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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. i went with grace and my dad last fall. had a ball. all i can say is don't let security catch ya playing in the playgroud if you dont have kids. they get cranky. we just wanted to play on the tug boat.
  2. allergies and pioson ivy..... nuf said. but i do have my eyes on a huge snapper in the pond. turtle soup anyone
  3. ok cheaspeake fisheries were easy. oysters were plentiful and grew on darned near anything. john smith describes them as being as large as a plate. (don't know what size plate though). natives would pile the empty shells and make a reef for them to grow on. gee- like what scientists are doing now to research the growth, duh...... anyhow different tangent. crabs were run into wooden cages in about four or five feet of water. a net was made going from shore out a couple hundred feet to these wooden boxes that had a funnel, if you will, on its side at the end. unable to go under it, the crabs would travel the length of the net and end up in this box of no escape. fishermen row/ paddle up and dip them out with a basket or net. i remember seeing modern versions of this growing up, but have not seen one in the better part of twenty years. i'm sure its still done- just not here anymore. the little place i'm from is named after john smiths attempt to spear a stingray with his sword. he describes them as schools of hundreds. smith was later reported to have eaten said stingray after he was nursed back to health. the only thing i'm hung up on is the fishing itself. hooks would not be practical for mass fishing, but i'm not sure on the nets. i'm working on it.
  4. oddly enough in my lack of sleep enduced state of blurr last night i thought about fishing onboard. odd... anyhow- while fishing gear of some sort would be on board (earlier in a differnt thread i mentioned a 1700's ancestors inventory aboard ship after his death- a few of the items sold off to the crew was a set of cod lines and nets- no descriptions of the nets) , i don't think it would be an every day occurance for pirates or ships of the line. at the speed some of these ships were travelling at a successfull hook would be rare. as there were no modern reels, they did have a hand winder like a kite string, getting your fish on board via hook would be a bit challenging- you would rip it to pieces in the water then beat it to heck going up the side of a ship the size of the constitution, rember curve of the hull and the tar. I really don't think many captains would allow a line over the quarter deck either *escuse me cap'n, got a fish* so a pound or gill net would be needed to practically do it. nets take time and the ship would have to slow down to do it- not impossible, but not likely if there were stores aboard. besides it would take a lot of fish on a hand line to feed a large crew and if you were under way,crew would not have time on watch to tend a hand line. now if you were in the doldrums listening to the rigging slat back and forth....... this is just my practical approach and observations growing up around commercial fisheries on the cheaspeake. i will gladly deffer to anyone with documentation or other ideas.
  5. why you would trust a crew of pyrate hunters and corrupt politicians is beyond me. no problems, we'll get a few good shots and have it ready for the next appearance. thanks for sending it up to us.
  6. mission, i think you're right about the heart disease not being a problem what with all the ailments and traumas aboard. of course william howard was reputed to have made it to 108. another thing to consider is the size difference between the eras. an average of six inches taller now than then i believe- takes more energy to keep a larger body going. ok i just finished adouble at work and the screen is blurring. i'll pick this up later, thanks to all who are adding to this. its interesting info. lady seahawke, i was only able to look at the first link, i'll get the others after sleep.
  7. wow- interesting information coming in folks. thanks- this is indeed what i'm lookin for. i wonder what the calorie intake was- could not be much but the sodium had to have been through the roof.
  8. if no one has been tapped for that position yet. i would be honored to hoist the colors- or- i'll be happy to receive it at this end and hand it off to whom ever upon their arrival if needed.
  9. i don't go in your chests. i just cuss as i push the heavy buggers out of the way as i pack the rest of the trailer. all i can say is if we ever need balast i know whats going first. i think i have an old square stand in the barn that was left behind we can cut to size.
  10. ah- is gosnald newport news or private. forgot about that one. as to my accomodations. less you want to take on a wench with a REALLY BIG pan stay to your side of the camp. The taj mahal should be up and we have our block over by the colisuem... figure that one out. of course you can always pull watch on the explorer for me. the benches have just been linseeded and we're using the old sweeps that spring. they make a nice rack. By the way, if anyone is up for a total pyrating submersion adventure, the following weekend a group of us will be rowing/sailing a schallope 17 miles (as the gull flies) to tangier for the weekend to celebrate the 400th annaversary of john smiths landing. some of the more hearty are going with the clothes on our backs and whats in our sacks just to say we did it. (party like its 1718) we will be leaving thursday and returning sunday if anyone is interested in bending an oar.
