Nothing on surgical instruments but it had this list of medicines purchased for the Privateer sloop Revenge. It looks like you're going to have to build yourself a bigger medicine chest Mission!
John Tweedy’s Bill for Medicines. November 8, 1743.[1]
Newport, Novr. 8th, 1743.
Capt. John Freebody and Capt. Ben Norton in Co., Drs.
To Sundrys for the Privateer Sloop Revenge, Capt. James Allen Com'r, Nicholas Holmes Chirurgeon, Viz.457
Aq. Menth. Fort. 3½ pts. £1. 8. 0
Cinnamoni 1½ pts. 0. 9. 0
Foenicl. d. 1 Bott. 0. 4. 6
Theriacal 1 Do. 0. 9. 0
Vitae 1 Do. 1.16. 0
Sp. Sal. Volat. oleos. 6 oz. 0.15. 0
Armoniac 8 oz. 0.16. 0
Nitri dulc. 4 oz. 0.10. 0
Salis dulc. 4 oz. 0.12. 0
Vin. Rectif. 3½ pts.[2] 1. 8. 0
Elixr. Proprietatis, 20 oz. 3. 0. 0
Vitriol 3 oz. 0. 9. 0
Essent. Stomatical 34 oz. 5. 4. 0
Tinct. Castor. 3½ oz. 0. 8. 3
Bezoartic 1 pt. 2. 8. 0
Euphorbii 4 oz.[3] 1.12. 0
Bals. Copivi 6 oz. 0.12. 0
Peru. 2 oz. 2. 8. 0
Sulph. Tereb. 1¼ oz. 0. 5. 0
Syr. Papaver Diacodii 4 pts. 5 oz. 2.11. 9
Croci 2 pts. 5½ oz. 2. 7. 0
Limonum 2 pts. 1 oz.[4] 1. 4. 0
Oleum Hyperic. 3¾ oz. 0. 6. 0
Lini 3 pts. 0.13. 6
Succini 2 oz. 0. 8. 0
Juniper. 2 oz. 0.12. 0
Terebinth 3¾ pts. 0.15. 0
Olivarum 3¾ pts. 1. 2. 6
Anis. 2 oz. 0.12. 0
Amygd. dulc. 4 oz. 0.12. 0
Mel Rosarum 1¾ Pts. 1. 1. 0
Commun. 4 pts. 0.16. 0
Tamarindae 4.[5] 0.16. 0458
Theriac. Andromach, 2 pts.[6] 2. 8. 9
Cons. Rosar. rubr. 1¾ pts. 1. 1. 0
Linimt. Arni. 1 pt. 0.16. 0
Ungt. Dialth. 1 pt. 0. 8. 0
Populion, 1 pt. 0.12. 0
Basilicon 1 pt. 1.12. 0
Alb. Camphor. 1 pt. 0. 8. 0
Sal Absinth. 2 oz. 0. 6. 0
Card. Benedict. 1 oz. 0. 8. 0
Prunel. 8 oz.[7] 0. 8. 0
Sp. Vitriol 5 oz. 0.10. 0
Elixr. Vitae 6¼ oz. 2.10. 0
Philon. Roman. 6 oz. 0. 9. 0
Diascordium 1 pt. 0.16. 0
Pulv. Ling. Dracon. 1 oz. 0. 5. 0
Gum Tragacanth 2 oz. 0. 4. 0
Bez. Miner 1½ oz.[8] 0.16. 0
Emplast. Diachylon c' G. 1 lb. 0.16. 0
Oxycroceum 1½ lbs. 0. 8. 0
Defensiv. 2 lbs. 1.12. 0
Paracels. 1 lb. 0.16. 0
Epispastic 1 lb. 1. 4. 0
Diapalm. 1 lb. 0. 6. 0
Stomach. Mag. 2 lbs. 2. 8. 0
Melilot. 1 lb.[9] 0. 6. 0
Verjus 6 pts. [?] 0. 4. 6459
Flor. Chamomel ¾ lb. 0.16. 6
