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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I'm not sure, but I do know one is coming. Best just to send an email to Jamiaca Rose at NQG
  2. Aye, glad ta meet another from across the 'pond'. Welcome to the Pub!
  3. Aye, a cursed ship ye say? Hmmmm where ave I heard that one before?
  4. Your son's car is great looking! Your daughter's is done well too! Next year our group is hoping to do this again in May. I don't want to make another car (but probably will if I can get the right tools) and will just race the current winner (me) against the newcomers.
  5. That's terrific! He certianly looks the part!
  6. I swing both directions, but mostly since I'm from the sci-fi genre I tend to be a bit more fantasy. When I get my scooter, I've got some fantastic ideas on how to make it into a nifty thing (fantasy) that I'm sure the kids at least will love.
  7. Aye ye be doin good there. I bet some young gals will be wantin ta be with ye.
  8. Welcome to the Pub lass! Now how about tellin' us 'bout yerself in real life, like what port ye hail from, yer age (jest so's we don't mistake ye for somethin' ye ain't) an' such.
  9. animal crackers in my soup, lions and tigers go loop de loop....
  10. I was really hoping for a cool weekend- especially up in Ojai...doesn't look like that's going to happen. Rats!
  11. My version of salmangundi- what ever is left over in the frige gets put together for a meal.
  12. ~Giggle~ I can just see all the Disney studio people now saying 'arrrgggghhh' to each other.
  13. Well, Mad Sally and company if you are reading this here's my take: I couldn't live in that disaster of a home that looks like a nuclear bomb hit it. It was good that it finally did get some cleaning up. And sorry, hubby needs a job to support the family. Nor would I ever put up with kids whose mouths certianly need a good cleaning up of their vocabulary. I wouldn't stand to have a kid of mine (if I had kids) to talk back to me- punishment I won't talk publicly about.... Nor could I live in the Fines - yikes! I was brought up in a home like that- good thing I'm not the perfectionist my mother was. But dang that little girl is going to be such a horrible person as she gets older, if she doesn't stop being like her mother. I don't know of many guys who will put up with her attitude. I think the boy will have a better life once he leaves home. It even scared me to see dad was be a perfect man. Hmmm, makes you kind of wonder about their sex lives.... I'm in between the both of them, my home is clean, maybe not perfectly neat, but within the reasons of sanity. Capt. Slappy...well we never knew you were so...so ...big. :) Kind of like a big round bowl of jello. Do you play Santa pirate during the Christmas season? All in all though I think it was a fun show, I sure laughed my arse off quite a bit.
  14. This just in from the Wixons: We heard they re opened 150 and the fire is moving back AWAY from the direction of Lake Casitas and with the weather changes coming, we should be fine. Condit
  15. Since you're in S. Calif. check out the Ocean Institute in Dana Pt. for sailing lessons on the Pilgrim(s). Or contact the San Pedro Maritime Association for learning on the Johnson ships. Here in San Deigo you can contact the Maritime Association that handles the Californian, who do training.
  16. We used the offical Boy Scout rules that say the car can't weigh over 5.0 ounces...and it has to be made of wood.
  17. This just in from Dakini in PoTC: I have sent an email to Condit to ask for a status. The Lake Casitas Camp Ground is not answering their phones. The campgrounds North of Ojai are being/have been evacuated today. Residents of Ojai is getting ready to evacuate... does not look good. The ocean breeze helped the fire a bit, but it has been burning since Labor day.. and is still on the move. The smoke and ash are covering Ojai.. not good for those with breathing problems. This in from Edward Pounds of Biggins: Ok The town of Fillmore has been put on Notice to possible evactation, I live in the Santa Clarita Area during the week we can see the smoke billowing out and the winds are really bad. Look at a map and see the area of Fillmore and Ojai both are in the path of the fire. How long it will take to get there you guess as good as mine. But I know this if fire vehicles are going up and down that Highway you bet it will be a night mare and not to say you will not be allowed fires!!!
  18. Very cool! Did your car come out at the correct weight, 5.0 ounces? Mine weighed in at 4.9 ounces.
  19. On Sunday, at Capt. Grey's house there was a pool party and Pinewood Derby race for the San Diego Star Wars Society group. I worked hard on my car, I sawed and filed, painted and decorated my own car without the use of fancy dremel tools and gadgets that others had. Here's the pictures, oh and my car WON! Rumba's derby car derby car #2 back end of car side view of car The other cars The Landspeeder that broke apart at the end Capt. Grey's car Rumba's Winning Car
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