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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Found this on Craig's List for San Diego in case anyone was interested. Free boat
  2. I would suggest contacting the marine museums/maritime places to see if any of the Tall Ships need crews. Since you didn't fill in your bio, I have no idea where you might be residing so you can be pointed in the right direction.
  3. Well dang it took ye long enough ta find the place!! Geeze ye been lost at sea for a long time! Glad ta see ye here! I'd never forget ye from that New Orleans fiasco from last year. Welcome to the Pub my friend and set yer course for some interestin' stuff.
  4. You look familiar.......have I bumped into you at Escondido and Ojai events? Welcome to the Pub!
  5. Amen my friend!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I dunno, Hatched Meg making rum cakes? I have a very strange picture in my mind....don't ask.... Welcome to the Pub, just keep the hatchet packed away....
  7. Welcome to the Pub! Hmmmmm.......Asolfr....what is that? Sounds like some kind of strange brew or lubricant... (please don't take me seriously!) Well as strange names go, there's plenty here to laugh about. Take a gander around the place and I'm sure there's all kinds of things you'll find interesting.
  8. "Dear John" letters just suck don't they? Sorry to read about your marriage problems. In all due respect, if she feels that way, let it be, there's not much you can do to change her mind. I'm just guessing here, but it sounds like she's found someone else. Best bet, let her go, there are better fish in the sea. Rumba
  9. That's Wack! You might want to contact Stynky and let him know who the person is so an eye can be kept on her. I had a similar problem when I first started here at the Pub. An old school friend I dated in high school started tracking me everywhere I went on the Internet, sending me PMs about how he wanted to get together and such....nasty business (some here might remember I was very adamant about using my real name on the Internet - not so much now). It turns out, he's now in jail for stalking another gal and broke into her home and tried to rape her. Thank goodness he's in another state now!!
  10. Aye,welcome to the Pub! Hope ye stick around and read all the really nifty stuff here.
  11. First Quarter: First Quarter people are positive and strong-willed. Physically and mentally active and expressive, you are constantly on the go, taking a healthy interest in everything that you come across. You were born with an actively questioning mind and an impulse to change the status quo. On the negative side, this can make you appear argumentative and demanding. Used constructively, however, this also enables you to come up with new solutions to old problems. Above all else you are a builder, and, if it appears you have a compulsion to tear down existing structures, it is merely because you have the ability to replace them with something that is not only more up-to-date, but is unquestionably an improvement on the past. You will produce some of your greatest endeavors in your thirties and early forties. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hmmm.....greatest endeavors in my thirties and forties? Uh I don't think so as that was a rather tumultuous time in my life. I am more apt to think now in my 50's I am much more creative now and free of painful reminders of the past.
  12. You wouldn't have any blue or black/grey feathers, would you? I lost the blue and black/grey feathers in my Planter's hat and I have no clue where to get natural feathers. I have some medium length deep blue Macaw wing feathers that are at least 12 inches long or longer, some have either red or yellow on the backside. Also have some gorgeous turquoise Macaw wing feathers that are about 8 to 10 inches long. Sorry I don't sell just the feathers as most of last year I had to actually buy them from a guy who does a bird show here at the local faires, and they weren't cheap.
  13. If anyone out there has a parrot like a Macaw or similar with colorful feathers, I am in need of them if you tend to save them when the bird molts. Even the small colorful feathers I use. Grey and reds from African Greys are needed too. Sorry don't need any cockatiel or parakeet feathers. I will gladly make you a free feather hat pin in exchange for them. PM me if you can take advantage of this offer. Sorry, no ostrich feathers - I don't use them. (I still owe Stynky a hat pin and I promise he'll get it as soon as I get more feathers to work with)
  14. Well they move for ME!
  15. Drink more coffee.
  16. Heheeeee.........just watch out for those black spots!
  17. Good thing I'm not desperate...........
  18. Good, because I can't find the PM thingy anywhere..........
  19. I have such a craving for Necco Wafers and Rolos, that I have gone to their websites and ordered boxes for myself. Just about out of the Rolos, need to make another investment...
  20. In my little world, they are minions.
  21. I'm off to conquer the world just as soon as I can find some minions.
  22. From the album: Rumba Rue

  23. Rumba Rue

    Rumba Rue

    Having fun!
  24. Rumba Rue


    From the album: Rumba Rue

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