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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. World Market It has many items that easily fit into period. You'll find baskets, rugs, fruniture, eating and drinking items. Of course while they may look correct one can point out things like modern nails in the wood. You'd be correct on exacting detail points, but that isn't the point of this thread anyway!
  2. Isn't it a small fish? Ya, know the name of the boat that the Skipper and Gilligan were on, the SS Minion. I guess that's why they had all those others on the island?
  3. Spell check is not anybody's friend. I think you meant appalled. However, if by applauded you are suggesting a desire that this woman suffer from the clap, I would not argure with that postion.
  4. Cookware: BACKWOODS TIN & COPPER, LLC -COOKING, KITCHEN - Coffee & Tea Pots, Boilers, Plates, Bowls, Ovens, mugs and even PC Flask Hats: Clearwater Hats Fine Beaver Hats Weapons: Reliks Swords Clothing: The Quartermaster General- Clothing and other 18th century items.
  5. Well, the friggin black boar follows me back to camp and so I am stuck with Jesse Jackson. He proceeds to tell Mister Prostitute about the moral imperative about stopping the “Man” and how the true path can be found by following his footsteps…and yatta…yatta..yatta. At the end of two weeks I become an advocate for cannibalism. Just as Jesse is about to comment on how he actually wrote that speech, the Dutch arrive. Yelling, Thank God Almighty Free at Last, I push Jesse over to negotiate with the Dutch. This initially goes very well but breaks down into a heated argument over the name of a city on the North American Seaboard, with the Dutch claiming it is New Amsterdam and Jesse demanding that it is Hymie Town. Meanwhile Mister Prostitute and I investigate the barrels they brought ashore. Turns out the barrels aren’t empty; they are filled with floppy disks. OMG they are software PIRATES! Fortunately, the compass in our long boat has a magnet and so we are well armed to deal with these fellows. Looking out to sea we see the fluyt. At which point Mister Prostitute says she is well adept at handling all kinds of fluytes. Knowing from the last few weeks she is speaking with first hand experience we decide to make their ship our own. With Jesse distracting the Dutch on the beach, we take our own long boat out to the fluyt. During the row Mister Prostitute asks why we were still on the island if we hand our own long boat? I remind Mister Prostitute that she is an ancillary character and her life expectancy is suspect since she is wearing a red shirt. Understanding the predicament she was in, she quickly removes her shirt, and then…well we didn’t make it out to that damn fluyt after all.
  6. Simple, Stewardess Such as, "Oh, stewardess my rum totty is getting cold come here and warm it up." or if you prefer; Yaaarrr, Hooky get yer arse over er and look at this er grog. It's done gone cold it has.
  7. I didn't go this year owing to the end time of the event vis-a-vis where I live and work. Just can't get there until its basically over. The last two years I was taking time off from work to attend. If there is a desire for more pirates to show up and drop some coin into the coffiers, I'd suggest this run 3 pm to Midnight, vs Noon to 9ish. I am not alone in this observation as I ran into more than one lad at Big Bear the next day that said the same.
  8. Well, when she goes from girl to buoy I say over the side with her and into the drink where buoy's belong.
  9. Lads: The booty of this er site be the exchange of information. Don't be confused by shiney things, go after information first, fer from that ye can get many a shiney thing. This er site be just BEUTIFUL fer all the pretty things that be fallin in me hande becuase of the information I done be gettin out of er. As long as she be up an sailin all nice and secure I not be caring if they color the sails or perfume the deck. Fair Winds, -Greydog
  10. Make sure you are right, then go ahead- Davy Crockett You can take glory with you when it’s your time to go- G. Custer, Movie- They Died with Their Boots On, 1942 Victory or Death!- William B. Travis, Cmdr, Alamo 1836 I’d never join a club that would have me as a member- Groucho Marx The rule number 1 of life is life is not fair.- unknown Tell a lie long enough and it becomes the truth- Adolf Hitler You can get more with a kind word and a gun, then you can with just a kind word- Al Capone Life's a bitch, then you die- unkown
  11. Tents: Panther Primitives Tentsmiths
  12. What this young woman and her accomplice did was deliberate to intimidate and terrorize the victim- Valerie Hernandez. Which is exactly the same style of crime she did one year before to another victim. The cat cooking while a criminal issue, isn’t the primary issue. The issue is that this person wants to intimidate and terrorize people. She needs to be removed from society quickly and permanently IMO. Of course, the system’s response has been to immediately let this dangerous criminal back out on bail. As to her “joke” comment. That’s her way of saying “Fu*K You, you aren’t worthy to get the real answer from me, so piss off”. It’s also a response that says, “No matter what you do to me I don’t care, because I am tougher than you.” It has nothing to do with her actually think her actions were a joke, it’s being hurled as an insult. So, that very response points to the core attitude of this person. It’s a strong indicator that she is a sociopath. From the article I ask: 1- Is there a gang tie in? 2- This is the second Latino she has attacked in this fashion; shouldn’t the state be charging her with a sentence increasing hate crime? This crime smacks of 1930’s Nazi Brown Shirt thuggery and should be treated as such IMO. 3- Why is a 17 year old living on her own? Cliched but still true, where are the parents? 4- Based on the crime of the previous year, why the devil is she walking around free to begin with? How could that last year crime have resulted in probation when she had a record of violence against people? No wonder this witch says, you can’t touch me, because we don’t! Her conduct leads me to one conclusion- People are actually going to die if this woman is not stopped and stopped quickly.
