines.
  5. and the eyelets.... this is a basic nuts and bolts. use a coin to mark your diameter, then work the center out- don't cut it. make a grommet or use a premade ring of some sort. for larger load bearing eyes use a steel ring. use small plastic for clothing. i use multiple strands through one eye, but use what you like. using your premarked location center the grommet and begin stitching. i used two seperate needle and thread to help explain this next step, but you will only use one. make a stitch around the ring and fabric following the inside of the marked circle (red thread), then repeat going to the outside of the marked circle (black thread). you will only want to slide your stitch over three or four material threads and repeat the red stitch/ black stitch all the way around. a note- if you are using multiple threads, keep them free of each other and spread out as you cinch them taut. i have the red running a little ahead of the black to illustrate positioning, but you will want to do every other stitch. to finish this off, you can either leave the outer set (black thread) as it is or you can use the button hole stitch loop to join to the next one- i can't figure that one out though. hope this helps *note* the last picture is actually rounded, but looks longated- bad angle i guess and i folded the material under itself for contrast, there is a hole there.
  6. hey mate- some things i've learned over time and notes from roy underhill. even though the boxes would have been standard design, they would still be well made. the wood needed to make a strong enough box would not have been cheap and only entrusted to master craftsmen to build- not apprentices. Being a master craftsman, the chest would have been his calling card. more than likely there would have been a couple of contracts for these- even if there was not, various carpenters within one shop would still have tried to one up each other. now out of the contract and expanding on cascabels post- boxes were custom made for the owners needs. so you cannot find a period syrgens box, look at any sort of tradesmans box- caprenter, mason, gunsmith... each box is designed to fit that owners tools. If there were a surgeon on board a merchant vessel, would his supplies be the same as his naval counterpart?
  7. thats right silas. its been so bloody long i had to dig it out for a refresher course. of course i have to blame it on haunting lilly for dropping the bug in my ear. MadL the loop is just a simple two stranded wrap into a four stranded walker, with an offset sennet, added two lines and made an eight strand walker (that was a fun trick!) to fit the dittybag i already had on hand.
  8. oy happy birthday snottie!
  9. i'd like to try my hand at a cape cod dory
  10. and my addition to the mix. tis used on my ditty bag and has a turks head a bit further down thats used as a cinch.
  11. certainly not drawing away from island cutters design, but here is another option- a 13ft deadrise skiff. almost bloody impossible to sink- although you can flip with some help. this is a simple design that can be floating in as little as three days with simple tools. this is derived from the old log canoes the watermen used on the chesapeake bay. draws three inches empty and easy to row. no sail design though.
  12. well well well- i sneek away for a few days and looky what pops up! congrats mate!!
  13. MAD Dogge- are the arabic coffee recepies available on line???
  14. any interest in building one at PIP?
  15. HUZZAH!!!! congratulations- will indeed be a grand event! I know this beautiful spot.. right on the point.......
  16. ahoy mates, Grace thanks each of you for the Birthday wishes. She's with me for the weekend but I have to work. We'll be headed out to dinner on monday with pern, his wife and a couple of other folks. In addition to the coffee set, she received a new 12ft fly to go with the tent. There is no stopping her now.
  17. Wish Grace a very Happy Birthday fer me!

    Have a ball this weekend Grace!

  18. well sugar does not pour out of the holes. its too large to finely flow. the grinder turns it into a very fine powder.
  19. well it definitely is part of the set. same weight brass and pattern as the other pieces.
  20. its saturday. she wont be on a computer so i'm safe. this is obviously a recently made item with the trays pattern being close but not matching the coffee set. the cups probably only hold about 1/4 cup- the grinder works like a champ.
  21. i bought Grace an Arabian coffee set for her birthday. ok there is a coffee pot, a grinder, cups and a shaker thingy- i'm assuming sugar. anybody know for sure?
  22. jim, the closest anything in 40 minutes away. were talkin megamart, home depot, a decent grocery store. anything sizeable to be shipped in to handle a crowd is over an hour out. we don't even have a national guard unit to fall back on. the whole event hinges on water. the museum says they got plenty of it-- provided its not a drought- otherwise the water table dips and we end up with sulfury drinking water- then the whole hygene issue. I want to have a plan to battle this before i proceed any further.
  23. well it is a potentially great event- except for the bathing. as this will probably be an August event in Virginia I really do not want to be responsible for "that stinking event in Virginia" If every one understands this coming into it than thats one thing- but to atleast not even address it would be a complete error on my side.
  24. dude, yer off the christmas card list seriously though- thats the only logistical snag to a potentially great event.
  25. ok, let me clarify. I've got an awsome venue for a great event. my only snag is two hundred smell pirates for four days. plenty of porta-pottys can be brought in but what about bathin these fine folks. no showers on site!
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