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Here ya go, Note- I am just holding the gun, the linstock man is hidden along side me. Despite appearances, I don't weigh 400 pounds!
"You can take glory with you when it's your time to go." Errol Flynn as General Custer in "They died with their boots on"
Thank ye all for the well wishes!
Jewish Pirates If you don't want to go to the link. Here's the article: The Jewish Journal By Adam Wills There's no arrr-guing that pirates are in. As of last weekend, Disney had plundered $1 billion worldwide with "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," and International Talk Like a Pirate Day -- that's Sept. 19, for you landlubbers -- has gone from an inside joke between two friends to a mock holiday celebrated in more than 40 countries. Yet tales of Jewish piracy, which stretch back thousands of years, aren't in the public's consciousness, and Hollywood even has been known to remove a pirate's Jewish background. As a result, we're stuck with portrayals of pirates as wayward English seamen on a murderous rampage. But now a forthcoming book hopes to change that image by focusing on Ladino-speaking Jews whose piracy grew out of the Inquisition. "The Jewish pirates were Sephardic. Once they were kicked out of Spain [in 1492], the more adventurous Jews went to the New World," said Ed Kritzler, whose yet-untitled book on Jewish pirates will be published by Doubleday in spring 2007. Jewish piracy has been around since well before the Barbary pirates first preyed on ships during the Crusades. In the time of the Second Temple, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus records that Hyrcanus accussed Aristobulus of "acts of piracy at sea." Kritzler has studied pirates for 40 years, and said that the public is fascinated with them because they're "rugged individuals in a world of conformity. They carved their own identity, independent of the rules and strictures of society." But determining the exact number of Jewish pirates is difficult, Kritzler said, because many of them traveled as Conversos, or converts to Christianity, and practiced their Judaism in secret. While some Jews, like Samuel Pallache, took up piracy in part to help make a better life for expelled Spanish Jews, Kritzler said others were motivated by revenge for the Inquisition. One such pirate was Moses Cohen Henriques, who helped plan one of history's largest heists against Spain. In 1628, Henriques set sail with Dutch West India Co. Admiral Piet Hein, whose own hatred of Spain was fueled by four years spent as a galley slave aboard a Spanish ship. Henriques and Hein boarded Spanish ships off Cuba and seized shipments of New World gold and silver worth in today's dollars about the same as Disney's total box office for "Dead Man's Chest." Henriques set up his own pirate island off the coast of Brazil afterward, and even though his role in the raid was disclosed during the Spanish Inquisition, he was never caught, Kritzler told The Journal. Another Sephardic pirate played a pivotal role in American history. In the book "Jews on the Frontier" (Rachelle Simon, 1991), Rabbi I. Harold Sharfman recounts the tale of Sephardic Jewish pirate Jean Lafitte, whose Conversos grandmother and mother fled Spain for France in 1765, after his maternal grandfather was put to death by the Inquisition for "Judaizing." Referred to as The Corsair, Lafitte went on to establish a pirate kingdom in the swamps of New Orleans, and led more than 1,000 men during the War of 1812. After being run out of New Orleans in 1817, Lafitte re-established his kingdom on the island of Galveston, Texas, which was known as Campeche. During Mexico's fight for independence, revolutionaries encouraged Lafitte to attack Spanish ships and keep the booty. But in the 1958 film "The Buccaneer," starring Yul Brynner as Lafitte, any mention of the pirate's Jewish heritage was stripped away.
As long as the Sergeant didn't make you polish your bayonets in front of each other it shouldn't be much of an issue.
The lightest gas is thought to be hydrogen. This is incorrect. The gas with the most volume but least amount of weight is emitted by Congress.
LORE Classes this weekend: L.O.R.E. Classes (Though everything says LORE, please be aware that this is open to everybody that has an interest to attend, no membership required) Corona, CALIFORNIA L.O.R.E. (Loyal Order of Reenactment Enthusiasts) provides a track of pirate workshops along side the renaissance classes for it's workshop weekend. No Quarter Given has put together a great line up of classes to help pirates and their associates improve their portrayals, maritime skills, and knowledge of pirate culture & history. Attentive students will surely have a better chance at winning the Pirate Jeopardy game Sunday afternoon (prizes available). The schedule for Pirate Classes for Oct. 2008: ----- SATURDAY ----- 9:00 am Opening meeting 9:30 am Sailors Knots ..................................(Lindsey Philpot, Intl Guild of Knot Tyers) 10:45 am Games Pirates Played ...........................................................(Michael Lampe) Noon - Lunch 1:15 pm History of Firearms: Matchlock to Flintlock ......(Steven "Greydog" Harness & Dave Nelson) 2:45 pm "Cutting Wit"-The Edged Weapons of Pirates .......(Bryan "Sage Lion" Dunn & Steve Mata) ----- SUNDAY ----- 9:00 am Opening meeting 9:30 am Dialects & Method Actor for Pirates ..............(Karen "Piranha" Balentine) 10:45 am Women Head to Toe in the Age of Pyracy ............(Valerie Wright Blair) Noon - Lunch 1:15 pm Men's Costuming for the Pirate Era ..............(Alex "Armand" Barrios) 2:45 pm Pirate Jeopardy ..........................................................(Christine Lampe) On site camping on Fri. and Sat. nights available. Info: The Crossroads Group, P.O.B. 1959 , Corona, CA, 92878-1959, (951) 735-0101 (Note- this is a repost from the No Quarter Given website. Cost is listed as $25 for the full weekend.)