Absinth. 1 pt. 0. 5. 0
Rad. Gentian. 1 lb. 0. 8. 0
Liquorit. 2 lbs. 1. 0. 0
Bardan. 4 oz. 0. 6. 0
Rhei Pulv. 6 oz. 11. 5. 0
Lign. Guejac. 1 lb.[10] 0. 1. 6
Ocul. cancr. praept. 6 oz. 0.15. 0
Coral. rubr. praept. 4 oz. 0.12. 0
Croc. Orient. 1 oz. 1. 5. 0
Cinnab. Antimo. ½ oz. 0. 4. 0
Conch. praept. 1 lb. 2. 0. 0
Pulv. Jalap. 8 oz. 2. 0. 0
Ipecacuanh. 6 oz. 1.16. 0
Pil. Ruffi 3 oz. 1. 4. 0
Catholicon 1 oz.[11] 0. 8. 0
Tereb. Venet. 2¾ pts. 1. 7. 6
Argent. Viv. 8 oz. 1.10. 0
Antimo. Crud. ½ lb. 0. 2. 6
Succ. Glyzyrrhiz. 1 pt. 0.14. 0
Rad. Sarsaparil. 3 lbs. 1. 4. 0
Hyssop. ½ lb. 0. 2. 6
Centaur. Minor. ½ lb. 0.12. 0
Extract Cass. Fistul. 2¼ pts.[12] 1.16. 0
a Pewter Glyst. Syringe 5. 0. 0
Skines No. 4 1. 0. 0
Tartar. Vitriolat. 1 oz. 0. 4. 0
Sal Armo. 4 oz. 0. 6. 0
Flor. Rosar. Rubr. ½ pt. 2.17. 0
Crem. Tart. Part. Pulv. 1.10. 0
Resin. Jalap. 2 oz. 2. 8. 0
Dulc. Gutt. Gamb. 1 oz. 0. 5. 0
Sponge 2 oz. 0. 8. 0
Cantharides 1 oz. 1. 4. 0
Vitriol. Roman. 1 oz. 0. 1. 3460
Flores Sulphur. ½ pt. 0. 3. 0
Alum. Crud. ½ lb.[13] 0. 1. 0
Bacc. Juniper. 2 pts. 0.10. 0
Resin Comun. 4 lbs. 0. 3. 0
Lap. Calamin. praept. 1 oz. 0. 1. 0
Sach. Saturn. 2 oz. 0. 8. 0
Cinnamom 6 oz. 1. 2. 6
Cubebs 1 lb. 1. 4. 0
Zinziber ½ lb. 0. 1. 0
Empl. de Ranis [cum Mercurio] ½ lb. 0.12. 0
Rad. Serpent. Virg. 11 oz.[14] 0. 8. 3
Myrrh. Pulv. 1¼ oz. 0. 6. 3
Ol. Rorismarin. ½ oz. 0. 8. 0
Lavend. 3¾ oz. 2. 5. 6
Sem. Sinapios 2 lbs. 0.10. 0
Cinnabar factit. 1 oz. 0. 5. 0
Lith. Aur. praept. 1 lb. 0.12. 0
Acetum 3 pts. 0. 3. 0
Pulv. Scamo. 1 oz.[15] 0.10. 0
Lap. Tutiae praept. 2 oz. 0. 8. 0
Senna 1 oz. 0. 2. 6
Rad. Chinae ½ lb. 1. 0. 0
1 Sett Weights 0. 7. 0
Conf. Alkerm. 2 oz. 0.12. 0
Hyacinth. 2 oz. 1. 4. 0
Tinct. Myrrh. 9 oz. 1. 4. 0
Syr. Rhei 6 oz[16] 0.15. 0
6 Square Bottles 1. 1. 0
4 qt. Bott. 0. 5. 0
4 Blue and white pots 0.14. 0
Tow 1. 5. 0
Vials and pots, 1 Doz. 0. 8. 0461
6 Doz. Corks large and small 0. 6. 6
Ras. Corn. Cerv. 6 oz.[17] 0. 6. 0
a Box 0. 8. 0
a Broken Red and Do. White Skin 0. 7. 0
a Mortar and Pestle 1.13. 0
an Iron Laddie 0. 7. 0
a Stone Coffee Pot 0.10. 0
130. 2. 9
Newport June 14, 1744.
