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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Ok, everybody get some fresh rope........... LOL!
  2. ...glad to be of service
  3. Boats and I went out to Vista yesterday (we timed it from where our new home will be and it took a little less than 20 minutes with traffic) to check out the site for the new pirate faire; well it's not going to be very big, the dirt lot where the event will be held is far smaller than the central area of the Ojai vendor/guild areas. The place has got farm stuff everywhere and the place could sure use a good cleaning up..... According to Dick Wixon who is putting this on he thinks he wants to try something in the 'round' with the center as entertainment.............this seems even more unlikely after seeing the size of the area..........but hey I don't map these things out. Directions from the 78 going west, get off at Vista Village Drive, follow it to N. Santa Fe Ave and turn left. Follow it up and it will be on your left a few miles. Coming from the west on the 78 (as if you were going to Escondido) from the 5 freeway south, get off on Vista Village Drive, go left at the light, over the freeway and follow directions to N. Santa Fe Ave.
  4. Glad to have you in port! There's all kinds of new goodies now with this new board, so read everything!!!!
  5. What fun! Keep up the good work!
  6. Thanks for the link! That's a very interesting site. Some good deals on things; I bookmarked it for future use.
  7. ROTFLMAF!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A RIOT!
  8. Dang! We're still at $3.51 !
  9. LOL! Thank you Red Cat Jenny! 10 days til escrow closes! (Well we hope it closes on the 20th...)
  10. Courtesy of Jamaica Rose and No Quarter Given, brought me here. I was here just a couple of weeks after is was put online, been here ever since. Note: The statistics by my name are incorrect due to a foul up on the old board.
  11. I've been moving topics to the correct areas (Sub-Forums)...........birthdays and announcements are now in the pinned area above as are new members. Please be sure and check the pinned topics to see what new things are happening Rumba
  12. Whoa, I sure missed this post, my apologies! Welcome to the best pirate pub on the Internet!
  13. That's a pretty bad contraption..........I'm a cat lover - got six indoor ones that I love. Well I suppose it goes with: Cat, the other white meat.
  14. Geeze I thought you got lost in the Bermuda Triangle! Well it's about time you got back to your post matey, you've been on the rum wagon way too long. LOL!
  15. Boston Baked Beans
  16. Thank you Miz Emerald! Don't worry, I'll be sending out changes of address to those who know me (or would like to know me..... ) in a couple of weeks.
  17. So are ye the one who didn't want to print a picture o' 1stMateMatt and I cuz I was on my scooter at Pyrate Con? Welcome to the Pub, but be warned, I may be a scooter pirate, but I can still pick a pocket!
  18. The couple who owned the place are divorced. The man is in a nursing home here in Escondido, and the wife who is not talking to him lives somewhere in New Mexico. The grandson of the wife is handling the sale.
  19. Thank you! I bought this metal Halloween sign thing at Jo Ann's that has sort of a pirate ship/skull that is going to be my 'yard decor'. That ought to give the neighbors something to talk about, along with a small Jolly Roger flag! LOL! Our living room is getting hard to move around in with all the packed boxes piling up.....15 days till escrow closes. The furniture that is still in the thing - well if it hasn't been removed by the time escrow closes, it becomes mine. Kind of keeping my fingers crossed on that one, because there's some really nice stuff I'd love to keep.
  20. Hi all new people! I recommend you introduce yourself in your own thread as others have done. Then you will get a proper welcome! Rumba Rue
  21. Silence of the Lambs
  22. gone but not............. forgotten
  23. Tis even a bigger shame they don't work...........
  24. Downey Jr.? Not in my book..................
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