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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. The pictures are still there.
  2. That appears to be the Middlesex Village Trading Companie Doglock Blunderbuss for $495. However, their website doesn't list it as a kit. It does not look like busses for sale on either the Loyalist or Discriminating General websites. Regardless, here's the link to this particulair buss on the Middlesex site: Middlesex Village 1690's Blunderbuss
  3. Fer the life of me scheduling meself to be shot is not the best reason I could think of to travel to Baltimore. Kidding aside, I think that is a very good idea and ye can count me in. Fair winds, -Greydog
  4. The Alpine Butterfly
  5. I'd tell you to have at it. The world, as in the planet earth, has Mosin Nagant's everywhere. It's a discussion of what markings on what rifles that gives them much value these days. For example the most numerous of the many different types, the Model 91/30, there were 13-14 million made as a low estimate. Total production of all variants would be over 25 million with even over 30 million possible. Compared that to the M-1 Rifle of around 5.5 million made. So, they are cheap and no real history impact of re-configuring one these days. Plus, they can be very good shooters! Some of the best shooting rifles I have ever fired are Mosin's, then again, I can also say some of the worst rifles I ever fired were Mosins! LMAO
  6. Aye t'would be grand to drop by and say ello to both Capt Thighbiter and bbcddutchman and so we shall be doin just that. Thank ye all fer the invites. Fair Winds, -Greydog
  7. Ye weren't suppose ter mention that...... now none O' th' women will give th' ship's mutt a kiss anymore......... LIES! I will always win their hearts. Ya, just don't honor the request to let him lick the bowl.
  8. For a “cheap” pistol I’d recommend the Doglock pistol from Loyalist Arms in Canada, eh. A nice pistol that will get you from the late 1600’s through the 1700’s. As to kits, that can be real iffy. A number of years ago I bought a Navy Arms kit for an 1863 Springfield and it assembled and functioned flawlessly (even though it was Japanese) but the bands required more finishing than my limited ability could accomplish and the kit had zero instructions on how to finalize the kit. A number of years later (20!) I got a Dixie Gunworks kit for an 1863 Springfield and all the parts were finished perfect but this kit needed a gunsmith to finalize because the parts were all misaligned! It cost more than the kit to get it “fixed”. My point is that kits can be a real crap shoot. Beyond just the model of weapon choice, it’s very important to know who is making the kit and the quality of that kit.
  9. T'would put a smile on me lips and joy in me heart to say ello to many a lad and lass from this er board. Do ye already have a camp designated at the event that we could be droppin by? With us bein orphans owin to a silver bird from the west not only friendly faces but ports of refuge be nice to be designatin in advance. Fair winds, -Greydog
  10. Thank you for all the great info! Sold, I just bought my tickets. Fair winds, -Greydog
  11. Thanks for the info. Sure will make airplane flying easier with no weapons. Does the ball Friday come with a full dinner? I am guessing for the pre-event day price of $35 that it does not come with a meal. All around this looks like a good event and gives us a chance to visit Baltimore which we haven't done in quite a few years. We already have reservations at the Admiral Fell Inn. Fair winds, -Greydog
  12. Yes, that's why you're screen is frozen!
  13. Crud. I use a router but I don't have any other options. With my computer, an xbox and a laptop that's constantly used. =( If the router is the issue, it's not the router itself most likely. Go to the manufacturer's website and down load/ install the latest drivers for the router and you should get back up to snuff. Once again, assuming the router is the issue. A good choice is to go to the forum for the game and post a trouble question and see what kind of answer you get. I haven't played for nearly a year (I have issues with SOE and won't be paying them to play an on-line game again), so they might have another solution to the problem these days.
  14. During Beta testing keyboard lock up's were very frequently due to router software being out of date. I had that problem myself. Once my router was updated the issue went away. Of course, one would need to be using a router for that to be applicable.
  15. The seeding of islands both with seeds and live stock for the purposes of later resupply is a fascinating subject that gets missed in many a history book. I’d think with the folks concerned about environmental impact and species migration that this would be a subject more fully explored and discussed in mainstream histories. We have a situation out in Southern California where a similar concept was used and that’s how we got our eucalyptus trees introduced in the late 19th century. They were brought in for railroad ties as they were the fastest growing tree available (if you consider Australia available), but upon first harvest the trees’ wood was found unsuitable for railroad ties, too late, the species had a foothold in SoCal by then. Very interesting post Mission, thank you.
  16. Whilst we still be wantin to be hear in more. At his point, provided Cantankerous Jan can fly that soon after havin her eyes fixed, we plan on flyin out from California and attendin this right fine event. And, we got word that she can, so as of today we be offically attendin this er event. Now did I get this right, no weapons in any fashion are allowed at this er event or was that just the pub crawl? Fair Winds, -Greydog
  17. Of course not! We aways want a visitng lady to be a real splash in the club.
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