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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. Yes, my young apprentice, let your thirst for history well up within you. Release yourself to the dark…er…living history side! Muhahahahahaha
  2. Many happy returns on this the anniversary of yer birth! Hope you get more than candy as B-day gifts! Fair winds, -Greydog
  3. Witch (I want to respond to my own post and say "First Wife", but I won't.)
  4. Happy Halloween. I am going as the most terrifying creature on the planet. The one thing that has brought dismay into everybodies life. A vile reprehensible creature seldom seen outside in the light of day. A creature so abhorrent seldom do we even use it’s real name. Yes, shake in fear and terror as I show up on your doorstep as- a bureaucrat with a pen. “You are in violation of Code section 1342.a, sub section 23. Oh, my mistake, Trick or Treat”
  5. A rather amazing story and probably why it got written down. That indeed was a lucky fellow for many a reason. Also very fascinating is the one line comment about sashes as you already have noted.
  6. They usually don't in real life either..... Touche!
  7. On South Park last night the most dangerous creature on the planet that nearly conquered the world was: X X X X X X X X This is a spoiler X X X X X X X X X X You have been warned X X X X X X X X X Sheer off now lad X X X X X X X X X A PIRATE guinea pig!
  8. I think it supports that for battle casualties, if you can survive long enough to make it into the hands of a physician, they (that be the physician) will not actively try to kill you for your own (or a capturing party’s) good. Thank you for adding to my information base on this tangent interest of mine. However, I don’t want to hijack the subject of this excellent thread and I will leave off with any further discussion on battlefield mercy killings -Greydog
  9. Thank you so much for the fast and detailed response! I'd agree with your conjecture as well. It rather does fly in the face of treatment to kill them instead. I should have been more precise in my question. I was referring to battlefield mercy killings, which by their very nature I can see them being unadressed or a very limited discussion in the book as the act of others. It was just that the fellow in question made me wonder why they didn’t just shoot him instead of treat him. Based on the description and the conditions of the period makes it appear his long term survival would be nil. Thanks again! -Greydog
  10. Did it go on to say how long it took him to die? This begs me to ask the question, does the book talk about mercy killings? Thanks! -Greydog
  11. It doesn't help you much unless your name is Jennifer Anniston.
  12. Evidently the pirate figure didn't make it's saving throw against the Breast Dazzle Spell.
  13. It is on NBC. I have been told that the firearms are from Middlesex Village Trading Company, with Crusoe carrying the Townson Fowler.
  14. Lad, Return to the ship at once! It will take a full broadside just to slow er down! By God, I'd rather face a Kraken than be in her way. Tis many a sailor meet his doom that choose otherwise! Quickly now, I think she may be on er way! -Greydog
  15. Welcome aboard lad. Tis the tradition that the new comer be buyin a around of drinks. I be havin a rum as you 20th century folks would say "neat". Tis a fine thing to have a new lad to sign on account and be joinin us in the sweet trade. Now set yerself right down, open thy purse and tells all about ye. If that purse be too heavy, I'd oblige ye and hold it for you. Fair Winds, -Greydog
  16. IMO Black powder, especially flintlocks, is best learned in person with a qualified instructor. I’d suggest you contact the Texas State Rifle Association and ask about instruction in your area. Texas State Rifle Association
  17. There are no words, cards, or sympathy that can reduce your loss. There is the thought that others do care that you are in pain during this extremely trying period and wish you and your family the best for the future. What they can do is give you support of company during this terrible time. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. Time does not heal all wounds, rather it gives perspective of what you have endured. May you find the wind at your back and solace that you have friends at your side. -Greydog
  18. Lass: I be but a poor observer of such things with a keen interest in the subject matter contained both within and without. I have nary a clue about such intimate concerns of the female creature. The term rack to me be first remindin me of a pure form of torture and though ye get strecthed on it, it is not a means to increase one’s stature. However, I must admit that a nice rack can be a means to increase a woman’s stature among the opinion of men. But, I fear I may be stretching a point or two. Now back to the matters at hand. ^ Stacked The response: Manipulate
  19. IMO this show has the look and feel of all the late 1990’s cable TV sci-fi series set in the late 18th century. To me the set with the Swiss Family Treehouse looks like it was made by the same set designer as“Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World”. It also has the same feel as to stories and plot twists, meaning it has all the taste of white bread served over and over, when you crave pizza. Hmmmm, pizza. Just for fun- Lost World Info Website
  20. Here ya go and you can order it engraved to boot. Engraved Celtic Flask
  21. Oh, that's horrible! If I hit it four times, it should have been blown out of the sky. Yea, I'd be mighty disappointed to have that many hits with no effective results. Why that alone could give me nightmares, the indestructible enemy airplane, ewww shiver's me timbers it does.
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