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Everything posted by Graydog
I play the bugle. I get a charge out of it.
Many happy returns on this the anniversary of your birth. -Greydog
Welcome aboard lad. Tis customery to buy a round of drinks. I be havin rum. Now, if ye have a purse that be too heavy fer ye, I be takin that off yer hands just so you can free yer hands up to aid yer self drinkin and havin a good time. Sit back and relax. May ye find the what ye be searchin for, -Greydog
Oh, that explains why the French painted their carriages brown. -Rimshot sound goes here.
Yes, fascinating subject. A tragic loss of life that in so many different ways did not need to happen. It seems like a perfect storm of bad decisions coming together. On a lighter note, the Titanic is much like my checkbook it sinks on tax day. -Greydog
From the AA website 4/14/08: AA Flight Schedules Back to Normal Our American Airlines flight schedules are now back to normal. We sincerely regret the inconvenience created by the cancellation of a portion of our flights last week resulting from the FAA-related inspections of our MD-80 fleet. We also thank our customers for their patience and continued loyalty during this difficult period. Customers who were inconvenienced with overnight stays may Email American Airlines Customer Relations to request information about compensation. Or if you have other questions, feel free to contact us. Within the email form, please select "April 8-12 Flight Disruptions" from the Email Subject drop down menu. Please provide the flight number on which you were scheduled to travel and a brief description of your circumstances in the message area provided. If you have already submitted comments, our AA team is diligently working to respond to your inquiry - and you will hear from us. Thank you for the opportunity to keep your business.
A different way is to: 1- Do not fold 2- Place it flat upon your head and pull all excess material to one side 3- twist the excess until you have just one long flowing tail and its tight upon your head 4- tie by using one half hitch (Safety Note- at step 3 do not over tighten, you're eyes will pop out.)
Everybody be sure and stop by the Alliance of the Double Cross gamblin den...er...ah..tavern, yea sure..yea, tavern. You will find its a great place to lose weight...from yer purse. Fair winds, Greydog
From the American Airlines Website: Reservation Changes Due To Aircraft Inspections Customers who were scheduled on a flight that was cancelled may request a full refund or may apply the value of their ticket towards future travel on American Airlines. Additionally, customers scheduled to travel on any MD-80 flight from April 8 – 13, even if their flight has not been cancelled, may rebook without a change fee to any AA flight with availability in the same cabin as long as their travel begins by April 17, as shown below: If you are traveling to, from or through... Cities served by MD-80 aircraft On the following dates... April 8-13, 2008 And your ticket was issued no later than... April 8, 2008 You may change your reservation to begin travel as late as... April 17, 2008 AA Flight Notice
Ney assume he be land locked! He maybe a canal pirate. Thar be many a water way fer them to prey upon. Of course the hardest pyratin be out west on a dry lake, not that the sailin be hard, tis more a scarcity of the prey be the problem it be. Welcome mate, and I be takin me rum neat. -Greydog
He was always a gracious man and very kind to his fans. His marriage lasted over 60 years. More than just an icon, he was a role model. He will be missed. At least he walked this earth until his 80's, a rich rewarding fact for all of us, and we can take solice in that his was a full life not cut short. Har be a toast to Long John Silver, it be, and long may his memory remain. -Greydog
Thank ye fer the information Durty Mick Moon. -Greydog
Is the Fair in Irwindale having a pirate day this year?
Jas Townsend has cards & other games: Games at Townsend They also carry marbles, which is very handy as I have lost mine.
As far as I know, no they are not period. That doesn't mean they didn't have grommets, they could be sewn instead of metal. My roving the web shows various styles of metal grommets come into being in the early 1800's. The funny part was first finding them mentioned on a webpage speaking about corsets. However, they seem not to transition to tents even as late as the 1860's, based on some civil war pages. I did come across a page talking about them being used on flags as early as the mid-1860's. But, that's just my 2 cents after rummaging around the web and listening to other people. The little things can be the hardest to research. If anybody has more definitive information I'd love to read it. The Smithsonian has George Washington's tent on display (or at least they did), maybe you could drop them a line and see what they say? Yes, its after GAOP, but I suspect it does not have metal grommets. However, if it does, maybe metal grommets go back further than I have been told/found on the web? -Greydog
Wait, it doesn't say Conquistadors are pigs. It says smallpox was brought to the Americas by Spanish pigs. I think they are making reference to animal vectors in disease. Such as the bird flu or mad cow.
Mine said: Died during Vulcan Mindmeld. I am not sure I was on the right page? -Greydog
Aye, if n you will listen, then I will play; after which we be dicussin just who had the hard labor in that arriangement.
Give it back?! Tell ye what, come on by and we will let ye bet your boots on a nice quick game of sweat cloth. -Greydog
That's because I be smart enough to let me better half Cantankerous Jan be playin that thar instrument. I am challanged to carry a tune in a bucket, I be, and that be fer sure. However, t'was a glorious class you gave. My being challeneged or not it be right enjoyable to see, hear, and learn. The fact that it be Iron Bess bein the teacher, made the sound so ever more sweet. T'was a joy to me ears, a party fer me eyes, and spring water fer me soul, t'were enjoyable it were. Fair winds on the morrow, -Greydog
We will be setting up a gambling den, please drop by and say ello to the Alliance of the Double Cross. Oh, and bring money, lots and lots of money, aye, thar be true fun to be had. -Greydog (Actually, no real gambling going on. Do drop by and say hello. Then again, we never viewed it as gamblin when somebody plays one of our games, anyway. )
Well, I fer one prefer the dishonest version, that way ye'd be remindin me of me dear old mum. -Greydog
I saw the 1938 version of The Buccaneer last night and thought it was a very good movie.
Last year the wind blew the door of my vehicle out of my hand and actually bent the hinge and this was on a stong built SUV. I had to take it into the shop becuase it would not close properly. The gusts were very powerful. I think we could be usin less of the hurricane force winds this year....wait, maybe they could add a class on hurricanes just in case? -Greydog P.S. Black Hearted Pearl's suggestion on bring your own chair is a spot on right good idear.
Suddenly the last few years are explained! Yo Ho (Great post! Thank you.)