  13. Look its a simple as this. Push comes to shove I can kick Jesse Jackson's ass. Push comes to shove OJ Simpson will kick my ass and if that happens I lose Mister Prostitue and my knife. So, I am sticking with Jesse Jackson.
  14. I sent you a PM with telephone number for conact with Craig. I didn't want to list telephone number on the open board. Did you get it?
  15. What is Jesse Jackson doing on this island?
  16. MSN Story of Witch Bottle Copy of story is below 17th century urine-filled 'witch bottle' found Discovery provides a unique insight into witchcraft beliefs of that period By Jennifer Viegas During the 17th century in England, someone urinated in a jar, added nail clippings, hair and pins, and buried it upside-down in Greenwich, where it was recently unearthed and identified by scientists as being the world's most complete known "witch bottle." This spell device, often meant to attract and trap negative energy, was particularly common from the 16th to the 17th centuries, so the discovery provides a unique insight into witchcraft beliefs of that period, according to a report published in the latest British Archaeology. Lead researcher Alan Massey, a former chemist and honorary fellow of Loughborough University, believes "the objects found in witch bottles verify the authenticity of contemporary recipes given for anti-witchcraft devices, which might otherwise have been dismissed by us as being too ridiculous and outrageous to believe." An Old Bailey court record from 1682 documents that a husband, believing his wife to be afflicted by witchcraft, was advised by a Spitalfields apothecary to "take a quart of your Wive's urine, the paring of her Nails, some of her Hair, and such like, and boyl them well in a Pipkin." The excavated bottle appears to have been made according to those, or similar, instructions. CT scans and chemical analysis, along with gas chromatography conducted by Richard Cole of the Leicester Royal Infirmary, reveal the contents of the bottle to include human urine, brimstone, 12 iron nails, eight brass pins, hair, possible navel fluff, a piece of heart-shaped leather pierced by a bent nail, and 10 fingernail clippings. Although some 200 early witch bottles have been identified, all were found opened, with their contents likely eroded or otherwise lost. This artifact, in contrast, had its cork closure still intact. The urine contained nicotine, so a smoker produced it. Since the fingernails showed little wear, Massey believes the individual was "of some social standing." Brimstone, the ancient name for sulfur, is associated with passages in several religious texts, including the Bible. In the Book of Revelations, for example, "false prophets" were cast into a volcano-like lake "burning with brimstone." In terms of the heart object, Massey said other witch bottles were found to contain "a cloth heart pierced by brass pins," but "this is the first example where a nail was used for this function." The meaning remains unclear. The bottle itself is actually a salt-glazed jar made in the Netherlands or Germany and stamped with the face of Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino (1542-1621), who played an important role in the Catholic Reformation. Massey believes witch bottles "emphasize just how frightened people were of the 'black arts' — the early settlers even took their superstitions to the New World with them as excavated witch bottles demonstrate." The general time period of the bottle coincides with the Salem Witch Trials, which happened in late 1600's America. Archaeologist Mike Pitts, the editor of British Archaeology, told Discovery News, "The discovery of something so apparently bizarre, indicating a clear belief in witchcraft and forces that have nothing at all to do with conventional, approved religion, remind us that early modern England did not belong to the same world we now inhabit."
