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Iron Jon

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Everything posted by Iron Jon

  1. It was about 85 and sunny today. I think it missed the record by 1 degree...
  2. Paula and I will also be there next year but with a bigger tent and some of my woodworking stuff to set up. I have a bow lathe and a shave horse I can bring and maybe turn out a few belaying pins and such if there's an interest in it. Also concerning the rentals in Key West. I rented a 2/2 in Truman Annex (the last house on Southard) during August and September and the price wasn't too bad. You get a little better deal when you rent for a longer term but it still came out to about $115 a day.
  3. I just finally had my son move the cooler and washed cooking gear from the front door out to the garage. I unloaded and cleaned them up the day I got home and left it all sitting there for the next 10 days.
  4. I have some surplus M18 yellow smoke grenades that I use for training. I was going to bring them along this year but forgot them at the office. I'll donate them to whoever ends up being the pyro man.
  5. My lady's name would be Paula (next to Haunting Lilly), she doesn't post here but lurks occasionally. She would like everyone to know that she enjoyed herself at PiP and can't wait for another event. Next time we even promise to leave our campsite and mingle a little more!
  6. I should be back on in a bit. Thanks again Syren for the gun and I'll be joining yer crew as soon as I can figure it out. Now I just need to find me some pants...
  7. Looks like a good way to spend some time. I made up my account last night while at work, #99679 Iron Jon. Unfortunately work got in the way of play and I didn't even get to finish reading the instructions.
  8. An excellent slideshow! (Although that last picture of Billy is kinda creepy.) It was a pleasure to meet the Captain and most of the crew at PiP this year. I hope to make it to the Blackbeard festival this summer and see the rest of the action.
  9. I agree ! It looks like all that time you spent behind the camera will be appreciated by everyone who sees the final result.
  10. We brought about 50 gold and silver pieces of 8 and handed out about half of them at the camp and the fort to the kids dressed as pirates. I think that being the corner campsite made us the unofficial 'Info Booth' for the careening camp. We had to answer quite a few questions from people who didn't even know why we were there. Most just asked if they could walk through the site and take pictures, but several sat and talked for a while...
  11. Here are some that I still have left. Unfortunately I lost the pics from the first 2 days along with about 500 pictures that I had saved when my 2 gig card got corrupted and erased everything. Pirates In Paradise 2007 pics
  12. I got my $5 Walmart DVD copy here in my desk at work. There's nothing going on at all tonight; I think I'll throw it in the computer and have another look.
  13. A little yippie dance is always fun !
  14. That's right ! I knew it was easy but the post got lost down somewhere at the bottom of the page.
  15. For anyone still playing, here's a bump and a hint... The 1969 movie was adapted from a 1967 folk song/story that is now traditionally played on the classic rock radio stations on Thanksgiving day.
  16. Abrams, what did you think of Hesse's Siddhartha? I started reading it once years ago but never did finish it. I'm reading Old Path White Clouds by Thich Nhat Hanh right now. Pretty much the same story (can't change history much) but I'm enjoying this book quite a bit more.
  17. We'll be bringing a 12 qt dutch oven with tripod and a large skillet. We plan on making a pork roast one night, I'm not sure how many it'll feed but there should be plenty to go around. We don't have much extra in the way of plates and bowls but I'll look around the thrift stores in the next few days and add what I can to our camp box. If needed I could also get a bunch of blue enamelware stuff and a big stainless steel coffee pot (only if I get a chance to pick it up from my ex.)
  18. I'm bringing a 12 qt dutch oven and tripod. If we need anything else let me know.
  19. Best of luck to Y'AARRRR crew !
  20. OK then, here's another Thanksgiving classic - He said, "... we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of a half a ton of garbage and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." And I said, "Yes, sir..., I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage." (Blackbeard - you got any pictures of the T-shirts?)
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