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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I had used cars for the majority of my driving life. Always putting money into them to keep them running, as they were always breaking down. That ended when I bought my new 1989 Dodge Caravan. I had that vehicle for many years. I sold it to some good friends who have thrashed the hell out of it. I now have a 2004 light gold Toyota V6 truck. I love it! I bought a Toyota on the advice of my good mechanic, who told me that if I wanted a vehicle that took little maitenence and was reliable, get a Toyota, so I did. Brand new off the lot, and payments that are killing me! Ugh!
  2. I've been through lots of earthquakes including the big Northridge quake in 1994-when I lived in the San Fernando Valley at the time.
  3. It wasn't me! But our elves are really good, huh?
  4. Well, I've been 'taken' from both. I don't trust any car seller except myself-I've always been very honest about what's what in a vehicle I've sold to someone else.
  5. oh gawd, that's hysterical! Keep 'em coming!
  6. Do I have boots? Yes, but not the usual kind. Mine are from Bald Mountian Moccassians (they are hugely expensive, but hugely good), and my original pair are a simple black to the ankle. Maybe not exactly "period", but they work for me. I also have some boots from the same company that a friend gave me which are tan and come up almost to my knee. No not even close to anything "period", but for the look they are great depending on what I'm wearing. As for boots, I see them a lot at events on people of both sexes. Usually black or brown and looking like something you'd ride a horse with. However only one person I have ever seen had enough sense to attach horse spurs to his boots to set himself apart from the regular people calling themselves pirates and wearing boots. I give him big kudos cuz he knows what is correct. He tends to lean more toward the Highwayman look and does it well. I wish more would do that.
  7. Well not a math person myself, I just gave up. I think it's time to pull out my Tarot cards again and give them a whirl.
  8. Well I understand the Corona "Hell" Pirate event is suppose to be sometime in June, but at the moment I don't know when. I'm sure someone else around here must.
  9. It's absolutely true Zephanaih, until each person confronts what they don't believe, they remain the same. It takes courage to face the unknown and some of it is downright laughable. But it happens when you least expect it and the reason that I can think of, is it's about time! So some day, somewhere out there when you think you've seen it all, your life suddenly gets a jolt and you wonder if you've seen some slight of hand game or there was really something there. No scientific theory can explain it...that's when your life becomes open to other ideas beyond what we the living are doing.
  10. GoF, this box you speak of, would one be able to put things like feather hat pins or pouches or other things I make, for trade of something else?
  11. Ok I F**ked up! Whip me for being a bad Moderator! *Note: I haven't seen Redd Oktober here for quite some time, but I absolutely love his banner! My second choice would have to be Mad Grace Oakum- I love that cereal twist!
  12. Aye, t'was checkin' out your web stuff- so you be in Canada, what part? Well some o' the people here might kind of think they are Vikings, until we make them walk the plank. Jest kidding! Enjoy the Pub!
  13. Many years ago at a house I was sharing with roomates, a lot of stuff was happening. Too much to tell all, but one of the more interesting things that happened was we knew there was a ghost of a German shepard around and that had supposedly been buried under part of the addition on the house. Anyways I was in the backyard back in that part of the yard when all of the sudden this white German shepard nuzzels me all happy. Shock is the only word I can say. I touched the dog, it was as real as real could be. I petted it, so it had to be real! It was also the whitest shepard I've ever seen. So I led it back around to where the gate was closed and opened it so the dog could go out and it's merry way. I watched it trot out to the driveway and then disappear! I could go on about other stories that happened in that house, but there's so much, it would take a huge novel to write!
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