  17. That sword looks to be a replica of a specific Dutch Cutlass dated 1763 page 76, bottom of page, that is illustrated in Boarder’s Away Vol. 1. However, the style goes into the 1600’s per the book. The scabbard looks to be more of a machete cover than a sword scabbard. It might be the scabbard is why Loyalist is selling this sword for $100 cheaper then Windlass which has a more sword style looking scabbard? But then again when I look at the cross guard on the Windlass in Captain Satan's post and then look closely at the Loyalist picture it appears that there maybe a significant difference in width of the cross guard, with the Windlass being significantly larger. Then again, might just be the photo or my bad eyes. Note- This sword (and the Windlass) have a separate cross guard, and shell guard that slide into place vs. in the original that it’s my understanding were not separate and were actually part of the sword. Boarder’s Away doesn’t speak to this point, its conjecture on my part they were all part of the blade based on what I have seen constructed. If I am off base here, please feel free to correct me.
  18. Yes, we plan on having all the lads there. You are very welcome to visit with us at the sea end of the concrete pier. While we will be there both days, as a group we are not camping at this event and nobody can remain overnight on the pier itself. I know you have a long drive. Camping on the beach is being run by the Port Royal Privateers and their POC is Craig McNeil. They are putting a lot of effort into this event and it looks like they will have a mighty fine site. I can put you in contact with him if you'd like to see if its possible to camp on the beach?
  19. The Pier Daze Pirate Invasion and Fair is alive and well. Even bigger than last year. Come on down and see all the hubbub bub. Pier Daze Pirate Invasion- Long Beach, CA June 27 & 28 From the above website: Attendance is Free - Food/Beverage and Merchandise for sale This annual event showcases one of long beach’s treasures its pier. Sample tantalizing food and BBQ as you listen to a wide assortment of music. We will have a Pirate ship attacking the Pier, which will be defended by local citizens and our very own pirates, cannons and sword fights galore. A limited number of Pirate ship rides will be available. There will be a kids treasure hunt, a pirate costume contest, and a beach fun zone. Event highlights: Pirate ships battling off the Pier Live pirate shows (sword and black powder gun battles) throughout the day Tall Ship Rides Live Music: Dread Crew of Oddwood & Pirates of the Black Swan Grog and food booths Pirate Coalition Camp - Port Royal Privateers Pirate Parade - Lead by Brethren of the Coast Black Powder Gunners - Alliance of the Double Cross Pirate booty, arts and crafts boots Belly and fire dancers Pirate Costume contest Capt. Jack Sparrow's Kid's Treasure Hunt Pirate Personalities: Capt. Cleighton Talderoy: Pirates Magazine 2008 Pirate of the Year, Jamaica Rose of No Quarter Given Magazine, Capt. Jamie Bellows: King of the Pirates, Scarlott Harlott, Pirate Jenny Serna, Kapt. Ray Kula
  20. Many happy returns.
  21. NYTE! He would be Russian! Typical western European statement giving glorious land of Tsar to some upstart Iberian want to be country. It be Russian, that's true, I learned it in a little school just outside of Minsk. Russian Fur Trade California 1800's Or, put another way, indeed that was Spain's claim, the reality was there weren't any Europeans up there in the early to mid 1700's except for a few exploration ships. It's the non-Spanish fur trapping (very late 1700's) in the area that get's the first Europeans in the area for any sort of duration. I suspect that if somebody wanted to be a 1710 river pirate in what is to become Washington State, they could represent a Samish Indian attacking other tribes.
  22. A good place to start is with Mike Fink. Mike Fink in Western Riverman 1763-1861
  23. Just saw the movie "Battle at the Smithsonian" It was a lot of fun. Yes, you can nitpick it to death, so leave your nitpicking at the door and have fun with the movie. I loved the way Amy Adams spoke as Amelia Earhart it really captured the feel of chatter in a 1930's movie. The other actors were also wonderful, like Hank Azaria speaking like Boris Karloff (giving tribute to him as the orginal Mummy) and Bill Hader as General Custer (Arriving in the nick of time to save the day, but not thinking before attacking) Just a plain old sit back enjoy the comedy film.
  24. OMG He Killed Eric! You Bastard! Welcome to the pub, lad. Say, if ye be serving a round fer all the lads and lasses I'll be helpin ye out by holding yer purse fer ye. Tis not a bother, the least I could do for such a kind fellow. Fair winds, -Greydog
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