The Alliance of the Double Cross will be at this event. See you all thar. Fair Winds, -Greydog
Thank you all again for taking the time for the well wishes. Late or not, they all be appreciated! Fair winds, Greydog
Thank ye all so much fer takin the time to be a wishin me many happy returns this day! May ye find yer prizes undefended and twice as much booty as ye expected, -Greydog
The Hindenburg had 7,062,000 cubic feet of hydrogen gas.
Like dude, I was totally websurfin, fer sure. I was shooting the curl on a gnarly webseach and POW, I woke up in the Pub, fer sure. Since that time thanks to the efforts of many a Lad and Lass, me speakin be improvin and I be a stayin right har, don’t’cha know. -Greydog
100% first rate!
That is a full scale reproduction M-1841 six pounder cannon on a US Civil War Carriage. We fire 1/2 pound of Black Powder per blank charge. The organizer for the Ojai Pirate Fair contacted our Master Gunner (Who owns the gun) to get a relatively large cannon at the fair. It's way out of period (like 120 years) for GAOP. We are in the process of getting the barrel (all 1,000 pounds of it) on to a period naval carriage so it will look a lot better than the current presentation, but of course the barrel will always be out of period. -Greydog
Oop's me apologies to Rumba Rue, I see she had already spied this event and cried out. Well any way, two posts for the price of one (cause I don't see how I can delete me own post?) Har ye be Lads, a brand new Pirate Fair in Vista, California (SoCal), first time out of the box she be (Dec 6 & 7, 2008). Vista Pirate Faire Is it any good? I don’t know, first time they have ever held it! It is being put on by the same organization that does the Ojai Pirate Faire. Thar ye be 100% of me knowledge on this subject. Fair winds, -Greydog
I agree with all of Cascabel's post based on my 30 years of experience with public display/firing of black powder weapons.
Links Ren Faire Link Map Tales of the Seven Seas
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Welcome aboard Lad! Don't let yer past be taintin yer present. I have been re-enactin Yankees fer over 30 years. All that does is just make me a bit more qualifed to be a pirate, as it were. Say, have any matches? Now, ye be buyin drinks? I'll be havin a rum neat, or messy, just be passin the bottle. Fair winds, -Greydog
I'd modify the story slightly and cast with Will Smith or Denzel Washington in the lead. However, in that case might want a name other than "blood" for the title.
Its seems the current day pirates have been at it again. This time they got a Ukrainian ship that was loaded with 33 fully equipped T-72 tanks! Talk about yer booty. Now, if just one of those tanks had been on the deck and operational, could be we'd be reading about a nasty end to some nasty pirates instead. Pirates Seize Tanks
Porno Movie
The standard US issue footwear for US infantry during the American Civil War was the Jefferson Bootee, informally called a brogan. It was the first footwear issued to the US infantry in left’s and right’s. It was adopted in the 1850’s. CSA forces becomes a much more “well depends” discussion. However, straight lasted shoes were still common in the 1860’s. Enough of the modern discussion! I got my Loyalist shoes and the measurements were so far off that it was impossible to get my foot in either shoe. I mailed them back and was given an option of new shoes or a refund. I opted for a refund and it was promptly piad. While I was dissatisfied with the shoe, I am satisfied with the prompt refund, which many a vendor has given me grief over in the past. So, while I do not recommend the send your measurements to India and get a shoe back 120 days later crap shoot, I still have high regards for Loyalist and will continue to do business with them; just not in shoes. LOL
Having just won a big fight with the State Parks here in California and understanding in your case they are talking about carrying BP weapons in addition to firing. It sounds like a local jurisdiction issue. I'd suggest the head of your group contact that park and ask for either the permit paperwork that's need to be completed or the name and number of the person in charge of handing out permits. Then give them a call. Of course, there's also the chance that the officals on site just over reacted and there is no permit. I can say that when it comes to firing blanks within city limits out here, I have needed to get permits. This has been owing to fire department concerns over fire and not police department concerns over penal code violations. Good luck! -Greydog