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Everything posted by Dutchman
royaliste- dockage will be the same as in the past. i'm not sure where your position will be this year though. i'll see what i can't find out for you. um capn' sterling.... those words may result in a revolt... mind yer tongue and actions as ye may find yourself tarred, feathered, burned in effagy.... hampton has never been partial to corrupt officials.
huzzah for bo!!!!!! well i know what i'm going to be doing at the yorktown raid next weekend. already know what material i'm going to use. now if we can just sink one on top of queen anne or whydah to make them periodly documented on board.
well the good news is we have used the facility before and the locals are use to us being around. they honestly don't care or raise an eyebrow and give us our space to do things out of view. but, when word spreads that the pyrates are in and throwing a party in the off season, the whole bloddy town shows up. capn sterling- i certainly did not mean to steriotype archangel... i simply pointed out that its a local place to do it. and yes i do expect to see lots of you here.... if'n we can make this fly. ok so were looking at late sept/ early october then? PROBABLY NOT THIS YEAR. we may not have a big tourist crowd, but they will come. weve proven that before. any objections to a workshop format at the end of the week, then a saturday festival? would any vendors be willing to show up, any lecturers? I would really like to say hey museum board- this is what and who is interested- not commiting anyone by name or group, but just types of participants.
johnnytarr- indeed being able to walk the walk is needed. pyratecon was a hoot, only a few people could do it. Its amazing how many folks gave you a blank look.... so certainly not taking away from what anyone enjoys doing, would any folks be interested in workshops? i believe many folks would love to learn a few things, but have no place to go. royaliste- indeed! well catch up at the blackbeard festival ladyb- no need for us to mess with ships. something is always "careened" there. some longer than others. there is a hell of a project under way now (we have nothing to do with it) as well as another in the works. they might not be period but they are wood done traditionally. What do i want? well the grounds we have can only support a half dozen shed size building, on skids would be great- then no building permits needed. a commons area for a stage. RUNNING WATER!!! is being planned by the facility already. can we say flushies AND showers!! last nights dreaming leaves me with a port royal scheme looking like mystic. so far my only dilema is time. when can we do this without interfering with PIP, or Pyratecon. people put lots of work into those and i DO NOT want to take away from them. besides it would be hard for me to go if we have something going on here. i'm thinking end of summer early fall? I'm thinking workshop first to get people there and start crashing ideas around. So johhnytarr wants to learn to splice. no problem, we have a crew member that was a rigger and is a master at working the lines. we can do a practical knots course as well. any one else have something they want to learn or is willing to teach.
blackjohn- aye, john glass is still very active with the crew as head of the board of directors and meetings are still held at the ordinary. He did step down as QM (we retired his position as a tribute to his dedication) and pern is now in charge as boatwain. Colonial Seaport Foundation is the soon to be approved non-profit educational side of the organization (which QM spearheaded) that actually takes on projects. (Blackbeards Crew does the history and reenactments) All i can say is there are projects under way and information will be presented at the festival. Some folks have already been privy, both in baltimore and new orleans. In my conversation with him today- it pretty much ended when he said- hot dog. boy you're going to have your hands full now aren't ya. anyhow back to the topic- the idea is to do just what blackjohn and hurricane have suggested they would like to see. the idea is to have a working seaport town for festivals and faires. yes rennies i did say faires- eventually. The property owners are more interested in the historical aspect. the GOAL is to be able to facilitate a gathering of like minded GAOP reenactors and have a workshop long weekend. with lecturers, demonstrations, and vendors. in addition to encampments through the year. personally, i would like to see a workshop first and se how that goes over, then use that as a foundation for building the town. i would be quite content with an established decent canvas careening village and develope it into a quality town piece by piece than have a bunch of unorganized muck. Again- this is open to constructive suggestions and critisizms for anyone who wishes to add in. We (as in all of us not just the local crew) only have one shot to make this a class act. This is far from being approved, but i need all the help i can muster to get a plan together. I would much rather try and fail than fail to try. p.s. the local sherriff got ticked the last time we fired the cannons in town.... we forgot to tell him- he wanted to touch one off. the location will not facilitate live fire (no safe area for impacts), but blanks are fine. and yes capn sterling- hangings can come to a town near you!!!!
hurricane- you are correct. let me ammend that to say model the town after port royal, and your thoughts are right along with ours as far as education. silkie- concept right now and all are welcome to suggest. black john- who is john glass? whats csf?? i bet that was some propaganda spread by another crew the other week in maryland while the rest of us were slaving away in new orleans. actually, i can't discuss location because of another project. john was aware of this possibility five minutes after i walked away from the conversation. right now its all ideas. anyone is welcome to throw suggestions in the pot. the rest will develope as we go. IF IT TAKES OFF. a plan needs to be presented first that can again- support itself. We are getting no money to make this happen. thats what i'm working on. well off i go to measure a plot of land....if it really exists, and if we really had this conversation.
grab a bottle. this might be fun. ok- lets say a maritime museum, on a body of water suitable for long boats, doreys, etc... (no big boats) offers you 3000 feet of real estate for a GAOP careening camp- to ultimately become a permanent town- with 200 feet frontage on the water. use of the facilities to include bathrooms, a kitchen, pavilion, and oh yeah an additional 10 acres to do events on offers you free use, just support yourself. only catch- little to no budget, small town with closest transportation (air, bus, rail) an hour away and must be GAOP period. I'm thinking a small port royal. any thoughts?
