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Everything posted by Graydog
"I have a wevy good fwiend in Wome named Biggus Dickus!"
We have experimented with cannon and Pyrodex and got no better results than when it was used in a musket. Even bagged and rammed the gun still went "poof". However, a six pounder going "poof" has entertainment value in it's own right!
Ridiculous Poll Thingy to Appease My Wasted Afternoon (RPTtAMWA)
Graydog replied to Duchess's topic in Beyond Pyracy
I think this poll is wonderful. I chose the cast signed copy of Muppets Treasure Island. -
Pyrodex is not classified as an explosive for shipping. Black Powder is classified an explosive. One difference between the two is that the Black Powder Subsitutes (like Pyrodex) have a far slower expansion rate when the powder burns. That expansion rate is the difference between the Pyrodex woof and the Black Powder bang when shooting loose powder blanks. However, since Black Powder is an explosive there are difficulties in obtaining and storing it, so places like Wal-Mart will stock Pyrodex, but won’t stock Black Powder. Then again, Black Powder isn’t defined as an explosive cavalierly it is the primary igniter for many military munitions today and can make some right fine bombs if other materiel isn’t available. It is however, over regulated in many areas of the country and can make it very hard to find (or ship) in some locations. If you want to make the Department of Transpiration (DOT) Hazmat Division have a melt down tell them you are shipping small arms ammunition that has Black Powder as a propellant. This will generate an argument in shipping authorities on proper classification of the shipment and safeguards. For you see small arms ammunition is classified and shipped differently from black powder, so they will argue over whether it’s small arms or black powder. It can be a fun ride and a different answer every time you ask!
5th annual Baltimore Pirate Invasion/Privateers Day
Graydog replied to crimson corsair's topic in April
Is there any discussion to make this a two day event? -
A follow-up to my own post, bad form, but let me vent. This subject really just frosts my butt in our current (be that for decades now) PC society. Let me give you an example. It was 1982 and I was in command of a tank company at Fort Irwin. Tanks are big mean war machines that by law can only be crewed by men. A tank company at that time had about 54 men in it with the bulk of these soldiers being 18-24 years old that live in the barracks. Fort Irwin is in the Mojave Desert 45 miles from Barstow. Which means drive to the middle of nowhere then go 45 miles north and you are at the base. At the time there were less than 2,000 troops stationed on the post. The way the base was laid out the Infantry and us were on a side of the base that was all our own (Which was very nice to have the isolation from the other people on the base). Now of course 90% of the army is open to women. So, there are women on the post outside of my area, but our area would be out of the way for them to come to. The bulk of them also are in the 18-24 year old range. There we were with the troops in the barracks and this slim and attractive 19ish old woman soldier walks by the barracks on the sidewalk in civilian clothes. The clothes were sneakers, cut-off Levis, by that I mean both her ass cheeks were visible for about 1/8 of the buttocks hanging out the bottom of the cut-offs. She was wearing a wife beater style tank top. (She wasn’t that big upstairs the attention drawing aspect was in/out of her pants). Well, my soldiers start screaming “Hey baby” “Come over her look at my main gun”, etc. etc. I watched the whole thing, nobody ran up to her, nobody even left the barracks, she never ran or responded in any fashion, she continued her slow methodical walk. Well, duh, the soldiers cat called her. They might be soldiers but their still guys, it’s an isolated location meaning they don’t see a lot of women, they are 18-24 year olds and the gal was strutting her stuff. She had to go out of her way to get in front of my barracks and she didn’t accidently dress like that. The result of this? She files a complaint! I get called on the carpet for my “out of control” soldiers and we all need sexual harassment prevention training? Really? Kiss my ass! That little gal needs her butt blistered for trolling in front of my company! Well, no, I got chewed out and we got to learn to be more sensitive. BS, you put it out there I am gonna stare, if I don’t stare then I reckon its time to put on a dress and call me Mary.
I’d have to disagree with part of the premise that you don’t have a conversation with a nice chest. Normally that would be true, but when they be wearin a top that the neck stops at the navel, piss off eh, I am busy watchin here, and the discussion is with her chest! For a gal to put them on outrageous display in any fashion and then cry foul when they get paid attention too is just some crappy mind game played by some gals. If you don’t want stares then don’t walk around dressed like Brooke Hogan in the current photo of here out shopping or the example of the busty girl in the tight T-shirt with the front of the T-shirt emblazoned “I wish these were brains”. Like I said it is a fair cop that when a woman is dressed not to specifically draw attention to a part of her body one should indeed be restrained, but when she dresses in a fashion that draws attention directly to any specific area of her body, don’t act surprised and offended when attention is given there! Or put another way, you concerned that your string bikini with band aids causes guys to talk to your DD’s? Then don’t wear a string bikini with band aids to cover your boobs. Brooke Hogan Picture on Pop Scene (Link will work only a few days)
Ye, have made a choice to sign the articles and join the sweet trade. Good fer you and welcome aboard! One of the first things ye be doin is needin to be thrownin any rule book or etiquette rules over the side. Anybody that wants to be following them can follow them over the side as well. So, ye not be getting fergiveness from the likes of me, fer thar be nothing to be fergivin. Rude among pirates…er.. nautical salvage experts? Why that be a concept that alludes me simple train of thought. Well, abandoned yer family to be with yer man on July 4th and done gone pirate have we? Looks like ye abandoned the crown and gone yer own way, why I would be callin that an Independence Day, a right fine date and decision it be; good on ya. Welcome aboard Lass, with a little work on tossin that thar etiquette book ye be fittin in right nicely. I do believe ye be talking about enjoyin rum, no? Why old Greydog would be very grateful if ye could be fetchin him one right away. Just so yer arms aren’t too full just leave yer purse her and I be a watchin it fer ya. Fair winds, Greydog
I'll have you know we took the ship over to Sunday Brunch El Torito and played music the rest of the day. We got numerous comments about how we were an authentic pirate mariachi band. So, there. Aye, yi, yi, yi, Arrr goes the Pirate
The good old real man joke: Q- How many real men does it take to screw in a light bulb? A- NONE- Real men aren’t afraid of the dark. Q- How many real mean does it take to cross a river? A- 2,132 + 1 That’s 2,132 to build the steel girder bridge and one lad in a tractor trailer to drive across it.
