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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Hey, I'll take the donation! Hi Mary, Hi Ron!
  2. Over the weekend at the Tall Ships Festival, Michael Lampe (Chritine's husband) had made a pirate hat for one of his rats. It was darling! I wish I had brought my camera...I'm sure he'll have the pet at Ojai.
  3. Put them on a photo site with a link. Probably a good idea to cut heads in case anybody here recognizes themselves....
  4. Good! I made money at the Tall Ships Festival over the weekend and I'm a happy gal!
  5. Over the weekend at the Dana Pt. Tall Ships Festival, the No Quarter Given booth had them and sold out. My friend bought two, and I looked through it. There's way too many pictures of Louie Lambie (whom by the way I now understand is a stand in for Johnny Depp- in the far shots) as if he's the only guy who can be a pirate... and there is a picture of my friend Dawn on pg. 50, she's wearing a mask. I also felt there were far too many ads and not enough substance to warrant my buying it. I'll wait and see if it gets better.
  6. I suspect anything with names of like 'Rumrunner' or the sort may not be appreciated by the Government on a plane. Not that it sounds bad to us, but it's an easy target to associate with real drug runners which is not good. Do be careful what you name the plane. Better to be safe than sorry. :)
  7. Hmmm, there doesn't seem to be any place for the batteries....
  8. 12. The ship has two outboard motors due to the fake sails.
  9. Thank you Kidd Dread. I have to admit, it sure doesn't feel like 12 years...it seems to have just gone by so fast.
  10. yup, cats just like to play with them 'moving toys' until they are dead, then they eat them...sometimes....
  11. Hmmm, awful lot of black and red there.....
  12. I was stunned when I heard it. He will be greatly missed.
  13. I wish I could barbeque, had to do the hamburgers over the stove. It's been hitting 100 outside for last 4 days! Geesh, it's already 103 out and it's only 11:20 in the morning! Tonight, it's chicken and rice.
  14. Arrggghhhhh! The youngest kitty to the household got hold of my good pirate hat this morning while I was dead asleep. Tore out and chewed up all my wonderful parrot feathers I had on it. I had the hat at the very top of the hat tree where I thought the cat couldn't get it (I have no idea how she got it).....I don't think I can salvage the feathers and will have to make a new one....crap I don't have any of the nice feathers I had on the hat..... On a good note, my dad sent me money so I can buy a scooter to get around on since I can't walk much. Hopefully I'll have my new toy in time for Ojai, otherwise I won't be able to go. I have one picked out at an Internet site a friend turned me onto, that's far cheaper and better than the one I had been looking at originally. I called them and they are on the up and up, so that's a good thing. As soon as the check clears the bank, I'm ordering! :)
  15. Yup, and I even joined!
  16. A few years back the Eagle was in San Diego along with a whole bunch of other ships for the Festival of Sail. Gorgeous ship, just awesome!
  17. Selchie! Wow, great to see you here! She raises the nicest furry critters! See you at Tall Ships, I'll be with Dawn selling!
  18. I have heard a lot over the years about that famous mall. I even had to write a comment about it on the thing. That is just awesome, I hope someday to visit there!
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