  11. not following the wooden rack- as to place it on? can grab bricks if need be while i grab the copper. the tar will melt off the copper-hey i can add florida barnacles for a price. we'll torch it and clean it before we add it to the barrel. check out my post on what sailors would eat. some intersting info from the pubsters.
  12. zing, a few outstanding leads. thankyou michael and lady seahawk.
  13. hotels within 5 miles that you would not mind leaving your grandmother in radisson (sits in the festival grounds) 1-757-727-9700 holiday inn, hampton hotel & convention center 1-757-838-0200 embassy suites 1-757-827-8200 campgrounds Newport News parks 1-757-888-3333 (tis a real number, i checked) OK, just got an update on the raddison/ harborside hotel what ever its called this week. as its under new management, they are redoing rooms. they have a set number for us that apparently are filled. the rest of the hotel is filled as well. they are still working on rooms- so some more are expected to be added. all i can say is call and see what you can get. callinesh, if this does not work and your crew ends up at one of the outlaying hotels, pm me or call pete about parking arrangements.
  14. chloe, among other things, i'm the crew stivador and always looking for new things to lighten the load and see how others are packing. although admittedly a civic is more of a challenge than the 20 ft trailer, can you enlighten us with some pictures of the car loaded and what your coffee house looks like set up. btw- i'm still trying to figure out how i ended up with the trailer in my back yard AND have to pack and repair its contents.
  15. i'm looking for anything here. does not need to be pirate specific, but of the era. to get from point a to point b they needed to load up. now i know they loaded what was available for fresh, but for longer voyages there had to be staples.
  16. so i was sitting here thinking about hardtack and wondered if there were any records of what was aboard any of the ships of the era for food.. (pirate, merchant or naval) and what a daily alotment would have actually been. we all know about the rations of rum, but i mean how many pounds of barrelled pork, how many pieces of biscuit. were there dried beans or rice aboard? now before anyone jumps in and says pirates would have taken it off a captured ship, well yeah- but what is documented that they took. I'm looking for things like blackbeards treasure that was on board the adventure as recorded by maynard. a few pounds each of sugar, cocoa, coffee or tea and some meats. not much in the grand scheme of a captain of 400 men in the end is it?
  17. i refuse to stoop to your level of humor. but dutchie and sweetie simply should not be allowed in the same sentence! oh its going to be a long festival- i can feel it coming.
  18. folks i just learned on another thread a pirate could not attend and let their room go. if this happens with anyone else, please contact me and i'll see about getting someone in it. the hotel is full with the next closest five miles away.
  19. AHHH HURRICANE!!!!! did you already let the room go? we have people looking for a room.
  20. unfortunately, planning for the blackbeard festival prevents me from travelling this weekend, but a few of the crew will be there. visit the nonprofit leg of our crew at colonialseaport.org and go to the projects page. i believe you will be interested. i knew Adventure was a bermuda sloop- i was wondering if/ hoping that you had found a missing link somewhere. We were contacted last month by a group in carolina about a similar project. any idea who they might be?
  21. car pool, are we getting paid, reimbursed from the purser, can i talk grace into driving........ i only pack the trailer, i don't tow it thank goodness. it's definitley shortening our radius.
  22. ah thats one of yours. i drooled a bit, sorry. good sir, we have a project going on in these waters and i'm interested in how she came to be. can you shed some light on the background of that beautiful piece.
  23. hey silkie, pm cookie (black dog i think?) and pick his mind about the logistics. he's been doing the bb fest for a while now and with the help of others is cooking for 100 this year.
  24. ok cheeky and silkie, rue got a photo of me at pyratecon. its in her photo post. **mutters to self ...damnation- did not run fast enough!!!** good pictures rue. it was a pleasure to meet you.
  25. now silkie, how can you be in a group shot if you're behind the lense. and gary, with your permission, the easiest way to kill two birds with one stone is to use the royaliste as the background for a group shot from the bulkhead or floating pier. that way you will not miss out. i think i can talk grace into taking a few pictures for us.
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