This is still an issue. From Loyalist Arms 2009 Newsletter #012 Theft of our web site contents: In our last news letter, we sent out a warning to all our customers about copyright infringement of our web site, and the partial copying of our email address for possible criminal purposes. We thought we had finally stopped or at least slowed down, this theivery over the last 3 weeks or so, but we have just been informed of yet another bogus web site on Mysite.com. This time the theif has stolen nearly 100 of our pictures. The same individual had even posted his bogus web site address on several historical and living history message boards, in an attempt, as far as we can acertain, to capitolize on our companys name and reputation. Please be warned that if you see any site referring to "Royalist Arms", that this company, if there actually is one, has absolutely nothing to do with us, and many of the products they are offering, are made exclusively for Loyalist Arms. Therefore this "Royalist Arms company" does not have many of the goods that they are claiming to carry. Customers Beware !! Loyalist Arms would like to take this time to thank everyone of our loyal customers, for their wonderful assistance in keeping track of the various copied web sites and postings done by this individual. Thanks also, to the many message board moderators, who have deleted the bogus postings from their sites. It's times like these that we find out how many friends we really have, and I am proud to say that we at Loyalist Arms, have a lot of loyal customers and friends world wide. God Bless you all. Folks, we really appreciate your efforts on our behalf. Blair Higgins, President of LAR Ltd.
Hostess Ho Ho
Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is the burning of the human body without an external source of ignition. As it is an unproven natural phenomenon, there is much speculation and controversy regarding SHC. In most cases, a small shrunken skull, part of a leg(s) (with the clothing still on,) or sometimes both are found in the remains of the person thought to have combusted. Most cases upon closer investigation have drawn close association with over proofed rum. Pyrates ye be warned.
One Ton Tamato
Eye can sleep in mine Eagh eagh...! Lad, that be closer to a Sea Walkin Closet
The travesty of it all, buck up lads. We are letting the ladies get ahead of us in their own thread. Now get in here and start making some posts. Oh, rather? Did I empty the club when I mentioned there was a pub down the street? That could be a bad show on my part. Never mind, I know you are a plucky lot. Now go give them what for, the old college try and other such rubbish. Why if not for me do it for Finland! Finland? I meant to say England now look at this, we are buried with pickled herring and a used Fjord buoy. Well, make the best of it don’t ya know. Pip pip, cherrie-oh and all that whatnot, Reggie Stuffedshirt, III, Dcm, Abwy, Esq Colonel, Royal Horse Marine Regiment <--mutters where’s my cigars and wanders aimlessly off.
Let's see a bunch of adults that dress up like pirates from hundreds of years ago. Just what would count as weird to us?
Thank you very much for the explination on the flask! -Greydog
Let me clarify the mantra on horns for out here: 1. Pour measure from horn into seperate measuring device. 2. Use the measuring device to load the barrel. Horns are used here to carry powder. They just don't load directly from the horn. Which is the same standard on many live fire ranges.
I am just interested, how did the horn on a belt detonate? We have a member that says he has seen two horns that have detonated while loading from them (fire up the powdertain and then pow), but that’s different than being passively on a belt. Was the cap left off the horn? Did a flash cut through the side of the horn? Did they come in contact with an electrical source? How about I quit speculating and wait for the answer! (Oh, and just to add, our group doesn't use horns or bandoliers, but we are around groups that do and not using a horn to load is a mantra with them.) Thanks in advance.
I think its a good to discuss and show the variety that is out there. Like the show we do in Long Beach where I have to keep the public 50 feet away from any muskets or pistols. That puts a crimp on what we present. This is the result of "standards" that have been suggested to all Fire Departments in California via the state fire marshal, based on explosives. It’s not a requirement, merely a suggestion so use of it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Of course if I told them the propellant in our black powder guns was smokeless powder with a nice thick wad on top of it (i.e. blow the gun up) I could get a safety zone of just 10 feet. I just love it when the government experts setting requirements are unfamiliar with the area they set requirements for and then hold others to comply. However, I will give them one thing, 50 feet certainly isn't too close, mission accomplished! LOL I could go on about some other great government regulator folks out here, but I have zero intent to hijack the thread, so I won't. LOL
/agree You also can be further impacted by local permit authorities requirments. I do a show out here that the fire department requires the public to be no closer than 75 feet from the hub of a cannon (i.e. off to the side) and no closer than 50 feet for a musket.