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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. There's been pictures in our paper here of the Lynx and the Lady Washington over in Oceanside. Nice pictures, but I've seen it before. It's a real shame all they do is sail around the habor area, no going out to sea like in the Dana Point Tall Ships.
  2. I don't think so....but I do have a magnet on my frige that would be great to make into a t-shirt: Be Nice or You Won't Get No Goodies
  3. I had such an incredible dream Sunday morning, just awesome! I remember seeing a florist shop getting ready to shut down for the night and one of the ladies was having trouble putting up this pink paper around their shop area. I remember there were cute trinkets around like little porceline bunnies and frogs and other stuff like that. Anyways I changed into kind of a white sort of light with bits of rainbow colors and twinkling lights and flew up in secret and helped the poor lady tack up the top of the pink paper that kept falling down. I didn't let her see me. When I was finished I flew to the side of their booth or whatever it was and as I was changing back into a human form a kid across the street saw me and ran over and stole some of my light about the size of a ping pong ball. He shoved it into a plastic baggie and ran away. I ran after him and had to chase him around quite a bit, and finally managed to get the baggie away from him when he became distracted by his friends. I ran back to where the florist shop was and opend the baggie and took out the little ball of energy and I again transformed myself into my 'secret' and flew up into the night sky. As I went higher and higher into the heavens the little ball became bigger and bigger until it was the size of a basketball. I remember opening my hands and sending the ball out into the universe of space, and then it exploded in a beautiful array of rainbow colors and then be came an incredible nebula with small twinkling lights of what I can only assume was energy. I remember it made me feel really good, and then I woke up. I know I've had some doosey of some dreams but over the last few months I've been having some that have just left a really good feeling in me. This was such an interesting dream I just had to tell you all.
  4. There are some people here that go to the sci-fi cons selling those as pirate coats. They are not, they are very Victorian, quite a different era from the Golden Age of Piracy.
  5. Honestly I couldn't vote. My dad knew when he met my stepmother at Jewish singles party she was the one he would spend the rest of his life with. BTW-she's great, has the same birthday as mine - and honestly, I wish she had been my real mother... As for me, I've been through all of those choices, thinking the first guy I married was 'the one'. But as it turned out, it wasn't. The second one, I thought was my 'soul mate', but alas again, not to be. The third one I knew for quite some time before finally tieing the knot, but after thirteen years it died. So where does that leave me now? Hmmm, I've been with living with Boats for 12 years now...did I know it when I met him? No. It just sort of happened slowly. Now we are best friends to each other, we share our life together and are satisfied with the way it has worked out. I don't really want to get married again. I feel happy the way things are, I don't feel guilty if I kiss another guy (or go further) and nor do I feel the need to spill my guts out to my partner in guilt. I'm not going to tell how many I've been with in my life, but trust me, your eyes would probably pop out if you knew.
  6. I tried that, but it still kept pausing on me....grrrrr
  7. Sorry, no online shop for my feather hat pins- I honestly don't know how to put a webshop online- and I can't pay anyone to do it for me. Seahorse? Uh not sure what ye be wantin'. I don't do just a peacock plume either.
  8. Even though it stopped every few seconds-honestly I don't know why, but it was well....
  9. Well if ye want somethin' small, I got one ye can have you see, Just PM me with your call. You can have it quite for free, Mailed to you in an envolpe, Only for you to freely grope. The hilt it measures 9 inches long, And the frayers are 11 inches of leather thong Whack someone hard enough you'll get a song. Otherwise to say, it's not very long. So if'n ye don't want it that be fine, Perhaps someone else here might have a want For something silly to use and taunt So let me end this crazy rhyme For someone might think I'm on the wrong line.
  10. Nay to say, I cannot get out that way. Perhaps another day, In the fall I must say, Devonshire, I'll be that way.
  11. Duh me, when I saw the title, How long does it take? I sure did think of something else....mind in the gutter as always...
  12. maybe it has something to do with dial-up, but it just pauses every few seconds. It gets bothersome trying to watch and get the jokes. I don't have the time to sit around for a long time to try and watch it in that format.
  13. and of course I missed it.... Anyone know when it might be repeated?
  14. Ya, I think it would be a big mistake to pull that kind of prank. You can't predict the unexpected and could very well end up very badly.
  15. You and me both. Just one of those days when it just seems nothing goes the way you want. Hugs to you!
  16. Ok I know there has to be a way, but neither I nor Boats can figure it out. Once a font is downloaded to the computer, how the heck do we get into it to use it? Or how is it put into the other fonts listed for Microsoft Word?
  17. I found 18k gold earring hoops at the 99 cent store about two months back! They get them from stores that have over-stock or can't sell what they have, so the cheap stores get them. You never know what one is going to find at these places! BTW-I found them in some little plastic baskets on top of the shelf.
  18. I jest had a hoot o' a laugh when I read yours!
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