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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Yup Kass I have. It doesn't work for me. I sweat so bad I could fill a lake!
  2. I will never tire of watching: POTC Galaxy Quest Horatio Hornblower (the series) Cutthroat Island Muppet Treasure Island
  3. I think just by reading all the back and forth here, it's best not to do any kind of rating. The minute you put up some company or person's name who makes whatever, it's going to cause more problems. I for one would rate a particular site and person who makes things as a big 1 or 0, and then the next thing you know that person is here wringing all hell out. As for me, I certianly won't do it again, it's not worth the headaches, as some of the other Moderators will tell you. When someone recommends a site, as was done recently, I immediatly sent a PM to the person informing them why they should not use that person. I think that's the best way to handle things, in private.
  4. There's been times I've actually worn shorts under my skirts for not only to prevent chafing, but to have a quick undress when the day is over. Gals with thin legs don't have a problem, but those of us who aren't, have had to deal with some pretty bad chafing, especially in hot weather. I'm not sure about lycra bike pants, but whatever....
  5. What did you expect Biker? They're pirates!
  6. stick some candy on certian parts of your body with some melted chocolate and let him go for it.
  7. I've always found it fascinating how those ships get into bottles. Must be lots of rum involved.
  8. Been there, done that, got my head chewed off by the person making the outfits. Sorry, no rating system will work. Someone is going to get pissed.
  9. What kind of pine tar shampoo are you using das?
  10. Something all of you seem to have overlooked. There were many Asian women who were pirates! So perhaps touching on that would be interesting in the fact that they weren't your run of the norm type pirate. They were very ruthless.
  11. coffee stain that looks like Jesus on a napkin
  12. With all the rough and tumble people are talking about here, one of the best ways to get people into a theater to see a movie is HUMOR! People love to laugh and enjoy themselves. I don't mean stupid slapstick humor, I mean true humor of a situation. POTC has done very will with that and will continue to do so as long as there is humor in the movie. It takes good actors with good timing to complete a scene and make it funny. Now I'm not saying the whole dang movie has to be funny, but sometimes it helps to break up the 'blackness' of the movie. For instance, people who were pressed ganged to be on the pirate ships, weren't use to the sea, and guess what? Seasickness! Yup, I can personally attest to that and I know of many others who can too. Whose to say that the galley cook with his salamungundi serves it up to the crew and wouldn't you know, someone finds a finger in it? I hope I'm getting my ideas across in a good way.
  13. Finally, my order has been placed! I almost forgot about it, but I suddenly remembered last night about it. Looking forward to getting it so I can make use of it!
  14. Coat: Well it's too small for me, but you are correct, with some spritzing up, with say black cuffs, trims, new buttons, it would be just dandy. Shirt: yuck Boots: sold glass tricorn: not my style
  15. Weevils are found in flour type subtances. Maggots are found in rotting meat type subtances.
  16. Noodlewhacker? Now you know where I get my saying, "whip me with a wet noodle."
  17. das, something about flakes.... Just kidding! Very well done!
  18. That small cat o'nine is the same as the one I have, except the leather 'straps' hasn't been braided and tied. Free to anyone who wants it. Just PM me.
  19. Interesting that drawers would be available to men, but not women. I also question the year/century that those drawers would be availble to men. I just finished doing some research on the woman's monthly period and what they did about it. Bloomers technically weren't around until the 19th century, according to my research. Women simply wore chemises and bled upon themselves. I found it interesting that back in those days, the majority of women didn't have their monthly flow like many do nowadays. Some never even had one, others when they did, it was spotty at best. If you want to know more (well I doubt the men do), check out The Women's Museum of Menstration: Women's Museum
  20. yotels (yup, just read an article that in England they are building yotels, small cubical kind of things for short time naps and such)
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