Recd. the full Contents per John Tweedy.
[1] So the document is endorsed. Massachusetts Historical Society. The list may be taken as showing a typical outfit of medical and surgical supplies for a privateer. The symbols used in the manuscript for pounds, ounces, and pints are here replaced in print by the usual abbreviations, lbs., oz., pts.
[2] Spirits of mint, of cinnamon, of sweet fennel-seeds, of treacle, aqua vitae, spirits of ammoniacal volatile oil, of sal ammoniac, dulcified spirits of nitre and of sal ammoniac, rectified spirits of wine.
[3] Elixir of propriety, of vitriol, stomach essence, tincture of castor, bezoartic tincture, tincture of euphorbia. For the wonderful properties of the bezoar-stone (really a concretion found in the intestines of the wild goat, or, sometimes, a coprolite) and its derivatives, see Eggleston, Transit of Civilization, pp. 64-66, 90-91.
[4] Balsam of Copaiba, Peruvian balsam, terebinthated balsam of sulphur, syrup of poppy (= diacodium), syrup of saffron, lemon juice.
[5] Oil of St. John's wort, linseed oil, oil of amber, of juniper, of turpentine, olive oil, oil of anise, sweet almond oil, rose honey, ordinary honey, tamarinds.
[6] Theriaca Andromachi, Venice treacle, a remedy which had long been highly esteemed, and which comprised 61 ingredients, according to the Pharmacopeia Collegii Regii Medicorum Londinensis (London, 1747), s.v. See also Eggleston, Transit, p. 63.
[7] Conserve of red roses, arnica liniment, ointment of marshmallow root, of poplar-buds, basilicon ointment, ointment of white camphor, salt of wormwood, salts of the blessed thistle, sal-prunella.
[8] Spirits of vitriol, elixir vitae, confection of opium, diascordium, powdered dragon's blood, gum tragacanth, the mineral bezoar.
[9] Plaster of diachylon and gum (c. G. = cum gummi), of saffron and vinegar, defensive plaster, plaster of Paracelsus, blistering plaster, diapalma plaster, compound laudanum plaster, melilot plaster. The term "emplastrum Paracelsi", so the librarian of the Surgeon-General's Office informs me, is not given as such in the older medical dictionaries, and was probably not a current term; but in vol. II. of Robert James's Dictionary of Medicine (London, 1745), extended reference is made to a plaster compounded of ammoniac, galbanum, opopanax, turpentine, litharge, and many other ingredients, described as "extolled to the skies by Paracelsus", and this may be the one which Tweedy here lists.
[10] Verjuice, chamomile flowers, wormwood, gentian root, liquorice root, burdock root, rhubarb root, lignum vitae.
[11] Prepared crabs'-eyes (= Gascoin's powder), prepared red coral, Oriental saffron, sulphide of antimony, prepared shells, powdered jalap root, powdered ipecacuanha, pills of aloes and myrrh, catholicon (i.e., good for what ails you) pills.
[12] Venice turpentine, quicksilver, crude antimony, liquorice juice, sarsaparilla root, hyssop, lesser centaury, extract of cassia fistula.
[13] Vitriolated tartar, sal ammoniac, red rose petals, powdered cream of tartar, resin of jalap, dulcified gamboge-resin, sponge, cantharides, blue vitriol, flowers of sulphur, crude alum.
[14] Juniper-berries, common resin, calcined carbonate of zinc, sugar of lead (sugar of Saturn), cinnamon, cubebs, ginger, plaster of powdered frogs and mercury ("Emplastrum de Ranis cum Mercurio", see Eggleston, op. cit., pp. 57, 58, 85), Virginian snakeroot.
[15] Powdered myrrh, oil of rosemary, oil of lavender, mustard-seed, sulphide of mercury, prepared goldstone (yellow topaz?), vinegar, powdered scammony.
[16] Tutty (zinc oxide), senna, china-root, confection of alkermes (see Eggleston, pp. 86-87), confection of hyacinth, tincture of myrrh, syrup of rhubarb.
[17] Filings of hartshorn.