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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Yup, I heard about that guy and his paperclip. Bet he could out talk any car salesman!
  2. Yes we do take him to faires/events when we can. He doesn't talk much, but some have heard him say 'pirates, pirates' and 'goodnight'.
  3. Well I have an interesting little Senegal parrot, Gilligan. He's quite a talker - when he thinks no one is in the room. He knows lots of pirate sayings such as, 'Ahoy Matey, Shiver me timbers, Pieces of eight, pirate, land-ho, abandon ship and many others I can't remember off hand, not to mention quite a vocabulary on other words (no cuss words- tried to be careful of that), but I've been working hard to teach him a new one 'taste like chicken'. For the longest time the bird just refused to say it. I guess maybe he thought he was the chicken. Now he does and you can hear 'Tastes like Chicken!' quite a lot. It's absolutely hysterical especially when he changes it to "Pirates, taste like chicken".
  4. Hmmmm, I'll have to tell Allison her name is getting around... Mad Hatter
  5. Shyte! If I had her figure I would too!
  6. ROTFLMAF!!!!! -Has hallucinations of RumbaRue coming in their front door and moderating them. Am I that bad?
  7. Yes, it's really sad when the politics of some groups get to be too much. So I truly feel for you. I know more than one person who has left that group. I like Renee, we've known each other for years, but I also know about the things I wish I didn't. But hopefully I'll see you again at this great event!
  8. Most of the over-hangs are with women who are very large uptop. It doesn't look good. Well in my case I can actually put my 'girls' out over the top (I'm not that big) of most of my bodices, however my shirts with their elastic has proven more than once than I can pop out unexpectedly, so I tend to keep the nipples down into a more respectable look. (quit looking so sad Pete Straw! I've flashed the best o' them)
  9. I saw this picture and just had to save it. I think it says it all.
  10. I felt that some of the scenes were ridiculous, like the fighting on the waterwheel. I too would have liked to have seen how in the beginning Jack was in a coffin. The scene with Davey Jones playing the organ was right out of Disney's 20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, i.e. Captian Nemo. I think the dog bit was overused. I didn't feel it was as funny as the first, and was far more intense. Honestly I didn't notice the time going by, as I was captivated by it all. The thing I hated the most- the TV ads showing too many scenes to garner an audience- really ruined a lot of it for me. But all in all, I've seen worse films, so I think this one is pretty much middle of the road kind of thing. I do think the third one will be better as there are far too many loose ends that need to be tied up for a final major battle (which I understand from 'those in the know') is going to be fantastic.
  11. Almost the whole month of July here in Escondido, we never saw daytime temps below 90. Finally the heat wave has broken. Some rain finally, but still muggy...geesh you'd think this was Florida!
  12. For more pictures of Christine go to: ComicCon then click on the SATURDAY photos of the con (on the right side of the page), go to pages 6 and 7. Warning, may be a slow download.
  13. well you could have said you really got into the swordfighting in POTC#2.
  14. A game winning award as 'most promising'? uh I think that's putting the cart waaaaayyyyy ahead of the horse. I've heard this before from people, and the games turned out to be awful.
  15. I like calamari. In fact I've had octopuss too...though the suckers are bit chewy....
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