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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. "Hey, can I see your right hook?" duck!!!!!!
  2. OMG- I just cried! That's just horrible!!!! I have seven cats, all healthy thank goodness.
  3. What is Jesse Jackson doing on this island? I could have sworn it was O.J. Simpson................... Stand my ground, wave my arms about and try and use a stern voice and send the animal fleeing. If that doesn't work, my armory of things I have would work........skewered pork.
  4. I know who you are talking about. Haven't seen her in years. The last time I saw her was in San Pedro years ago when the launching of the twin 'Johnson' ships.
  5. Nice stuff, sadly I am not bubbling over the top as some of the ladies here are. I wouldn't dare wear something that doesn't support me in a push up fashion, not to hang loosely and flop about or push towards center. And don't tell me I need to wear a bra with it, what's the point ? The bodice is suppose to do that.
  6. Well Rats it's come to this, you're getting older....hmmm tough meat for stew.....but hey I'm sure that could be solved by pounding till soft.....
  7. May you always have favorable winds.
  8. I think a few here could relate..............
  9. LOL! The figure on the t-shirts at Playmobile is the character I have.
  10. OOOOOOOOOOOOh, Oderlesseye.................................I see a 'Wanted Poster' in your future.
  11. I have a figure someone gave me; pirate boy with parrot and sword. I have seen all the offerings and they are way cool!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad I'm not a kid anymore....and no place to put the stuff. I've got boxed POTC toys my pen-pal in Canada sent me sitting in a closet and not knowing what to do with them....except maybe sell the whole lot.
  12. Have a great day!
  13. Well this is the place for pirate history - just go through all the Capt. Twill forum among others. Also fun stuff as you might have already discovered. Welcome to the Pub! Noticed your bio a bit empty, what port do you hail from? I take it you be an older gentleman? Didn't say anything about married.................hmmmmmmmmmm............
  14. One of the greatest places to find garb/costume stuff is your local thrift store. Don't have any around, just tell me or other store searchers what you're looking for and we might just find it for you. Lets start with men's coats. Look for those long coats....many are wool. You can add sleeve cuffs out of different material. By simply removing cheesy buttons and replacing them with more 'period' ones works well and perhaps a small amount of trim can do wonders. Men's vests, many aren't 'period' but you can certainly make them so or turn them into the new 'steampunk' versions of pirates. I've cut up corduroy pants and used pieces for garb, I've found women's blouses that are perfect and in one particular instance a blouse was too small, but I loved it, found some similar material and literally cut the thing up the back and inserted the material and it works great! I'm great at 'patchworking' things as I was taught by a real master at it who makes incredible women's wear. Look at those long dresses in the thrift store. Can you maybe use the material for something else? You'd be surprised at the ideas that can be done by just changing a few things, like removing the top, maybe splitting the skirt in the front or just add some sparklies to it. The list goes on, so if you aren't sure how to change something to fit you or your personality just ask. Rumba Rue the Thrift Store and Dumpster Diving Queen
  15. Well Quebec might be French, but I just consider you a Canadian (I have a friend who lives in Newmarket, Ontario). Though I have to say when my friend sends me things from Canada many times there is French writing on the containers. She sent me some POTC toys with the French writing on the boxes....I suspect here in the USA they might actually be worth something.....someday. Anyway, welcome to the Pub!
  16. Had to look twice - thought it said 'killed Eric' and was thinking you had friends moving bodies or something..... Well I'll jest have to find my 'Kilt Inspector' badge just for you! Welcome to the Pub!!!
  17. I would trade them some beautiful parrot feathers made into head coverings.
  18. Keep the dog, eat the rest
  19. Overboard - I'd have a pistol, sword, and knife In cave - I'd take the bag
  20. Gun knife water
  21. LOL! Hate to say this Cheeky, but that brocade is the same design on the wallpaper in my bedroom! That's ok, our Capt. Kent has an outfit made out the material I have on my futon.
  22. Welcome to the Pub! Now hand o'er yer dubloons an' ye'll keep yer hands..............................just kidding.
  23. Every bodice I've ever made for myself and a few friends, have been very comfortable. The real problem is when taking the thing off and you breathe a sigh of relief! It's called an 'out of bodice experiance' ....lol. I have two bought off the rack bodices and one is just way too short (I'm going to have to sell it), and one is just too big now that I've lost weight (also will have to sell). One was sort of custom made - but the arm holes are too high and it rubs under my arms. That one I'll have to do some redesigning on in order for it to work right. Beware of the Tempurepedic type mattresses - because the tops are foam you will A. sweat B. and eventually the foam will not hold and you'll have a huge dip in your bed. My suggestion if you really want to try foam, is buy one of those egg-crate foam toppers for your mattress and try it out. I use one on top of my futon when camping and it's perfect.
  24. More stars have been added, check it out! Pyrate Daze
  25. Dan Akroyd was in Escondido on Friday autographing the skull bottles, unfortunately I just couldn't get away to get over there.
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