sage, thanks for the lunch time write up man- i owe you one for that :) thats alright, grace payed me back that night, saturday, and twice on sunday... it was indeed great meeting you and salma.
capt bo, your talking about the flat hourglass looking bag slit in the middle? not saying right or wrong, but i have seen them at jamestown and plymouth. i have not asked about their documentation though. as far as bags vs chests at sea. chests were obviously present. but i wonder about their storage, weight, and convenience while at sea. they were needed but from a captain/ owners standpoint would not be a wise first choice to have on board with an ever changing crew. they weigh a lot and take up room that could be better spent on cargo or accomodations. Someone correct me if i'm wrong here. In the book Billy Bud, by Herman Melvile, is Billy not told to leave his chest behind and pack a bag instead as chests were not allowed on man o wars? I know the story line is fiction and late for our period, but his shipboard details were pretty good, maybe a clue here?
dutch staggers from below decks and knows where that bloody jack sparrows rum went.... knowing that the fest is almost 30 days away and should not have gone to pyratecon- oh well. on to business. capn sterling- cookie will be chiming in shortly. can you put your cooks online and lets get them planning for the fire pit- the last details were nailed down today on it. our fair candee was inquiring about period dancing at the ball. i believe you may have some takers in your crew as well?
iron john, thats the ditty bag pattern i used to make mine, but i cheated and made my finished bottom eight inches so i could carry my plate. if anyone was at pyratecon this year i think was the ONLY person carrying a ditty bag. Lots of haversacks and ladies bags though. thats a nice looking seabag to boot. i had not seen those plans . off to another project now- thanks. anyone who is smarter than i that can post pictures!! can someone find the hogarth picture with a ditty bag slung over the sailors back on a stick and bump it over here.
i believe sea bags would be more convenient than chests and are documented as being around. unfortunately, i do not know of an actual surviving example. anyone?
handy eh? how bout this for a thought. foam core bow to get rid of that blunt, it looks like you may be able to put a wooden foredeck on her mounted to the gunnels and those triangular supports. laminate some thin plywood to make your new bow out of wood. and if you are insistant on trying to set sail think about lee boards. to be honest i don't see you making much headway under sail, but darned if we can't have some fun getting you there though!!!!
here is an aspect that is not touched on too often regarding the length of slops/ baggy trousers issue. the practical use. i have trimmed about two inches off my pair simply because i was getting fouled in them going up and down companion ways. they end up about three or four inches below the knees. another concern is going aloft in them. imagine our forefathers dancing in the rigging with those things flapping around and getting hung somewhere!!!!! not many would argue the prudent sailor would certainly leave them on deck. just a little food for thought.
thighbighter and blackjohn, keep your eyes open for Q.M. The n'orleans group has just learned the jolly ole rogue has made a break for the state line and is headed your way with three or four more of Blackbeard's crewe in tow. sorry the rest of us can't make it, but it sounds like a grand time is to be had, here's to the weather holding for you..
tentaitively still firm unless it changes friday we will work with whats available since many folks will be arriving later in the evening, then we will be able to confirm saturdays call time, but i think grace said 8:30 or 9:00? (as he says while digging around on his desk for the outline and wishes someone would design a flushing model.)
oh an afterthought. let me check with pern on the time bunch of grapes tavern will be open. this may save some hastle.
cookie usually has coals ready by seven or so. should be plenty of room, no problems with sharing the fires--- but if yours is better than ours.......... the only problems we've had is breakfast and rousting folks out of the sacks. friday night and saturday morning seem to get mixed. casting call and the safety briefing comes mighty early. by then we're up and running sometimes not getting lunch resulting in some cranky crew members. its hot and humid, might want to remind folks to pack a little something in the snapsac or ditty to nibble on. given archangels location i don't think you all will be hungry or for lack of libation throughout the day- lucky buggers.
oh you don't want to send the bird to rumba. look at her hat- see what she did with the last one. send her north to me- packed in a beautiful black wooden boat of course!
dear god if her hull is not the spitting immage of Windermere, an alden 36 built around the same time in Conn. There were six built out of that class and my grandfather and dad owned "E" (alden lettered instead of numbered these for some reason) for over thirty years. I grew up sailing her. amazing performers indeed. set her on a course and step away from the wheel if you like. she would hold a tack short of a hurricane (rode two out in her by the way). I saw a black hull sister in charleston about ten years ago- its been so long i've forgotten her name. any chance she might be the same one? thanks for the trip down memory lane. -dutch
ok cheeky, word is you may be able to hold your own against some of our fine virginia belles at the ball. if thats the case you may find yourself with a full dance card and not have time for the good sea captain...... ... of course, thats just a rumor.......
stifler, nice looking crew. now, what about that fine looking yawl? an alden maybe?? -dutch
coastie, can you orient the sail for me if possible. there are vertical and horizontal lines. i'm assuming one set are creases from folds (vertical) and the other are seams (horizontal). my senses are saying its hanging properly off a boom of sorts, but i've been known to be wrong.
capt john smith recorded that one of the first church services at jamestown was held under a sail used as a shelter held up on its four corners. unfortunately, no further discription. we know smith may have embelished a bit in some of the narratives in later years, but thats a pretty basic description.
coming to you.