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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I got my clip-clock I ordered, yesterday. Both Boats and I were really impressed with the work she's put into making the idea work. The piece I picked out looks even better in person. I highly recommend her!
  2. Just a note to Billy Bones and Iron Bess: I think you are mis-understanding here, commenting about what one likes and dislikes about a movie is quite normal. I was into to pirates long before POTC came out and the Pub was started well before that movie came out. I remember in my early days of PRP, there weren't any decent pirate anything around. I'm glad that movies like POTC have come out, it's made people become interested in a subject that use to be at the bottom of a barrel. So please don't lump everybody together. A few of us hearty souls were here long before POTC hit the screens.
  3. Gawd, I'm normal (I'm 5'3"), what's wrong with this picture? Oh shut up out there!
  4. Rumba comes swishbuckling back into the Pub out of breath with her knife out and a piece of cloth attached to the end That friggin' bugger can run...managed to catch a piece o' his pants.... waves material around Eeet is more theeen I ceen handle....wait...why am I talking like this...I need a drink...heads for bar and grabs a goodly large bottle of Capt. Morgan's from behind the bar and rips the top off and takes a goodly swallow. Then takes a look around the place. Feathers, churos, over-turned furniture... Wait what's this strange man and why is he shimmering? I didn't know I hired a new Wal-Mart greeter....wait he disappeared...ok who stole this one?
  5. oh darn no Internet connection? Hmmm, guess I'll have to save my waterballoons until you come back.
  6. Well I'll be there in October for the Las Vegas Ren faire, but I certainly can't afford tickets to any show. Besides, I saw the original in Los Angeles many years ago with Michael Crawford and nothing will ever compare to it.
  7. and I'm sure your dentist will appreciate your broken teeth....
  8. LMAF! Now that's a Halloween treat I'd love to have!
  9. Rumba sees Joaquin grab the peacock feathers and cusses a blue streak... Hey you thievin' squid those were a present to ME! She ignores everyone else and runs out the door to chase Joaquin down making sure her knife is in her belt
  10. Rats! Rumba scratches another one off the list Congradulations! I'm about to make my own announcement....
  11. I saw those just recently at a store nearby. I almost bought them because the artwork is so good. But alas, the money had to go elsewhere...
  12. Well I don't read them. But if I ever get back to working on the story I have tucked away for a while, I suppose it will come under the title of Romance Porn.
  13. and Rumba Rue is behind the bar in absolute hysterical laughter...as Pepe clearly has invaded Fredrick's of Hollywoood..
  14. Well as a person who goes barefoot almost all the time, my heels get horribly cracked. The best stuff I've found so far is Curel. It seems to work where all the other stuff has failed.
  15. The one that says "Temporaily out of stock", there was one left. It's mine I tell you all mine!(wicked laugh)
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